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synced 2025-03-12 00:14:50 +00:00
A new patching strategy.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3411,8 +3411,6 @@ end
def animFlags
def buffers = []
def changeOffsets = [] as Set
def patches = []
def addImage(animFrameNum, animFlags, imgBuf)
@ -3424,32 +3422,26 @@ end
def pack()
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000) // plenty of room
def outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000) // plenty of room
// If no animation, add a stub to the start of the (only) image and return it
assert buffers.size() >= 1
if (buffers.size() == 1) {
buffers[0].flip() // crazy stuff to append one buffer to another
return buf
return outBuf
// Locate the change offsets and form a set of patches
changeOffsets.sort().each { pos -> addPatch(pos) }
//println "Change offsets: ${changeOffsets.sort()}"
println "Patches: $patches"
// At start of buffer, put offset to animation header, then the first frame
def offset = buffers[0].position() + 2 // 2 for header
buf.put((byte)(offset & 0xFF))
buf.put((byte)((offset >> 8) & 0xFF))
outBuf.put((byte)(offset & 0xFF))
outBuf.put((byte)((offset >> 8) & 0xFF))
// Now append the full animation header
// Now comes the full animation header
def flagByte
switch (animFlags) {
case "" : flagByte = 0; break
@ -3458,65 +3450,58 @@ end
case "r" : flagByte = 3; break
default : throw new Exception("Unrecognized animation flags '$animFlags'")
buf.put((byte) flagByte)
buf.put((byte)0) // used to store current anim dir
buf.put((byte)(buffers.size() - 1)) // index of last frame
buf.put((byte)0) // used to store current anim frame
outBuf.put((byte) flagByte)
outBuf.put((byte)0) // used to store current anim dir
outBuf.put((byte)(buffers.size() - 1)) // index of last frame
outBuf.put((byte)0) // used to store current anim frame
// Next comes the length of each patch (they're all the same)
int patchLength = 0
patches.each { patch ->
patchLength += patch.end - patch.start + 1
println "patchLength=$patchLength"
buf.put((byte)(patchLength & 0xFF))
buf.put((byte)((patchLength>>8) & 0xFF))
// And then the length of the patch offset table
def tblLength = (patches.size() * 2) + 1 // 1 for end of table
println "tblLength=$tblLength"
buf.put((byte)(tblLength & 0xFF))
buf.put((byte)((tblLength>>8) & 0xFF))
// After the animation header, write out the patch offset table.
def prevEnd = 0
patches.each { patch ->
buf.put((byte)(patch.start - prevEnd))
buf.put((byte)(patch.end - patch.start))
//println "Patch: ${patch.start - prevEnd} ${patch.end - patch.start}"
prevEnd = patch.end
// Finally write patch data for each image (not including the base image,
// since data gets swapped in and out of the patch spaces)
buffers[1..-1].each { img ->
patches.each { patch ->
(patch.start ..< patch.end).each { pos ->
// Then each patch
buffers[1..-1].each { inBuf ->
makePatch(inBuf, buffers[0], outBuf)
// All done.
return buf
// Determine all the buffer positions that any animation frame differs from
// the base image.
def findChangeOffsets()
ByteBuffer base = buffers[0]
buffers[1..-1].each { ByteBuffer buf ->
assert base.position() == buf.position() : "internal: buffers must be equal size"
(0..<base.position()).each { pos ->
if (base.get(pos) != buf.get(pos))
changeOffsets << pos
return outBuf
def addPatch(int pos)
def makePatch(ByteBuffer inBuf, ByteBuffer refBuf, ByteBuffer outBuf)
int len = inBuf.position()
assert refBuf.position() == len
// Build up an array of patch hunks
def patches = []
(0..<len).each { pos ->
if (refBuf.get(pos) != inBuf.get(pos))
addPatch(patches, pos)
// Write out size of the entire patch
def startPos = outBuf.position()
int totalSize = 3 // 2 for len hdr, 1 for end-of-patch
patches.each { patch ->
totalSize += (patch.end - patch.start) + 2
outBuf.put((byte)(totalSize & 0xFF))
outBuf.put((byte)((totalSize>>8) & 0xFF))
// And write out each patch hunk.
int prev = 0
patches.each { patch ->
assert patch.start - prev <= 254 && patch.end - patch.start <= 254
outBuf.put((byte)(patch.start - prev))
outBuf.put((byte)(patch.end - patch.start))
(patch.start ..< patch.end).each { pos ->
prev = patch.end
assert outBuf.position() - startPos == totalSize
def addPatch(patches, int pos)
// See if we can glom on to the previous patch
def last = patches.isEmpty() ? [start:0, end:0] : patches[-1]
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