Preserve previous saved game if 2mg is present.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2016-06-21 08:17:18 -07:00
parent b05e138400
commit 17793d011f

View File

@ -2359,10 +2359,14 @@ end
// Copy the memory manager to the output directory
copyIfNewer(new File("build/src/core/build/cmd.sys#2000"), new File("build/root/cmd.sys#2000"))
// Decompress the base image
// If we preserved a previous save game, copy it to the new image.
def prevSave = new File("build/prevGame/\$f1")
if (prevSave.exists())
Files.copy(prevSave.toPath(), new File("build/root/\$f1").toPath())
// Decompress the base image.
// No need to delete old file; that was done by outer-level code.
def dst = new File("game.2mg")
if (dst.exists())
Files.copy(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(jitCopy(new File("build/data/disks/base.2mg.gz")))), dst.toPath())
// Now put the files into the image
@ -2396,6 +2400,11 @@ end
def xmlFile = new File(args.size() == 1 ? args[0] : "world.xml")
// Create the build directory if necessary
def buildDir = new File("build").getCanonicalFile()
if (!buildDir.exists())
// If there's an existing error file, remove it first, so user doesn't
// get confused by an old file.
def errorFile = new File("pack_error.txt")
@ -2409,16 +2418,18 @@ end
// Also remove existing game image if any, for the same reason.
def gameFile = new File("game.2mg")
if (gameFile.exists())
// We want to preserve any existing saved game, so grab files from the old image.
String[] args2 = ["-get", "game.2mg", "/", "build/prevGame"]
new a2copy.A2Copy().main(args2)
// Then delete the old image.
// Go for it.
def inst
try {
// Create the build directory if necessary
def buildDir = new File("build").getCanonicalFile()
if (!buildDir.exists())
// Create PLASMA headers
inst = new PackPartitions()
inst.buildDir = buildDir