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synced 2025-03-04 07:29:21 +00:00
Added lots of sample text, and also support for low-bit sky and ground colors.
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ page1 = $C054
page2 = $C055
clrHires = $C056
setHires = $C057
opnApple = $C061
clsApple = $C062
; ROM routines
prntax = $F941
@ -35,7 +35,15 @@ mapName: !word 0 ; pointer to map name
mapNameLen: !byte 0 ; length of map name
; Sky / ground colors
skyGndTbl1: !byte $20 ; hi-bit black
skyGndTbl1: !byte $00 ; lo-bit black
!byte $00 ; lo-bit black
!byte $00 ; lo-bit black
!byte $02 ; violet
!byte $08 ; green
!byte $0A ; lo-bit white
!byte $0A ; lo-bit white
!byte $0A ; lo-bit white
!byte $20 ; hi-bit black
!byte $20 ; hi-bit black
!byte $20 ; hi-bit black
!byte $22 ; blue
@ -43,7 +51,15 @@ skyGndTbl1: !byte $20 ; hi-bit black
!byte $2A ; hi-bit white
!byte $2A ; hi-bit white
!byte $2A ; hi-bit white
skyGndTbl2: !byte $20 ; hi-bit black
skyGndTbl2: !byte $00 ; lo-bit black
!byte $02 ; violet
!byte $08 ; green
!byte $02 ; violet
!byte $08 ; green
!byte $02 ; violet
!byte $08 ; green
!byte $0A ; lo-bit white
!byte $20 ; hi-bit black
!byte $22 ; blue
!byte $28 ; orange
!byte $22 ; blue
@ -940,7 +956,7 @@ setPlayerPos: !zone
lda #$80
sta playerY
; direction=0
lda #0
lda #4
sta playerDir
@ -1240,7 +1256,10 @@ readKbdColor: !zone
bcc .bad
cmp #8
bcs .bad
bit opnApple
bpl +
ora #8
+ tay
ldx skyGndTbl1,y
lda skyGndTbl2,y
@ -1252,7 +1271,7 @@ readKbdColor: !zone
nextMap: !zone
ldx mapNum
cpx #4
cpx #6
bne +
ldx #1
+ stx mapNum
@ -1260,6 +1279,52 @@ nextMap: !zone
bit page1
jmp main ; re-init everything
; Set the window for the top (map name) bar
set_window1: !zone
lda #1
sta wndtop
sta cursv
lda #2
sta wndbtm
lda #4
sta wndleft
sta cursh
lda #18
sta wndwdth
; Set the window for the large upper right bar
set_window2: !zone
lda #3
sta wndtop
sta cursv
lda #17
sta wndbtm
lda #23
sta wndleft
sta cursh
lda #37
sta wndwdth
; Set the window for the smaller lower right bar
set_window3: !zone
lda #18
sta wndtop
sta cursv
lda #23
sta wndbtm
lda #23
sta wndleft
sta cursh
lda #37
sta wndwdth
; The real action
main: !zone
@ -1280,33 +1345,49 @@ main: !zone
jsr graphInit
bit clrMixed
; Display the name of the map in the upper left box.
lda mapNameLen ; prepare to calculate half the length
eor #$FF ; negate
adc #8 ; to center the string
sta tmp
lda #14 ; calculate remainder after string
jsr set_window1
jsr clearWINDOW
lda wndwdth
sbc tmp
sbc wndleft
sbc mapNameLen
sta tmp+1
ldx #4 ; start of window
ldy #1
adc wndleft
ldy wndtop
jsr tabXY
.slup1 dec tmp ; spaces to put at start of name
bmi .done1
lda #$20
jsr printCHAR
jmp .slup1
.done1 ldy mapName ; now display the name itself
ldy mapName ; now display the name itself
ldx mapName+1
jsr printCSTR
.slup2 dec tmp+1 ; spaces after the name
bmi .nextFrame
lda #$20
jsr printCHAR
jmp .slup2
; play text in the big window on the top right
jsr set_window2
jsr clearWINDOW
jsr printSCSTR
!raw "Loud music",13
!raw "brings your at-"
!raw "tention to the",13
!raw "northwest where"
!raw "patrons and",13
!raw "'entertainers' "
!raw "are enjoying",13
!raw "themselves at",13
!raw "the town's",13
!raw "saloon. One",13
!raw "sends you a",13
!raw "wink. Perhaps",13
!raw "it's your lucky"
!raw "day?",0
; play characters in the little window on the bottom right
jsr set_window3
jsr clearWINDOW
jsr printSCSTR
!raw "Name Am/Li"
!raw "-------- --/--"
!raw "Dead Eye 07/21"
!raw "Cliff H. 10/36"
!raw "Prospect 13/24"
!byte 0
; Render the frame and flip it onto the screen
jsr renderFrame
Reference in New Issue
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