mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 18:31:59 +00:00
Coding real raycasting on 6502.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This program generates optimized texture expansion code.
import copy, os, re, sys
# Main control on size vs. speed
rowInterval = 5
# Height of textures, in pixels
textureHeight = 64
# Screen height, in pixels
screenHeight = 128
# Other variables
allSegs = {}
allHeights = []
finalSuffixMap = {}
dstHeights = set()
outFile = open("expand.s", "w")
outFile.write(" .pc02\n")
outFile.write("pshape = 6\n")
outFile.write("rowblit = $6000\n")
def calcKey(cmds):
return ".".join([str(c) for c in cmds])
# Make labels that are compact, unique, and representative.
# The letters below happen to make lots of semi-words that
# sound like "Totoro", which pleases me :)
def calcLabel(cmds):
label = "e_"
didNum = False
for c in cmds:
if c == "<":
label += "r"
elif c == "L":
label += "t"
elif didNum:
label += "o"
label += str(c)
didNum = True
return label
# Determine how much space a given set of commands will take in code
def calcSpace(cmds):
space = 0 # for RTS
n = 0
for c in cmds:
if c == "L":
space += 3 # LDA (ptr),y / INY
elif c == "<":
space += 1 # LSR
n += c
space += 3 # STA row,x
return space
allLabels = set()
generatedLabels = set()
class Segment:
def __init__(s, cmds):
s.cmds = cmds
s.key = calcKey(cmds)
s.label = calcLabel(cmds)
s.space = calcSpace(s.cmds) + 1
s.refs = 1
s.truncLabel = None
s.truncPos = None
s.generated = False
def finalSuffix(s):
return ".".join(calcKey(s.cmds[-3:]))
def findSuffix(s, o):
n = min(len(s.cmds), len(o.cmds))
for i in range(0,n):
if (s.cmds[-1-i] != o.cmds[-1-i]):
if i > 0:
return s.cmds[-i:]
return []
return s.cmds[-n:]
def genCode(s, grouped):
global outFile, allLabels, generatedLabels
print("genCode %s, trunc=%r" % (s.label, s.truncPos))
first = grouped
for i in range(len(s.cmds)):
if i == s.truncPos:
if grouped:
if s.truncPos == 0:
# Routine is entirely duplicated elsewhere: no need to do anything
if s.refs == 1:
# singletons aren't generated near their target
outFile.write(" jmp %s\n" % s.truncLabel)
# non-singletons are generated near their target
outFile.write(" bra %s\n" % s.truncLabel)
outFile.write(" jsr %s\n" % s.truncLabel)
label = calcLabel(s.cmds[i:])
if label not in generatedLabels and (first or label in allLabels):
outFile.write("%s:\n" % label)
first = False
c = s.cmds[i]
if c == 'L':
outFile.write(" lda (pshape),y\n")
outFile.write(" iny\n")
elif c == '<':
outFile.write(" lsr\n")
outFile.write(" sta %s*15+rowblit,x\n" % c)
if grouped:
outFile.write(" rts\n")
if grouped:
s.generated = True
def makeCmds(dstHeight):
global allHeights, dstHeights
# Figure out which texture mip-map level to use
srcHeight = 2
texBase = 0
while srcHeight < textureHeight and srcHeight*2 <= dstHeight:
texBase += srcHeight
srcHeight *= 2
y0 = (screenHeight/2) - (dstHeight/2)
y1 = (screenHeight/2) + (dstHeight/2)
b = 0
r = 0
cmds = []
texOff = texBase
if y0 < 0:
texOff += int((-y0/2) * srcHeight / dstHeight)
y0 = max(0, y0)
y1 = max(screenHeight/2, y1)
for y in range(y0, y1):
if b == 0:
b = 1
if y < y1-1:
r += srcHeight
if r >= dstHeight:
r -= dstHeight
if b == 1:
b = 2
b = 0
assert r < dstHeight, "wrapped twice?"
print("%d ->\t%d:\t%s" % (srcHeight, dstHeight, calcKey(cmds)))
allHeights.append((srcHeight, dstHeight, texOff, segment(cmds)))
def flushSeg(seg):
global allSegs
if seg.key in allSegs:
allSegs[seg.key].refs += 1
allSegs[seg.key] = seg
fs = seg.finalSuffix()
if not fs in finalSuffixMap:
finalSuffixMap[fs] = set()
return seg.key
def segment(cmds):
global rowInterval
segs = []
seg = []
n = 0
for c in cmds:
if c != "L" and c != "<":
n += c
if (c % rowInterval) == (rowInterval-1):
seg = []
if len(seg) > 0:
return segs
for dstHeight in range(2,128,2):
for dstHeight in range(128,192,4):
for dstHeight in range(192,256,8):
# Create the jump tables for sizes 0..127, 128..255
dstHeight = 0
for h in range(0, 256, 2):
if h == 0:
elif h == 128:
if h in dstHeights:
dstHeight = h
outFile.write(" .addr expand_%d\n" % dstHeight)
# Let's optimize.
segsToOpt = copy.copy(allSegs)
while len(segsToOpt) > 0:
# Find the segment that would gain the most by being referenced.
maxGain = 0
bestDeps = None
bestSeg = None
for k1 in sorted(segsToOpt):
deps = []
gain = -1
for k2 in sorted(finalSuffixMap[segsToOpt[k1].finalSuffix()]):
if k2 == k1: continue # don't reference ourselves
if not k2 in segsToOpt: continue # skip already-finished segs
suf = segsToOpt[k1].findSuffix(segsToOpt[k2])
if len(suf) < 3: continue
sufKey = calcKey(suf)
assert segsToOpt[k1].key.endswith(sufKey), \
"suf %s vs %s = bad %s" % (segsToOpt[k1].key, segsToOpt[k2].key, sufKey)
assert segsToOpt[k2].key.endswith(sufKey), \
"suf %s vs %s = bad %s" % (segsToOpt[k1].key, segsToOpt[k2].key, sufKey)
gain += calcSpace(suf) - 2 # 2 for branch
if gain > maxGain:
maxGain = gain
bestDeps = deps
bestSeg = k1
if bestSeg is None:
# Display what we found
print("Seg: %s\tgain %d" % (bestSeg, maxGain))
for dep in bestDeps:
suf = segsToOpt[bestSeg].findSuffix(segsToOpt[dep])
print("\t%d\t%s" % (calcSpace(suf)-2, segsToOpt[dep].key))
# Generate code for the non-singletons
segsToOpt[bestSeg].refs += 1
for dep in bestDeps:
suf = segsToOpt[bestSeg].findSuffix(segsToOpt[dep])
segsToOpt[dep].truncPos = len(segsToOpt[dep].cmds) - len(suf)
segsToOpt[dep].truncLabel = calcLabel(suf)
for i in range(0, len(bestDeps)/2):
if segsToOpt[bestDeps[i]].refs > 1:
for i in range(len(bestDeps)/2, len(bestDeps)):
if segsToOpt[bestDeps[i]].refs > 1:
# Remove these segments from optimization consideration
del segsToOpt[bestSeg]
for dep in bestDeps:
del segsToOpt[dep]
# Now generate the controlling code
for (srcHeight, dstHeight, texOff, segs) in allHeights:
outFile.write("; Produce %d rows from %d rows\n" % (dstHeight, srcHeight))
outFile.write("expand_%d:\n" % dstHeight)
outFile.write(" ldy #%d\n" % texOff)
for i in range(len(segs)):
seg = allSegs[segs[i]]
if seg.refs == 1 and not(seg.generated):
if i == len(segs)-1:
# Special case for generating zero-size
if "expand_0" not in generatedLabels:
outFile.write(" rts\n")
outFile.write(" %s %s\n" % ("jsr" if i < len(segs)-1 else "jmp", calcLabel(seg.cmds)))
# Generate the misc segments missed earlier
for seg in allSegs.itervalues():
if not seg.generated:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<title>JScript Lawless Legends Testbed</title>
* Example code from the article at: http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/creating-pseudo-3d-games-with-html-5-can-1/
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, cupboy@gmail.com, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* The code is available to use under the terms of the MIT License
* [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php]
<style type="text/css">
div#minimapcontainer {
canvas#minimap {
position : absolute;
canvas#minimapobjects {
position : absolute;
div#floor {
position : absolute;
width : 100%;
height : 100%;
background-color : rgb(128,128,128);
div#ceiling {
position : absolute;
width : 100%;
height : 50%;
background-color : rgb(96,96,96);
#screen {
position : relative;
width : 504px;
height : 512px;
border : 1px solid black;
overflow : hidden;
<script type="text/javascript" src="intcast.js"></script>
<div id="screen">
<div id="floor"></div>
<div id="ceiling"></div>
<div id="minimapcontainer">
<canvas id="minimap"></canvas>
<canvas id="minimapobjects"></canvas>
Normal file
Normal file
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var $ = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); };
var dc = function(tag) { return document.createElement(tag); };
var map = [
var player = {
x : 2.5, // current x, y position
y : 2.5,
dir : 0, // the direction that the player is turning, either -1 for left or 1 for right.
angleNum : 0, // the current angle of rotation
speed : 0, // is the playing moving forward (speed = 1) or backwards (speed = -1).
moveSpeed : 0.5, // how far (in map units) does the player move each step/update
rotSpeed : 22.5 * Math.PI / 180 // how much does the player rotate each step/update (in radians)
var options = 0;
var debugRay = null; /* Debugging info printed about this ray num, or null for none */
var maxAngleNum = 16;
var mapWidth = 0;
var mapHeight = 0;
var miniMapScale = 8;
var screenWidth = 504;
var screenHeight = 512;
var stripWidth = 1;
var fov = 45 * Math.PI / 180;
var numRays = Math.ceil(screenWidth / stripWidth);
var fovHalf = fov / 2;
var viewDist = (screenWidth/2) / Math.tan((fov / 2));
var twoPI = Math.PI * 2;
var numTextures = 4;
// Tables
var precastData = [];
var tbl_log2_b_b = null;
var tbl_pow2_b_b = null;
var tbl_log2_w_w = null;
var tbl_pow2_w_w = null;
function init() {
mapWidth = map[0].length;
mapHeight = map.length;
var screenStrips = [];
function initScreen() {
var screen = $("screen");
for (var i=0;i<screenWidth;i+=stripWidth) {
var strip = dc("div");
strip.style.position = "absolute";
strip.style.left = i + "px";
strip.style.width = stripWidth+"px";
strip.style.height = "0px";
strip.style.overflow = "hidden";
strip.style.backgroundColor = "magenta";
var img = new Image();
img.src = "walls.png";
img.style.position = "absolute";
img.style.left = "0px";
strip.img = img; // assign the image to a property on the strip element so we have easy access to the image later
function initCast()
var i;
console.log("Initializing cast data.");
precastData = [];
for (var angleNum = 0; angleNum < maxAngleNum; angleNum++)
var angleData = [];
for (var x = 0; x < 63; x++)
angleData.push(prepCast(angleNum, x));
// Tables for 8-bit log2 and pow2
tbl_log2_b_b = [];
tbl_pow2_b_b = [];
function o2_log2_b_b(n) {
assert(n >= 4 && n <= 255, "n out of range for log2_b_b");
var ln = Math.log(n) / Math.log(2);
assert(ln >= 2 && ln < 8, "ln out of range");
return ubyte(Math.max(0,Math.min(127,Math.round((ln-2) * 128 / 6))));
function o2_exp2_b_w(n) {
var ln = (n * 6 / 128) + 4;
return uword(Math.pow(2, ln));
tbl_log2_b_b[0] = tbl_log2_b_b[1] = tbl_log2_b_b[2] = tbl_log2_b_b[3] = 0;
for (i=4; i<256; i++)
tbl_log2_b_b[i] = o2_log2_b_b(i);
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
tbl_pow2_b_b[i] = ubyte(o2_exp2_b_w(i) >> 8);
// Tables for 16-bit log2 and pow2. These handle the mantissa only, and the
// exponent is handled by bit shifting and counting.
tbl_log2_w_w = [];
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
tbl_log2_w_w[i] = ubyte(Math.log((i+256) / 256) / Math.log(2) * 256);
tbl_pow2_w_w = [];
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
tbl_pow2_w_w[i] = ubyte((Math.pow(2, i / 255) - 1) * 255);
function prepCast(angleNum, x)
// Using the view angle, compute the direction vector
var angle = angleNum * player.rotSpeed;
var dirX = Math.cos(angle);
var dirY = Math.sin(angle);
// Compute the camera plane, which is perpendicular to the direction vector
var planeX = -Math.sin(angle) * 0.5;
var planeY = Math.cos(angle) * 0.5;
// Calculate ray position and direction.
// Note that normalizing this vector results in fisheye, so don't do it!
var cameraX = 2 * x / 63 - 1; // x-coordinate in camera space
var rayDirX = dirX + planeX * cameraX;
var rayDirY = dirY + planeY * cameraX;
// Length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side
var deltaDistX = Math.sqrt(1 + (rayDirY * rayDirY) / (rayDirX * rayDirX));
var deltaDistY = Math.sqrt(1 + (rayDirX * rayDirX) / (rayDirY * rayDirY));
deltaDistX = Math.min(255, deltaDistX/4);
deltaDistY = Math.min(255, deltaDistY/4);
// Get as much accuracy as we can into 8 bits
var bestDiff = 99999;
var bestNumer;
var bestDenom;
for (var denom = 1; denom < 128; denom++) {
var numer = Math.floor(deltaDistX * denom / deltaDistY);
var diff = Math.abs((numer/denom) - (deltaDistX/deltaDistY));
if (numer >= 0 && numer < 128 && diff <= bestDiff) {
bestDiff = diff;
bestNumer = numer;
bestDenom = denom;
// Rarely-needed fallback
if (bestNumer === undefined)
bestNumer = deltaDistX;
bestDenom = deltaDistY;
while (bestNumer < 64 && bestDenom < 64) {
bestNumer *= 2;
bestDenom *= 2;
deltaDistX = ubyte(bestNumer);
deltaDistY = ubyte(bestDenom);
// The math produces numbers a bit bigger than 1; we need to scale them down evenly.
// (see fisheye note above).
var scaleFactor = 1.116;
rayDirX = (rayDirX / scaleFactor) * 128;
rayDirY = (rayDirY / scaleFactor) * 128;
rayDirX = ubyte(Math.round(rayDirX) & 0xFF);
rayDirY = ubyte(Math.round(rayDirY) & 0xFF);
// Encapsulate the pre-computed numbers
return { rayDirX: rayDirX, rayDirY: rayDirY,
deltaDistX: deltaDistX, deltaDistY: deltaDistY };
function printPrecast() {
for (var i=0; i<maxAngleNum; i++) {
console.log("precast_" + i + ":");
for (var j=0; j<63; j++) {
console.log(" .byte $" + byteToHex(precastData[i][j].rayDirX) + "," +
"$" + byteToHex(precastData[i][j].rayDirY) + "," +
"$" + byteToHex(precastData[i][j].deltaDistX) + "," +
"$" + byteToHex(precastData[i][j].deltaDistY));
console.log(" .res 4 ; to bring it up to 256 bytes per angle");
function printTbl(arr) {
var line = null;
for (var i in arr) {
if (line == null)
line = " .byte ";
line += ",";
line += "$" + byteToHex(arr[i]);
if ((i%16) == 15) {
line = null;
if (line != null)
// bind keyboard events to game functions (movement, etc)
function bindKeys() {
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
switch (e.keyCode) { // which key was pressed?
case 38: // up, move player forward, ie. increase speed
player.speed = 1;
case 40: // down, move player backward, set negative speed
player.speed = -1;
case 37: // left, rotate player left
player.dir = -1;
case 39: // right, rotate player right
player.dir = 1;
case 49: // '1': toggle option 1
options ^= 1;
console.log("options: " + options);
case 50: // '2': toggle option 2
options ^= 2;
console.log("options: " + options);
case 51: // '4': toggle option 3
options ^= 4;
console.log("options: " + options);
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 38:
case 40:
player.speed = 0; // stop the player movement when up/down key is released
case 37:
case 39:
player.dir = 0;
function gameCycle() {
setTimeout(gameCycle,1000/30); // aim for 30 FPS
player.speed = 0;
player.dir = 0;
function playerAngle()
return player.angleNum * player.rotSpeed;
var prevX = -1;
var prevY = -1;
var prevAngleNum = -1;
var prevOptions = -1;
function castRays(force)
// If we're already showing this location and angle, no need to re-do it.
if (!force &&
player.x == prevX &&
player.y == prevY &&
player.angleNum == prevAngleNum &&
options == prevOptions)
// Cast all the rays and record the data
lineData = [];
var rayNum;
for (rayNum = 0; rayNum < 63; rayNum++) {
data = intCast(rayNum);
// For display on the PC, expand pixels 8x
data.height *= 8;
for (var i=0; i<8; i++)
// Save position and angle (so we can avoid re-rendering if they don't change)
prevX = player.x;
prevY = player.y;
prevAngleNum = player.angleNum;
prevOptions = options;
// Draw all the rays
for (rayNum in lineData)
drawStrip(rayNum, lineData[rayNum]);
function assert(flg, msg) {
if (!flg) {
console.log("Assertion failed: " + msg);
throw msg;
function byteToHex(d) {
assert(d >= 0 && d <= 255, "byte out of range");
var hex = Number(d).toString(16).toUpperCase();
return "00".substr(0, 2 - hex.length) + hex;
// Convert a float to an unsigned byte by truncation
function ubyte(n) {
assert(n >=0 && n < 256, "ubyte out of range");
return parseInt(n);
// Convert a float to an signed byte by truncation
function sbyte(n) {
assert(n >= -128 && n < 128, "sbyte out of range");
return parseInt(n);
// Convert a float to an unsigned word by truncation
function uword(n) {
assert(n >=0 && n < 65536, "ubyte out of range");
return parseInt(n);
// Convert a float to an signed word by truncation
function sword(n) {
assert(n >= -32768 && n < 32768, "sbyte out of range");
return parseInt(n);
// Floor a 8.8 fixed number to an 8 bit int
function floor_w_b(num) {
var ret = num >> 8;
if (ret < 0 && (num&0xFF))
return ret;
// Add two bytes, throwing away any overflow.
function uadd_bb_b(n1, n2) {
assert(n1 >= 0 && n2 >= 0, "numbers for uadd_bb_b must be positive");
assert(n1 <= 255 && n2 <= 255, "numbers for uadd_bb_b must be valid bytes");
return (n1 + n2) & 0xFF;
// See if n1 < n2, unsigned
function uless_bb(n1, n2) {
assert(n1 >= 0 && n2 >= 0, "numbers for uless_bb must be positive");
assert(n1 <= 255 && n2 <= 255, "numbers for uless_bb must be valid bytes");
return n1 < n2;
function log2(n, bits) {
if (n < 1)
return 0;
var ln = Math.log(n) / Math.log(2);
return Math.round(ln * (1<<bits));
function pow2(n, bits) {
return Math.pow(2, n / (1<<bits));
// Fast log2: take ubyte and produce ubyte 3.5 fixed-point: base-2 logarithm
function log2_b_b(n) {
return tbl_log2_b_b[n];
// Fast pow2: take ubyte 5.3 fixed-point logarithm, produce ubyte: 2^n
function pow2_b_b(n) {
return tbl_pow2_b_b[n];
// Multiply two unsigned bytes, and take the high byte of the result.
function umul_bb_b(n1, n2)
assert(n1 >= 0 && n2 >= 0, "numbers for umul_bb_b must be positive");
assert(n1 <= 255 && n2 <= 255, "numbers for umul_bb_b must be valid bytes");
// Use table-based pow(log) for super-speed.
if (n1 < 4 || n2 < 4) // fast and easy to compute; makes tables smaller
return ubyte((n1*n2) >> 8);
return pow2_b_b(log2_b_b(n1) + log2_b_b(n2));
// non-log code for reference:
//return ubyte((n1*n2) >> 8);
// Multiply two unsigned 8.8 numbers, resulting in 8.8
function umul_ww_w(n1, n2) {
assert(n1 >= 0 && n2 >= 0, "numbers for umul_ww_w must be positive");
assert(n1 <= 65535 && n2 <= 65535, "numbers for umul_ww_w must be valid words");
return uword((n1*n2) >> 8);
// Unsigned mult, 16 by 8 bit, taking only lower 8 bits of result.
function umul_wb_b(n1, n2) {
assert(n1 >= 0 && n1 <= 65535, "n1 for umul_wb_b must be valid unsigned word");
assert(n2 >= 0 && n2 <= 255, "n2 for umul_wb_b must be valid unsigned byte");
return ubyte(((n1*n2) >> 8) & 0xFF);
function abs_w_w(n) {
return uword((n<0) ? -n : n);
// Table-based high precision log2 - 16 bit to 16 bit
function log2_w_w(n) {
if (n == 0)
return 0;
// Calculate the exponent, and leave mantissa in n.
var exp = 8;
while (n >= 512) {
n >>= 1;
while (n < 256) {
n <<= 1;
// Combine to form the result
return (exp << 8) | tbl_log2_w_w[n & 0xFF];
// Table-based high precision pow2 - 16 bit to 16 bit
function pow2_w_w(n)
var exp = n >> 8;
var result = tbl_pow2_w_w[n & 0xFF] + 256;
if (exp > 8)
result <<= (exp-8);
else if (exp < 8)
result >>= (8-exp);
return result;
function wallCalc(dist, bDir1, bDir2, bStep2)
// Calculate perpendicular distance. Use logarithms for super-speed.
dist = abs_w_w(dist);
var diff = log2_w_w(dist) - log2_w_w(bDir1);
// Calculate texture coordinate
var sum = diff + log2_w_w(bDir2);
bWallX = pow2_w_w(sum) & 0xFF;
if (bStep2 < 0)
bWallX ^= 0xFF;
// Calculate line height
sum = log2_w_w(64) - diff;
lineHeight = uword(pow2_w_w(sum));
return [lineHeight, bWallX]
/* No-log algorithm
var wInvDir = uword(65536 / bDir1);
var dist2 = umul_ww_w(dist, wInvDir);
var bWallX = umul_wb_b(dist2, bDir2);
if (bStep2 < 0)
bWallX = 255 - bWallX;
var lineHeight = Math.floor(63 * 256 / dist2);
return [lineHeight, bWallX]
// Let's try this with strictly integers. This should be the final
// step before the Apple II code.
function intCast(x)
var data = precastData[player.angleNum][x];
// Calculate ray position and direction
var wRayPosX = sword(player.x * 256);
var wRayPosY = sword(player.y * 256);
var bStepX = 1;
var bStepY = 1;
var bRayDirX = data.rayDirX;
var bRayDirY = data.rayDirY;
if (bRayDirX & 0x80) {
bStepX = -1;
bRayDirX ^= 0xFF;
if (bRayDirY & 0x80) {
bStepY = -1;
bRayDirY ^= 0xFF;
bRayDirX <<= 1;
bRayDirY <<= 1;
// Which box of the map we're in
var bMapX = floor_w_b(wRayPosX);
var bMapY = floor_w_b(wRayPosY);
// Length of ray from current position to next x or y-side
var bSideDistX;
var bSideDistY;
// Length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side
var bDeltaDistX = data.deltaDistX;
var bDeltaDistY = data.deltaDistY;
if (x == debugRay) {
console.log("intCast: ray=" + x +
", bDeltaDistX=" + bDeltaDistX +
", bDeltaDistY=" + bDeltaDistY);
// Calculate step and initial sideDist
bSideDistX = wRayPosX & 0xFF;
if (bStepX >= 0)
bSideDistX ^= 0xFF;
bSideDistX = umul_bb_b(bSideDistX, bDeltaDistX);
bSideDistY = wRayPosY & 0xFF;
if (bStepY >= 0)
bSideDistY ^= 0xFF;
bSideDistY = umul_bb_b(bSideDistY, bDeltaDistY);
if (x == debugRay) {
console.log(" initial sideDistX=" + bSideDistX +
", sideDistY=" + bSideDistY);
// Distance to wall, and texture coordinate on the wall
var lineHeight;
var bWallX;
// Perform DDA
while (true)
// Jump to next map square in x-direction, OR in y-direction
if (uless_bb(bSideDistX, bSideDistY)) {
bSideDistY -= bSideDistX;
bSideDistX = bDeltaDistX;
bMapX += bStepX;
if (x == debugRay) {
console.log(" side0, mapX=" + bMapX + ", mapY=" + bMapY +
", sideDistX=" + bSideDistX +
", sideDistY=" + bSideDistY);
if (map[bMapY][bMapX] > 0) {
if (x == debugRay)
console.log(" hit side 0");
var wPerpWallDist = (bMapX<<8) - wRayPosX;
if (bStepX < 0)
wPerpWallDist += 256;
nums = wallCalc(wPerpWallDist, bRayDirX, bRayDirY, bStepY);
lineHeight = nums[0]
bWallX = nums[1]
bWallX = uadd_bb_b(bWallX, wRayPosY & 0xFF);
if (bStepX >= 0)
bWallX ^= 0xFF;
else {
bSideDistX -= bSideDistY;
bSideDistY = bDeltaDistY;
bMapY += bStepY;
if (x == debugRay) {
console.log(" side1, mapX=" + bMapX + ", mapY=" + bMapY +
", sideDistX=" + bSideDistX +
", sideDistY=" + bSideDistY);
if (map[bMapY][bMapX] > 0) {
if (x == debugRay)
console.log(" hit side 1");
var wPerpWallDist = (bMapY<<8) - wRayPosY;
if (bStepY < 0)
wPerpWallDist += 256;
nums = wallCalc(wPerpWallDist, bRayDirY, bRayDirX, bStepX);
lineHeight = nums[0];
bWallX = nums[1];
bWallX = uadd_bb_b(bWallX, wRayPosX & 0xFF);
if (bStepY < 0)
bWallX ^= 0xFF;
if (x == debugRay) {
console.log(" perpWallDist=" + wPerpWallDist.toString() +
", lineHeight=" + lineHeight.toString());
// Wrap it all in a nice package.
return { wallType: map[bMapY][bMapX],
textureX: bWallX / 256.0,
height: lineHeight };
function newCast(x)
var data = precastData[player.angleNum][x];
// Calculate ray position and direction
var rayPosX = player.x;
var rayPosY = player.y;
var rayDirX = data.rayDirX;
var rayDirY = data.rayDirY;
// Which box of the map we're in
var mapX = Math.floor(rayPosX);
var mapY = Math.floor(rayPosY);
// Length of ray from current position to next x or y-side
var sideDistX;
var sideDistY;
// Length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side
var deltaDistX = data.deltaDistX;
var deltaDistY = data.deltaDistY;
if (x == debugRay) {
console.log("newCast: ray=" + x +
", deltaDistX=" + deltaDistX.toString() +
", deltaDistY=" + deltaDistY.toString());
// What direction to step in x or y-direction (either +1 or -1)
var stepX;
var stepY;
// Calculate step and initial sideDist
if (rayDirX < 0) {
stepX = -1;
sideDistX = (rayPosX % 1) * deltaDistX;
else {
stepX = 1;
sideDistX = (1.0 - (rayPosX % 1)) * deltaDistX;
if (rayDirY < 0) {
stepY = -1;
sideDistY = (rayPosY % 1) * deltaDistY;
else {
stepY = 1;
sideDistY = (1.0 - (rayPosY % 1)) * deltaDistY;
// Distance to wall, and texture coordinate on the wall
var perpWallDist = 0;
var wallX;
// Perform DDA
while (mapX >= 0 && mapX < mapWidth && mapY >= 0 && mapY < mapHeight)
// Jump to next map square in x-direction, OR in y-direction
if (sideDistX < sideDistY) {
sideDistX += deltaDistX;
mapX += stepX;
if (x == debugRay) {
console.log(" side0, mapX=" + mapX + ", mapY=" + mapY +
", sideDistX=" + sideDistX.toString() +
", sideDistY=" + sideDistY.toString());
if (map[mapY][mapX] > 0) {
if (x == debugRay)
console.log(" hit side 0");
perpWallDist = (mapX - rayPosX + (1 - stepX) / 2) / rayDirX;
wallX = (rayPosY + perpWallDist * rayDirY) % 1;
if (rayDirX > 0)
wallX = 1 - wallX;
else {
sideDistY += deltaDistY;
mapY += stepY;
if (x == debugRay) {
console.log(" side1, mapX=" + mapX + ", mapY=" + mapY +
", sideDistX=" + sideDistX.toString() +
", sideDistY=" + sideDistY.toString());
if (map[mapY][mapX] > 0) {
if (x == debugRay)
console.log(" hit side 1");
perpWallDist = (mapY - rayPosY + (1 - stepY) / 2) / rayDirY;
wallX = (rayPosX + perpWallDist * rayDirX) % 1;
if (rayDirY < 0)
wallX = 1 - wallX;
perpWallDist = Math.abs(perpWallDist);
if (perpWallDist == 0)
return { wallType:0, textureX:0, height:0 };
// Calculate height of line to draw on screen
var lineHeight = Math.abs(Math.floor(screenHeight / perpWallDist));
if (x == debugRay) {
console.debug(" perpWallDist=" + perpWallDist.toString() +
", lineHeight=" + lineHeight.toString());
// Wrap it all in a nice package.
return { wallType:map[mapY][mapX], textureX:wallX, height:lineHeight };
function drawStrip(stripIdx, lineData)
var strip = screenStrips[stripIdx];
// width is the same, but we have to stretch the texture to a factor of stripWidth to make it fill the strip correctly
var width = lineData.height * stripWidth;
// top placement is easy since everything is centered on the x-axis, so we simply move
// it half way down the screen and then half the wall height back up.
var top = Math.round((screenHeight - lineData.height) / 2);
strip.style.height = lineData.height+"px";
strip.style.top = top+"px";
strip.img.style.height = Math.floor(lineData.height * numTextures) + "px";
strip.img.style.width = Math.floor(width*2) +"px";
strip.img.style.top = -Math.floor(lineData.height * (lineData.wallType-1)) + "px";
var texX = Math.round(lineData.textureX*width);
if (texX > width - stripWidth)
texX = width - stripWidth;
strip.img.style.left = -texX + "px";
function move() {
var moveStep = player.speed * player.moveSpeed; // player will move this far along the current direction vector
// add rotation if player is rotating (player.dir != 0)
player.angleNum = player.angleNum + player.dir;
if (player.angleNum < 0)
player.angleNum += maxAngleNum;
else if (player.angleNum >= maxAngleNum)
player.angleNum -= maxAngleNum;
var newX = player.x + Math.cos(playerAngle()) * moveStep; // calculate new player position with simple trigonometry
var newY = player.y + Math.sin(playerAngle()) * moveStep;
if (isBlocking(newX, newY)) { // are we allowed to move to the new position?
return; // no, bail out.
player.x = newX; // set new position
player.y = newY;
function isBlocking(x,y) {
// first make sure that we cannot move outside the boundaries of the level
if (y < 0 || y >= mapHeight || x < 0 || x >= mapWidth)
return true;
// return true if the map block is not 0, ie. if there is a blocking wall.
return (map[Math.floor(y)][Math.floor(x)] != 0);
function updateMiniMap() {
var miniMap = $("minimap");
var miniMapObjects = $("minimapobjects");
var objectCtx = miniMapObjects.getContext("2d");
miniMapObjects.width = miniMapObjects.width;
objectCtx.fillStyle = "red";
objectCtx.fillRect( // draw a dot at the current player position
player.x * miniMapScale - 2,
player.y * miniMapScale - 2,
4, 4
objectCtx.strokeStyle = "red";
objectCtx.moveTo(player.x * miniMapScale, player.y * miniMapScale);
(player.x + Math.cos(playerAngle()) * 4) * miniMapScale,
(player.y + Math.sin(playerAngle()) * 4) * miniMapScale
function drawMiniMap() {
// draw the topdown view minimap
var miniMap = $("minimap"); // the actual map
var miniMapCtr = $("minimapcontainer"); // the container div element
var miniMapObjects = $("minimapobjects"); // the canvas used for drawing the objects on the map (player character, etc)
miniMap.width = mapWidth * miniMapScale; // resize the internal canvas dimensions
miniMap.height = mapHeight * miniMapScale; // of both the map canvas and the object canvas
miniMapObjects.width = miniMap.width;
miniMapObjects.height = miniMap.height;
var w = (mapWidth * miniMapScale) + "px" // minimap CSS dimensions
var h = (mapHeight * miniMapScale) + "px"
miniMap.style.width = miniMapObjects.style.width = miniMapCtr.style.width = w;
miniMap.style.height = miniMapObjects.style.height = miniMapCtr.style.height = h;
var ctx = miniMap.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
// loop through all blocks on the map
for (var y=0;y<mapHeight;y++) {
for (var x=0;x<mapWidth;x++) {
var wall = map[y][x];
if (wall > 0) { // if there is a wall block at this (x,y) ...
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(200,200,200)";
ctx.fillRect( // ... then draw a block on the minimap
x * miniMapScale,
y * miniMapScale,
setTimeout(init, 1);
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