I couldn't resist saving a few bytes.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2018-03-28 14:47:39 -07:00
parent 433eaf3f47
commit 6468c0fef1

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@ -1727,13 +1727,9 @@ mem_unlock: !zone
mem_free: !zone
clc ; do not check for active flg (ok to multiple free)
jsr shared_scan ; scan for exact memory block
and #$40 ; check lock flag
beq +
jmp invalParam ; must unlock block before freeing it (also prevents accidentally freeing $0000)
+ pla
and #$3F ; remove the 'active' and 'locked' flags
sta tSegType,x ; store flags back
bne invalParam ; must unlock block before freeing it (also prevents accidentally freeing $0000)
jsr .unmark
and #$F ; get down to just the type, without the flags
cmp #RES_TYPE_BYTECODE ; explicitly freeing bytecode obj?
beq .fatal ; that is not allowed
@ -1741,17 +1737,16 @@ mem_free: !zone
bne .done ; no, all done
lda #RES_TYPE_BYTECODE ; we need to look for the corresponding
sta resType ; byte code object
lda #1
sta isAuxCmd ; it should be over in aux mem
inc isAuxCmd ; it should be over in aux mem
lda tSegRes,x ; with the matching segment number
sta resNum
jsr scanForResource ; go look for the block
beq .done ; it really ought to be there, but if not, avoid trashing
lda tSegType,x ; get current flags
.unmark lda tSegType,x ; get current flags
and #$3F ; remove the 'active' and 'locked' flags
sta tSegType,x ; store flags back
.done rts ; all done
.fatal jsr inlineFatal : !text "NoFreeBcode", 0
.fatal jsr inlineFatal : !text "NfBcode", 0 ; no free of bytecode allowed
mem_calcFree: !zone