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synced 2025-01-21 07:32:06 +00:00
Rearranged some things to make mem mgr more compact.
This commit is contained in:
@ -203,11 +203,6 @@ relocate:
cpx #>(hiMemEnd+$100)
bne .cpmm
lda .st4+2
cmp #$E0
bcc +
+internalErr 'N' ; mem mgr got too big!
; fall through into init...
@ -833,157 +828,9 @@ closeFileRef: !byte 0 ; file ref to close
getPfxParams: !byte 1 ; param count
getPfxAddr: !word 0 ; pointer to buffer
multiDiskMode: !byte 0 ; hardcoded to YES for now
; Heap management variables
nTypes !byte 0
typeTblL !fill MAX_TYPES
typeTblH !fill MAX_TYPES
typeLen !fill MAX_TYPES ; length does not include type byte
heapStartPg !byte 0
heapEndPg !byte 0
heapTop !word 0
gcHash_top !byte 0
; Heap management routines
; Establish a new heap
heapSet: !zone
txa ; addr must be page-aligned
beq +
.inval jmp invalParam
+ lda isAuxCmd
bne .inval ; must be in main mem
sec ; check for valid
jsr shared_scan
lda tSegAdrLo,y ; end must also be page-aligned
bne .inval
; Good to go. Record the start and end pages
lda pTmp+1
sta heapStartPg
sta heapTop+1
lda tSegAdrHi,y
sta heapEndPg
ldy #0
sta heapTop
sty nTypes
lda targetAddr+1 ; see if heap top was specified
beq + ; no, default to empty heap
tax ; yes, use specified address
ldy targetAddr
+ stx heapTop+1 ; set heap top
sty heapTop
; fall through to:
; Zero memory heapTop.heapEnd
heapClr: !zone
lda #0
ldx heapTop
ldy heapTop+1
.pg sty .st+2
.st sta $1000,x ; self-modified above
bne .st
cpy heapEndPg
bne .pg
; Set the table for the next type in order. Starts with type $80, then $81, etc.
; By convention, type $80 is used for the Global object, from which all other
; live objects are reachable (and invalid garbage if not reachable from there).
; x=ptr lo, y = ptr hi.
; Tbl: type size 01-7F including type byte,
; then (byte) offsets of ptrs 01-7F within type,
; then 0.
heapAddType: !zone
tya ; save addr hi
ldy nTypes
bmi +
+internalErr 'T'
+ sta typeTblH,y ; addr hi
sta .ld+2
txa ; addr lo
sta typeTblL,y
.ld lda $1000,x ; self-modified above: fetch length byte
sbc #1 ; adjust to be like a string, in that it doesn't include type byte itself
sta typeLen,y ; save that too
inc nTypes ; bump type count
; Allocate a block on the heap. X = $00.7F for string block, $80.FF for a typed obj.
; And yes, type $80 is valid (conventionally used for the Global Object).
; And yes, string length $00 is valid (it's an empty string).
heapAlloc: !zone
lda heapTop
sta pSrc
lda heapTop+1
sta pSrc+1
ldy #0
sta (pSrc),y ; save obj type or string len on heap
bpl .gotlen
lda typeLen-$80,x
.gotlen ldy pSrc+1
sec ; add 1 to include type byte or len byte for strings
adc pSrc
bcc +
cpy heapEndPg
bcs .needgc
+ sta heapTop
sty heapTop+1
ldx pSrc ; return ptr in X=lo/Y=hi
ldy pSrc+1
.needgc jsr inlineFatal : !text "NeedCollect",0
; Re-use existing string or allocate new and copy.
heapIntern: !zone
stx pTmp
sty pTmp+1
jsr startHeapScan
bcs .notfnd ; handle case of empty heap
.blklup bvs .nxtblk
; it's a string
inx ; +1 to compare length byte also
.stlup lda (pTmp),y ; compare string bytes until non-matching (or all bytes done)
cmp (pSrc),y
bne .nxtblk
bne .stlup
; found a match!
.found beq retPSrc
; advance to next heap block
.nxtblk jsr nextHeapBlk
bcc .blklup ; go process next block
.notfnd lda (pTmp),y ; get string length
pha ; save it
jsr heapAlloc ; make space for it
pla ; string length back
inx ; add 1 to copy length byte also
ldy #0
.cplup lda (pTmp),y ; copy the string's characters
sta (pSrc),y
bne .cplup
beq .found ; always taken
; Check if blk pSrc is in GC hash; optionally add it if not.
; Input : pSrc = blk to check/add
; Carry set = add if not found, clear = check only, don't add
@ -1284,6 +1131,21 @@ curPartition: !byte 0
partFileRef: !byte 0
fixupHint: !word 0
bufferDigest: !fill 4
multiDiskMode: !byte 0 ; hardcoded to YES for now
; Heap management variables
nTypes !byte 0
typeTblL !fill MAX_TYPES
typeTblH !fill MAX_TYPES
typeLen !fill MAX_TYPES ; length does not include type byte
heapStartPg !byte 0
heapEndPg !byte 0
heapTop !word 0
gcHash_top !byte 0
grabSegment: !zone
@ -2970,9 +2832,142 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
glibBase !word $1111
; Segment tables
; More heap management routines
!if DEBUG { !align 255,0 }
; Establish a new heap
heapSet: !zone
txa ; addr must be page-aligned
beq +
.inval jmp invalParam
+ lda isAuxCmd
bne .inval ; must be in main mem
sec ; check for valid
jsr shared_scan
lda tSegAdrLo,y ; end must also be page-aligned
bne .inval
; Good to go. Record the start and end pages
lda pTmp+1
sta heapStartPg
sta heapTop+1
lda tSegAdrHi,y
sta heapEndPg
ldy #0
sta heapTop
sty nTypes
lda targetAddr+1 ; see if heap top was specified
beq + ; no, default to empty heap
tax ; yes, use specified address
ldy targetAddr
+ stx heapTop+1 ; set heap top
sty heapTop
; fall through to:
; Zero memory heapTop.heapEnd
heapClr: !zone
lda #0
ldx heapTop
ldy heapTop+1
.pg sty .st+2
.st sta $1000,x ; self-modified above
bne .st
cpy heapEndPg
bne .pg
; Set the table for the next type in order. Starts with type $80, then $81, etc.
; By convention, type $80 is used for the Global object, from which all other
; live objects are reachable (and invalid garbage if not reachable from there).
; x=ptr lo, y = ptr hi.
; Tbl: type size 01-7F including type byte,
; then (byte) offsets of ptrs 01-7F within type,
; then 0.
heapAddType: !zone
tya ; save addr hi
ldy nTypes
bmi +
+internalErr 'T'
+ sta typeTblH,y ; addr hi
sta .ld+2
txa ; addr lo
sta typeTblL,y
.ld lda $1000,x ; self-modified above: fetch length byte
sbc #1 ; adjust to be like a string, in that it doesn't include type byte itself
sta typeLen,y ; save that too
inc nTypes ; bump type count
; Allocate a block on the heap. X = $00.7F for string block, $80.FF for a typed obj.
; And yes, type $80 is valid (conventionally used for the Global Object).
; And yes, string length $00 is valid (it's an empty string).
heapAlloc: !zone
lda heapTop
sta pSrc
lda heapTop+1
sta pSrc+1
ldy #0
sta (pSrc),y ; save obj type or string len on heap
bpl .gotlen
lda typeLen-$80,x
.gotlen ldy pSrc+1
sec ; add 1 to include type byte or len byte for strings
adc pSrc
bcc +
cpy heapEndPg
bcs .needgc
+ sta heapTop
sty heapTop+1
ldx pSrc ; return ptr in X=lo/Y=hi
ldy pSrc+1
.needgc jsr inlineFatal : !text "NeedCollect",0
; Re-use existing string or allocate new and copy.
heapIntern: !zone
stx pTmp
sty pTmp+1
jsr startHeapScan
bcs .notfnd ; handle case of empty heap
.blklup bvs .nxtblk
; it's a string
inx ; +1 to compare length byte also
.stlup lda (pTmp),y ; compare string bytes until non-matching (or all bytes done)
cmp (pSrc),y
bne .nxtblk
bne .stlup
; found a match!
.found beq retPSrc
; advance to next heap block
.nxtblk jsr nextHeapBlk
bcc .blklup ; go process next block
.notfnd lda (pTmp),y ; get string length
pha ; save it
jsr heapAlloc ; make space for it
pla ; string length back
inx ; add 1 to copy length byte also
ldy #0
.cplup lda (pTmp),y ; copy the string's characters
sta (pSrc),y
bne .cplup
beq .found ; always taken
; Segment tables
tSegLink !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegType !fill MAX_SEGS
@ -2984,5 +2979,10 @@ tSegAdrHi !fill MAX_SEGS
; Marker for end of the tables, so we can compute its length
tableEnd = *
; Be careful not to grow past the size of the LC bank
!if tableEnd > $DFFF {
!error "Memory manager grew too large."
} ; end of !pseudopc $D000
hiMemEnd = *
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