mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 18:30:38 +00:00
Made progress on garbage collection.
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,18 @@ DISK_BUF_SIZE = $800
diskBufEnd = $4C00
headerBuf = $4C00 ; len $1400
; Memory used only during garbage collection
gcHash_first = $5000 ; index is srcLo ^ srcHi; result points into remaining gcHash tables.
gcHash_srcLo = $5100
gcHash_srcHi = $5200
gcHash_link = $5300
gcHash_dstLo = $5400
gcHash_dstHi = $5500
; Heap area
heapStart = $F000 ; must be page aligned
heapEnd = $F800 ; must be page aligned
; Other equates
prodosMemMap = $BF58
@ -168,6 +180,49 @@ j_aux_dispatch:
bit setLcRW+lcBank2 ; back to PLASMA
; Print fatal error message (custom or predefined) and print the
; call stack, then halt.
bne fatalError
fatalError: !zone
sty pTmp+1 ; save message ptr hi...
stx pTmp ; ...and lo
jsr setnorm ; set up text mode and vectors
bit setText
jsr setvid
jsr setkbd
lda $24 ; check if we're already at start of screen line
beq + ; no, no need for CR
jsr crout ; carriage return to get to start of screen line
+ ldy #40 ; set up to print 40 dashes
lda #'-'
.dash: jsr cout
bne .dash
.msg1: lda .prefix,y ; print out prefix message
beq +
jsr cout
bne .msg1
+ tay ; start at first byte of user message
.msg2 lda (pTmp),y
beq .msg3
jsr cout
bne .msg2
.msg3: jsr crout
jsr bell ; beep
.inf: jmp .inf ; and loop forever
.prefix:!text "FATAL ERROR: ", 0
; Normal entry point for ProDOS MLI calls. This patches the code at $BFBB.
enterProDOS1: !zone
@ -266,10 +321,8 @@ __asmPlasm: !zone
.badx ; X reg ran outside valid range. Print and abort.
+prStr : !text $8D,"X=",0
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text $8D, "PLASMA x-reg out of range", 0
jsr inlineFatal
!text $8D, "PlasmXRng", 0
; Debug code to support macros
@ -425,6 +478,316 @@ closeParams: !byte 1 ; param count
closeFileRef: !byte 0 ; file ref to close
paramsEnd = *
; Heap management variables
nTypes !byte 0
typeTblL !fill MAX_TYPES
typeTblH !fill MAX_TYPES
typeLen !fill MAX_TYPES ; length does not include type byte
heapTop !word 0
gcHash_top !byte 0
; Heap management routines
; Set the table for the next type in order. Starts with type 1, then 2, etc.
; x=ptr lo, y = ptr hi. Tbl: type size, then offsets of ptrs within type, then 0.
setTypeTbl: !zone
tya ; save addr hi
ldy nTypes
bmi +
+prChr 'T'
+ sta typeTblL,y ; addr hi
sta .ld+2
txa ; addr lo
sta typeTblH,y
.ld lda $1000,x ; self-modified above: fetch length byte
sta typeLen,y ; save that too
inc nTypes ; bump type count
; Clear the heap
heapReset: !zone
lda #<heapStart
sta heapTop
lda #>heapStart
sta heapTop
lda #0
sta nHeapBlks
; fall through to:
; Zero memory heapTop.heapEnd
heapClr: !zone
lda #0
ldx heapTop
ldy heapTop+1
.pg sty .st+2
.st sta $1000,x ; self-modified above
bne .st
cpy #>heapEnd
bne .pg
; Allocate a block on the heap. X = $00.7F for string block, $81.FF for type $00.7F
heapAlloc: !zone
lda heapTop
sta pTmp
lda heapTop+1
sta pTmp+1
ldy #0
sta (pTmp),y ; save obj type on heap
bpl .gotlen
and #$7F
lda typeLen,y
.gotlen ldy pTmp+1
sec ; add 1 for type byte
adc pTmp
bcc +
cpy #>heapEnd
bcs .needgc
+ sta heapTop
sty heapTop+1
.needgc jsr inlineFatal : !text "GcNotImpl",0
; Input : Carry set = add if not found, clear = check only, don't add
; Output: Y-reg = index
; Carry clear = not found (added if requested), set = found
gcHash_chk: !zone
lda pSrc
eor pSrc+1
lda gcHash_first,x
beq .add
- tay
lda gcHash_srcLo,y
eor pSrc
beq .found
lda gcHash_link,y
bne -
.notfnd bcc .ret
inc gcHash_top
ldy gcHash_top
lda pSrc
sta gcHash_srcLo,y
lda pSrc+1
sta gcHash_srcHi,y
lda #0
sta gcHash_dstHi,y
lda gcHash_first,x
sta gcHash_link,y
sta gcHash_first,x
.ret clc
.found sec
; Verify the integrity of the heap
heapCheck: !zone
lda heapTop
sta pTmp
lda heapTop+1
sta pTmp+1
ldy #0
.blklup lda (pTmp),y
bmi .isobj
; it's a string; check its characters
pha ; save length
beq .nxtblk ; handle zero-length string
.stlup lda (pTmp),y
beq heapCorrupt
bmi heapCorrupt
bne .stlup
.nxtblk pla ; get length back
adc pTmp
sta pTmp
bcc .blklup
inc pTmp+1
lda pTmp+1
cmp #>heapEnd
bcc .blklup
bcs heapCorrupt
.isobj and #$7F
bcs heapCorrupt
lda typeLen,x
pha ; save length for later
lda typeTblL,x
sta .getoff+1
lda typeTblH,x
sta .getoff+2
ldx #0 ; starts at len byte, which we immediately skip
.getoff inx
lda $1000,x ; self-modified above: get next pointer offset for type
beq .nxtblk ; zero marks end of offset table
iny ; not much we can do to validate lo byte, so skip it
cpy tmp ; ensure offset is within type length
beq + ; the very end is ok
bcs corrup ; but not beyond
+ lda (pTmp),y ; get hi byte of ptr
beq + ; null is ok
cmp #>heapStart ; else check if < start of heap
bcc heapCorrupt
cmp #>heapEnd ; or > than end of heap
bcc .getoff
ldx pTmp
lda pTmp+1
jsr prntax
jsr inlineFatal : !text "HeapCorrupt",0
; Phase 1 of Garbage Collection: mark accessible heap blocks starting from the root block
gc1_mark: !zone
ldx #0 ; clear the hash table
stx gcHash_top
- sta gcHash_first,x
bne -
lda #<heapStart ; global block is at very start of heap
sta pSrc
lda #>heapEnd
sta pSrc+1
jsr gcHash_chk ; seed the hash, and thus our queue, with the global block
clv ; clear V flag to mark phase 1
bvc .start
; Phase 3 of Garbage Collection: fix all pointers
bit .rts ; set V flag to mark phase 3
.start lda #0
sta resNum ; initialize block counter (note: blk #0 in hash is not used)
.outer inc resNum ; advance to next block in hash
ldx resNum
cpx gcHash_top ; finished all blocks?
beq .trav ; last blk? if so still need to trav it
bcs .rts ; or if past last blk, we're done
.trav ldy gcHash_srcLo,x ; get pointer to block, lo byte first
lda gcHash_srcHi,x ; then hi byte
bvc +
ldy gcHash_dstLo,x ; in pointer fix mode, use the block's final location
lda gcHash_dstHi,x
+ sty pTmp ; store object pointer so we can dereference it
sta pTmp+1
ldy #0 ; first byte
lda (pTmp),y ; is the type
bpl .outer ; or, if not hi bit, just a string so skip (no ptrs)
and #$7F ; mask off hi bit to get type number
lda typeTblL,x ; get pointer to type table
sta .ldof+1
lda typeTblH,x
sta .ldof+2
ldx #1 ; skip size byte, access first ptr offset
.ldof lda $1111,x ; self-modified above: get offset entry
beq .outer ; zero marks end of list -> go to next block
lda (pTmp),y ; grab pointer at that offset
sta pSrc
sty .fix+1 ; save pointer offset for use if fixing pointers in phase 3
lda (pTmp),y
sta pSrc+1
stx tmp+1 ; save index into type entry
sec ; sec = we want to add to hash if it's not there
bvc +
clc ; in phase 3, we don't want to add to hash
+ jsr gcHash_chk ; go add it to the hash; ignore return flag
bvc + ; skip pointer fixing in phase 1
bcc heapCorrupt ; in phase 3, pointer must be in hash!
.fix ldy #11 ; restore pointer offset
lda gcHash_dstLo,x ; get new location
sta (pTmp),y ; update the pointer
lda gcHash_dstHi,x ; hi byte too
sta (pTmp),y
+ ldx tmp+1 ; restore type entry index
inx ; next offset entry
bne .ldof ; always taken
.rts rts ; this needs to be an RTS instruction - used to set V flag
; Phase 2 of Garbage Collection: sweep all accessible blocks together
gc2_sweep: !zone
lda #<heapStart
sta pSrc
sta pDst
lda #>heapStart
sta pSrc+1
sta pDst+1
.outer clc ; clc = do not add to hash
jsr gcHash_chk ; is this block in hash?
; note: next 20 lines or so *must* preserve the carry flag
bcc +
lda pDst
sta gcHash_dstLo,x ; record new address
eor pSrc
sta tmp
lda pDst+1
sta gcHash_dstHi,x ; in hash table
eor pSrc+1
ora tmp
sta tmp ; this will be zero iff all 16 bits of pSrc == pDst
+ ldy #0 ; index of type byte in heap block
lda (pSrc),y ; ...still need to preserve carry flag...
bpl .gotlen
and #$7F
lda typeLen,x
.gotlen sta reqLen ; save len for later
bcc .advSrc ; finally act on carry (hash check flg): if block not in hash, skip block
tax ; and in index for copying
lda tmp ; check for pSrc == pDst
beq .advDst ; if equal, no need to copy
+ inx ; set up to copy type byte as well
.cplup lda (pSrc),y
sta (pDst),y
bne .cplup
.advDst lda pDst ; advance dest
sec ; +1 for type byte
adc reqLen
sta pDst
bcc .advSrc
inc pDst+1
.advSrc lda pSrc ; advance source
sec ; +1 for type byte
adc reqLen
sta pSrc
bcc +
inc pSrc+1
+ cmp heapTop ; end of heap yet? (lo byte check)
lda pSrc+1
sbc heapTop+1 ; (hi byte check)
bcc .outer ; if not, loop again
doGC: !zone
lda nHeapBlks
bne + ; edge case: if nothing on heap, skip collection
+ jsr gc1_mark ; mark reachable blocks
jsr gc2_sweep ; sweep them into one place
jsr gc3_fix ; adjust all pointers
jmp heapClear ; and clear newly freed space
} ; end of !pseodupc $800
loMemEnd = *
@ -453,10 +816,7 @@ grabSegment: !zone
lda tSegLink,y ; no, grab next segment in list
sta unusedSeg ; that is now first unused
rts ; return with Y = the segment grabbed
.fail: ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "No more segments", 0
.fail: jsr inlineFatal : !text "MaxSegs", 0
releaseSegment: !zone
@ -694,75 +1054,6 @@ saneEnd: !zone {
; Print fatal error message (custom or predefined) and print the
; call stack, then halt.
fatalError: !zone
sty pTmp+1 ; save message ptr hi...
stx pTmp ; ...and lo
jsr setnorm ; set up text mode and vectors
bit setText
jsr setvid
jsr setkbd
lda $24 ; check if we're already at start of screen line
beq + ; no, no need for CR
jsr crout ; carriage return to get to start of screen line
+ ldy #40 ; set up to print 40 dashes
lda #'-'
.dash: jsr cout
bne .dash
.msg1: lda .prefix,y ; print out prefix message
beq +
jsr cout
bne .msg1
+ tay ; start at first byte of user message
.msg2 lda (pTmp),y
beq .msg3
jsr cout
bne .msg2
!if DEBUG {
; Print call stack
ldy #0
.msg4 lda .stkMsg,y
beq +
jsr cout
bne .msg4
+ tsx ; start at current stack pointer
lda $101,x ; JSR increments PC twice before pushing it
sbc #2
lda $102,x
sbc #0
sta .load+2
and #$F0 ; avoid accidentally grabbing data from the IO area
cmp #$C0
beq .next
.load: lda $1000,y ; is there a JSR there?
cmp #$20
bne .next ; no, it's probably not an actual call
lda .load+2
jsr prbyte
jsr prbyte
lda #' '
jsr cout
.next: inx ; work up to...
cpx #$FF ; ...top of stack
bcc .stackLoop
jsr crout
jsr bell ; beep
.inf: jmp .inf ; and loop forever
.prefix:!text "FATAL ERROR: ", 0
.stkMsg:!text $8D,"Call stk: ", 0
init: !zone
; put something interesting on the screen :)
@ -989,17 +1280,11 @@ reset: !zone
outOfMemErr: !zone
!if DEBUG { jsr main_debug }
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "Out of mem", 0
jsr inlineFatal : !text "OutOfMem", 0
reservedErr: !zone
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "Mem already alloc'd", 0
jsr inlineFatal : !text "DblAlloc", 0
main_request: !zone
@ -1176,10 +1461,7 @@ shared_scan: !zone
+ rts
invalAddr: !zone
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "Invalid addr", 0
jsr inlineFatal : !text "InvalAdr", 0
; If the resource is a module, this will locate the corresponding bytecode
@ -1264,10 +1546,7 @@ shared_free:
and #$3F ; remove the 'active' and 'locked' flags
sta tSegType,x ; store flags back
.done rts ; all done
.fatal ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "Don't free bytecode.", 0
.fatal jsr inlineFatal : !text "NoFreeBcode", 0
main_calcFree: !zone
@ -1419,10 +1698,7 @@ diskLoader: !zone
bne +
rts ; do nothing
+ ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "Invalid command", 0
+ jsr inlineFatal : !text "InvalCmd", 0
openPartition: !zone
@ -1470,18 +1746,16 @@ prodosError: !zone
jsr .digit
sta .num+1
ldx #<.msg
ldy #>.msg
jmp fatalError
jsr inlineFatal
.msg: !text "ProDOSErr $"
.num: !text "xx"
!byte 0
.digit: and #$F
ora #$B0
cmp #$BA
bcc +
adc #6
+ rts
.msg: !text "ProDOS error $"
.num: !text "xx"
!byte 0
disk_startLoad: !zone
@ -1495,10 +1769,7 @@ disk_startLoad: !zone
sequenceError: !zone
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "Bad sequence", 0
jsr linlineFatal : !text "BadSeq", 0
startHeaderScan: !zone
@ -1570,10 +1841,7 @@ disk_queueLoad: !zone
jsr adjYpTmp ; keep it small
jmp .scan ; go for more
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "Resource not found", 0
jsr inlineFatal : !text "ResNotFnd", 0
.resLen: !byte 0
@ -2219,11 +2487,11 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
!if DEBUG { !align 255,0 }
tSegLink = * : !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegType = * : !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegRes = * : !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegAdrLo = * : !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegAdrHi = * : !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegLink !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegType !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegRes !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegAdrLo !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegAdrHi !fill MAX_SEGS
; Marker for end of the tables, so we can compute its length
Reference in New Issue
Block a user