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synced 2024-11-15 04:08:04 +00:00
Making progress on LZ4 compression.
This commit is contained in:
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ class PackPartitions
fonts[name] = [num:num, buf:readBinary(path)]
// Transform the LZ4 format to something we call "LZ5", where the small offsets are stored
// Transform the LZ4 format to something we call "LZ4M", where the small offsets are stored
// as one byte instead of two. In our data, that's about 1/3 of the offsets.
def recompress(data, inLen, expOutLen)
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def totalUncompSize = 0
def totalLZ4Size = 0
def totalLZ5Size = 0
def totalLZ4MSize = 0
def compress(buf)
@ -589,11 +589,13 @@ class PackPartitions
totalLZ4Size += compressedLen
def recompressedLen = recompress(compressedData, compressedLen, uncompressedLen)
totalLZ5Size += recompressedLen
totalLZ4MSize += recompressedLen
if (recompressedLen < uncompressedLen) {
// If we saved at least 50 bytes, take the compressed version.
if ((uncompressedLen - recompressedLen) >= 50) {
//println " Compress. rawLen=$uncompressedLen compLen=$recompressedLen"
return [data:compressedData, len:recompressedLen, compressed:true]
return [data:compressedData, len:recompressedLen,
compressed:true, uncompressedLen:uncompressedLen]
else {
//println " No compress. rawLen=$uncompressedLen compLen=$recompressedLen"
@ -613,15 +615,12 @@ class PackPartitions
maps3D.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_3D_MAP, num:it.num, buf:compress(it.buf)]) }
textures.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_TEXTURE_IMG, num:it.num, buf:compress(it.buf)]) }
println "LZ4 compression: $totalUncompSize -> $totalLZ4Size"
println "LZ5 compression: $totalUncompSize -> $totalLZ5Size"
// Generate the header chunk. Leave the first 2 bytes for the # of pages in the hdr
def hdrBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
// Write the four bytes for each resource
// Write the four bytes for each resource (6 for compressed resources)
chunks.each { chunk ->
hdrBuf.put((byte)chunk.type | (chunk.buf.compressed ? 0x10 : 0))
assert chunk.num >= 1 && chunk.num <= 255
@ -630,6 +629,11 @@ class PackPartitions
//println " chunk: type=${chunk.type}, num=${chunk.num}, len=$len"
hdrBuf.put((byte)(len & 0xFF))
hdrBuf.put((byte)(len >> 8))
if (chunk.buf.compressed) {
def clen = chunk.buf.uncompressedLen;
hdrBuf.put((byte)(clen & 0xFF))
hdrBuf.put((byte)(clen >> 8))
// Terminate the header with a zero type
@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ reqLen = $6 ; len 2
resType = $8 ; len 1
resNum = $9 ; len 1
isAuxCmd = $A ; len 1
unused0B = $B ; len 1
pSrc = $C ; len 2
pDst = $E ; len 2
; Memory buffers
fileBuf = $4000 ; len $400
@ -1171,6 +1174,191 @@ readToAux: !zone
rts ; all done
.err: jmp prodosError
lz4Decompress: !zone
; Input: pSrc - pointer to source data
; pDst - pointer to destination buffer
; reqLen - length of *destination* data (16-bit)
; All inputs are destroyed by the process.
!macro LOAD_YSRC {
lda (pSrc),y ; load byte
iny ; inc low byte of ptr
bne + ; non-zero, done
jsr nextSrcPage ; zero, need to go to next page
; Copy the match shadow down to the stack area so it can copy from aux to aux
ldx #.matchShadow_end - .matchShadow_beg - 1
- lda .matchShadow_beg,x ; get the copy from main RAM
sta .matchCopy,x ; and put it down in stack space where it can access both main and aux
dex ; next byte
bpl - ; loop until we grab them all (including byte 0)
ldx #<clrAuxWr ; start by assuming write to main mem
ldy #<clrAuxRd ; and read from main mem
lda isAuxCmd ; if we're decompressing to aux...
beq + ; no? keep those values
ldx #<setAuxWr ; yes, write to aux mem
ldy #<setAuxRd ; and read from aux mem
+ stx .auxWr1+1 ; set all the write switches for aux/main
stx .auxWr2+1
sty .auxRd1+1 ; and the read switches too
sty .auxRd2+1
ldx pDst ; calculate the end of the dest buffer
txa ; also put low byte of ptr in X (where we'll use it constantly)
adc reqLen ; add in the uncompressed length
sta .endChk1+1 ; that's what we'll need to check to see if we're done
lda reqLen+1 ; grab, but don't add, hi byte of dest length
adc #0 ; no, we don't add pDst+1 - see endChk2
sta .endChk2+1 ; this is essentially a count of dest page bumps
lda pDst+1 ; grab the hi byte of dest pointer
sta .dstStore1+2 ; self-modify our storage routines
sta .dstStore2+2
ldy pSrc ; Y will always track the hi byte of the source ptr
lda #0 ; so zero out the low byte of the ptr itself
sta pSrc
sta reqLen+1 ; reqLen+1 always needs to be zero
; Grab the next token in the compressed data
+LOAD_YSRC ; load next source byte
pha ; save the token byte. We use half now, and half later
lsr ; shift to get the hi 4 bits...
lsr ; ...into the lo 4 bits
beq .endChk1 ; if reqLen=0, there is no literal data.
cmp #$F ; reqLen=15 is a special marker
bcc + ; not special, go copy the literals
jsr .longLen ; special marker: extend the length
+ sta reqLen ; record resulting length (lo byte)
.auxWr1 sta setAuxWr ; this gets self-modified depending on if target is in main or aux mem
.litCopy: ; loop to copy the literals
+LOAD_YSRC ; grab a literal source byte
sta $1100,x ; hi-byte gets self-modified to point to dest page
inx ; inc low byte of ptr
bne + ; non-zero, done
jsr .nextDstPage ; zero, need to go to next page
+ dec reqLen ; count bytes
bne .litCopy ; if non-zero, loop again
dec reqLen+1 ; low-byte of count is zero. Decrement hi-byte
bpl .litCopy ; If non-negative, loop again. NOTE: This would fail if we had blocks >= 32K
sta clrAuxWr ; back to writing main mem
cpx #11 ; end check - self-modified earlier
bcc .decodeMatch ; if less, keep going
lda #0 ; have we finished all pages?
bne .decodeMatch ; no, keep going
pla ; toss unused match length
rts ; all done!
; Now that we've finished with the literals, decode the match section
+LOAD_YSRC ; grab first byte of match offset
sta tmp ; save for later
bmi .far ; if hi bit is set, there will be a second byte
lda #0 ; otherwise, second byte is assumed to be zero
beq .doInv ; always taken
.far: +LOAD_YSRC ; grab second byte of offset
asl tmp ; toss the unused hi bit of the lo byte
lsr ; shift out lo bit of the hi byte
rol tmp ; to fill in the hi bit of the lo byte
.doInv: sta tmp+1 ; got the hi byte of the offset now
lda #0 ; calculate zero minus the offset, to obtain ptr diff
sbc tmp
sta .srcLoad+1 ; that's how much less to read from
lda .dstStore2+2 ; same with hi byte of offset
sbc tmp+1
sta .srcLoad+2 ; to hi byte of offsetted pointer
pla ; recover the token byte
and #$F ; mask to get just the match length
adc #4 ; adjust: min match is 4 bytes
cmp #$13 ; was it the special value $0F? ($F + 4 = $13)
bne + ; if not, no need to extend length
jsr .longLen ; need to extend the length
+ sty tmp ; save index to source pointer, so we can use Y...
tay ; ...to count bytes
.auxWr2 sta setAuxWr ; self-modified earlier, based on isAuxCmd
jsr .matchCopy ; copy match bytes (aux->aux, or main->main)
sta clrAuxWr ; back to reading main mem
+ ldy tmp ; restore index to source pointer
jmp .getToken ; go on to the next token in the compressed stream
; Subroutine to copy bytes, either main->main or aux->aux. We put it down in the
; stack space ($100) so it can access either area. The stack doesn't get bank-switched
; by setAuxRd/clrAuxRd.
.matchShadow_beg = *
!pseudopc $100 {
.auxRd1 sta setAuxRd ; self-modified based on isAuxCmd
lda $1100,x ; self-modified earlier for offsetted source
sta $1100,x ; self-modified earlier for dest buffer
inx ; inc to next src/dst byte
bne + ; non-zero, skip page bump
sta clrAuxRd ; page bump needs to operate in main mem
jsr .nextDstPage ; do the bump
.auxRd2 sta setAuxRd ; and back to aux mem (if isAuxCmd)
+ dey ; count bytes -- first page yet?
bne .srcLoad ; loop for more
dec reqLen+1 ; count pages
bpl .srcLoad ; loop for more. NOTE: this would fail if we had blocks >= 32K
+ rts ; done copying bytes
.matchShadow_end = *
; Subroutine called when length token = $F, to extend the length by additional bytes
sta reqLen ; save what we got so far
- +LOAD_YSRC ; get another byte
cmp #$FF ; special value of $FF?
bcc + ; no, we're done
adc reqLen ; add $FF to reqLen
sta reqLen
bcc - ; no carry, only lo byte has changed
inc reqLen+1 ; increment hi byte of reqLen
bcs - ; always taken
+ adc reqLen ; carry already clear (we got here from cmp/bcc)
bcc +
inc reqLen+1
+ rts
inc pSrc+1
lda pSrc+1
cmp #$50 ; TODO
beq +
+ bit rdRamWr ; get current state of aux wr flag
php ; and save it
sta clrAuxWr ; now write to main mem so we can increment stuff in code blocks
; load more pages here
; done loading more here
jmp .restoreAuxWr
bit rdRamWr ; get current state of aux wr flag
php ; and save it
sta clrAuxWr ; now write to main mem so we can increment stuff in code blocks
inc .srcLoad+2 ; inc offset pointer for match copies
inc .dstStore1+2 ; inc pointers for dest stores
inc .dstStore2+2
dec .endChk2+1 ; decrement total page counter
plp ; get back the flag
bpl + ; if it wasn't set, skip
sta setAuxWr ; otherwise, go back to writing aux mem
+ rts
; Segment tables
@ -47,6 +47,22 @@ setAuxWr = $C005
clrAuxZP = $C008
setAuxZP = $C009
kbdStrobe = $C010
rdLCBnk2 = $C011 ;reading from LC bank $Dx 2
rdLCRam = $C012 ;reading from LC RAM
rdRamRd = $C013 ;reading from aux/alt 48K
rdRamWr = $C014 ;writing to aux/alt 48K
rdCXRom = $C015 ;using internal Slot ROM
rdAuxZP = $C016 ;using Slot zero page, stack, & LC
rdC3Rom = $C017 ;using external (Slot) C3 ROM
rd80Col = $C018 ;80STORE is On- using 80-column memory mapping
rdVblBar = $C019 ;not VBL (VBL signal low)
rdText = $C01A ;using text mode
rdMixed = $C01B ;using mixed mode
rdPage2 = $C01C ;using text/graphics page2
rdHires = $C01D ;using Hi-res graphics mode
rdAltCh = $C01E ;using alternate character set
rd80Vid = $C01F ;using 80-column display mode
clrText = $C050
setText = $C051
clrMixed = $C052
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
ZP: file = "", define = yes, start = $0000, size = $00100;
STK: file = "", define = yes, start = %S, size = $00100;
RAM: file = %O, start = %S, size = $10000;
CODE: load = RAM, type = rw, align = $100;
ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
Reference in New Issue
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