Working on implementing heap API.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2015-08-19 08:45:02 -07:00
parent a8ec4fd42c
commit a8a4fdefed
2 changed files with 111 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ relocate:
lda $D000
cmp #1
beq .gotaux
.noaux jsr inlineFatal : !text "Aux mem required",0
.noaux jsr inlineFatal : !text "AuxMemReq",0
.gotaux ldy #0
ldx #$D0
.pglup stx .ld+2
@ -656,35 +656,27 @@ nHeapBlks !byte 0
; Heap management routines
; Set the table for the next type in order. Starts with type 0, then 1, etc.
; By convention, type 0 is used for the Global object, from which all others
; valid objects are reachable (and invalid garbage if not reachable from there).
; x=ptr lo, y = ptr hi.
; Tbl: type size 01-7F, then (byte) offsets of ptrs within type, then 0.
setTypeTbl: !zone
tya ; save addr hi
ldy nTypes
bmi +
+prChr 'T'
+ sta typeTblL,y ; addr hi
sta .ld+2
txa ; addr lo
sta typeTblH,y
.ld lda $1000,x ; self-modified above: fetch length byte
sta typeLen,y ; save that too
inc nTypes ; bump type count
; Clear the heap
heapReset: !zone
; Establish a new heap
heapSet: !zone
txa ; addr must be page-aligned
beq +
.inval jmp invalParam
+ lda isAuxCmd
bne .inval ; must be in main mem
sec ; check for valid
jsr shared_scan
lda tSegAdrLo,y ; end must also be page-aligned
bne .inval
; Good to go. Record the start and end pages
lda pTmp+1
sta heapStartPg
sta heapTop+1
lda tSegAdrHi,y
sta heapEndPg
lda #0
sta heapTop
sta nHeapBlks
lda heapStartPg
sta heapTop
; fall through to:
; Zero memory heapTop.heapEnd
heapClr: !zone
@ -700,8 +692,32 @@ heapClr: !zone
bne .pg
; Allocate a block on the heap. X = $00.7F for string block, $80.FF for type $00.7F.
; and yes, type $00 is valid (conventionally used for the Global Object).
; Set the table for the next type in order. Starts with type $80, then $81, etc.
; By convention, type $80 is used for the Global object, from which all other
; live objects are reachable (and invalid garbage if not reachable from there).
; x=ptr lo, y = ptr hi.
; Tbl: type size 01-7F, then (byte) offsets of ptrs 01-7F within type, then 0.
heapAddType: !zone
tya ; save addr hi
ldy nTypes
bmi +
+prChr 'T'
+ sta typeTblL,y ; addr hi
sta .ld+2
txa ; addr lo
sta typeTblH,y
.ld lda $1000,x ; self-modified above: fetch length byte
sta typeLen,y ; save that too
inc nTypes ; bump type count
; Allocate a block on the heap. X = $00.7F for string block, $80.FF for a typed obj.
; And yes, type $80 is valid (conventionally used for the Global Object).
; And yes, string length $00 is valid (it's an empty string).
heapAlloc: !zone
lda heapTop
sta pTmp
@ -709,7 +725,7 @@ heapAlloc: !zone
sta pTmp+1
ldy #0
sta (pTmp),y ; save obj type on heap
sta (pTmp),y ; save obj type or len on heap
bpl .gotlen
and #$7F
@ -724,7 +740,7 @@ heapAlloc: !zone
+ sta heapTop
sty heapTop+1
.needgc jsr inlineFatal : !text "GcNotImpl",0
.needgc jsr inlineFatal : !text "NeedCollect",0
; Input : Carry set = add if not found, clear = check only, don't add
; Output: Y-reg = index
@ -763,7 +779,7 @@ gcHash_chk: !zone
; Verify integrity of memory manager structures
memCheck: !zone
jsr heapCheck ; check heap if there is one
jsr heapCheck ; heap check (if there is one)
ldx #0 ; check main bank
jsr .chk
ldx #1 ; then aux
@ -781,46 +797,52 @@ memCheck: !zone
.done rts
; Verify the integrity of the heap
heapCheck: !zone
lda #0
sta pTmp ; we'll use pTmp for scanning
lda heapStartPg
bne + ; skip check if no heap defined
+ lda heapTop
sta pTmp
lda heapTop+1
sta pTmp+1
.done rts
+ sta pTmp+1
.blklup lda pTmp
cmp heapTop ; have we reached current top-of-heap?
lda pTmp+1
sbc heapTop+1
bcs .done ; if so we're done
ldy #0
.blklup lda (pTmp),y
lda (pTmp),y
bmi .isobj
; it's a string; check its characters
pha ; save length
sta tmp ; save length
beq .nxtblk ; handle zero-length string
.stlup lda (pTmp),y
beq heapCorrupt
bmi heapCorrupt
.stlup iny
lda (pTmp),y
beq heapCorrupt ; strings shouldn't have zero bytes embedded
bmi heapCorrupt ; strings should be lo-bit ASCII
bne .stlup
.nxtblk pla ; get length back
adc pTmp
; advance to next heap block
.nxtblk lda tmp ; get length back
sec ; add 1 for type byte
adc pTmp ; advance scan ptr
sta pTmp
bcc .blklup
bcc .blklup ; go again
inc pTmp+1
lda pTmp+1
cmp heapEndPg
bcc .blklup
bcs heapCorrupt
bcc .blklup ; always taken
; it's an object; check its pointers
.isobj and #$7F
bcs heapCorrupt
lda typeLen,x
pha ; save length for later
lda typeTblL,x
sta .getoff+1
lda typeTblH,x
sta tmp ; save length for .nxtblk to use later (and also for checking below)
lda typeTblL,x ; get type table address for this type
sta .getoff+1 ; set up for pointer offset fetching
lda typeTblH,x ; hi byte too
sta .getoff+2
ldx #0 ; type entry starts at len byte, which we immediately skip
.tscan inx
@ -1024,8 +1046,9 @@ releaseSegment: !zone
scanForAddr: !zone
; Input: X(lo)/Y(hi) - address to scan for
; Input: X(lo)/Y(hi) - address to scan for (gets stored in pTmp)
; Output: X-reg - segment found (zero if not found), N and Z set for X-reg
; Y-reg - next segment in chain
; carry clear if addr == seg start, set if addr != seg start
stx pTmp ; save target addr
sty pTmp+1
@ -1046,11 +1069,11 @@ scanForAddr: !zone
bne .loop ; non-zero = not end of chain - loop again
rts ; fail with X=0
.found: sec ; start out assuming addr != seg start
lda pTmp ; compare scan address...
lda pTmp ; compare scan address lo...
eor tSegAdrLo,x ; ... to seg start lo
bne + ; if not equal, leave carry set
lda pTmp+1 ; hi byte
eor tSegAdrHi,x ; to hy byte
eor tSegAdrHi,x ; to hi byte
bne + ; again, if not equal, leave carry set
clc ; addr is equal, clear carry
+ txa
@ -1168,6 +1191,18 @@ aux_dispatch:
+ cmp #CHECK_MEM
bne +
jmp memCheck
+ cmp #HEAP_SET
bne +
jmp heapSet
bne +
jmp heapAddType
bne +
jmp heapAlloc
bne +
jmp heapCollect
bne +
jmp fatalError
@ -1324,7 +1359,7 @@ shared_alloc:
jsr reclaim ; first time, do a reclaim pass
jmp .try ; and try again
jmp invalAddr
jmp invalParam
; target addr was specified. See if we can fulfill the request.
ldx targetAddr ; all 16 bits
@ -1464,16 +1499,16 @@ coalesce: !zone
shared_scan: !zone
php ; save carry (set to check active flg, clr to skip check)
jsr scanForAddr ; scan for block that matches
beq invalAddr ; if not found, invalid
bcs invalAddr ; if addr not exactly equal, invalid
beq invalParam ; if not found, invalid
bcs invalParam ; if addr not exactly equal, invalid
lda tSegType,x ; get existing flags
bcc + ; optionally, skip check of active flag
bpl invalAddr ; must be an active block
bpl invalParam ; must be an active block
+ rts
invalAddr: !zone
jsr inlineFatal : !text "InvalAdr", 0
invalParam: !zone
jsr inlineFatal : !text "InvalParam", 0
; If the resource is a module, this will locate the corresponding bytecode
@ -1936,7 +1971,7 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
jmp prodosError
jmp invalAddr
jmp invalParam
.ysave: !byte 0
.nFixups: !byte 0

View File

@ -272,9 +272,12 @@ HEAP_SET = $20
; Establishes a block of memory to use as a garbage collected small-object
; heap. The block must be page-aligned and sized in whole pages, and
; generally should be locked first.
; Also clears the table of heap types, so HEAP_ADD_TYPE will start again
; setting the global type ($80).
; Input: X-reg(lo) / Y-reg(hi): pointer to type table
; Output: None
@ -293,7 +296,7 @@ HEAP_TYPE = $21
; Input: X-reg: string length $01-7F, or type code $80-FF
; Input: X-reg: string length $00-7F, or type code $80-FF
; Output: X-reg(lo) / Y-reg(hi): pointer to allocated object space
@ -307,6 +310,13 @@ HEAP_ALLOC = $22
; By convention, the very first block allocated should be of the "Global"
; type ($80) and all other live objects must be traceable from there.
; If there's no room on the heap, an fatal error will be thrown. The system
; assumes that HEAP_COLLECT is not safe to run at any time. Rather, you
; should call it periodically when you're certain no pointers to heap
; objects (except the global object) are on the system stack.
; Note: strings of length zero are considered valid and supported.