Fixed several mark storage bugs.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2018-04-08 07:32:46 -07:00
parent 0248c70646
commit b2eef925d8
2 changed files with 40 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -8,4 +8,6 @@
; governing permissions and limitations under the License.
saveMarks = $DB00 ; in aux LC, bank 1
; in aux LC, bank 1
writeMarks = $DB00
saveMarks = $DB03

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@ -23,8 +23,11 @@ pBuf = $8 ; len 2
; free: $9-$F (but used by prorwts)
retAddr = $10 ; len 2
width = $12 ; len 1
stride = $13 ; len 1
mask = $14 ; len 1
jmp saveMarks
jmp _writeMarks
;Input: A-reg = row stride
; X-reg = width
@ -33,8 +36,7 @@ width = $12 ; len 1
; TOS-1 = ...and hi byte
; TOS = map number (with hi bit set if 3D)
saveMarks: !zone
.lineCt = tmp+1
sta .adStrd+1
sta stride
stx width
sty .lineCt
@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ saveMarks: !zone
sta tmp ; number of bytes per row
lda #0
ldy .lineCt ; must reload in case of rescan
- adc tmp
dey ; multiply height * bytes-per-row
bne - ; Y=0 at end of loop (used below)
@ -61,29 +64,29 @@ saveMarks: !zone
jsr scan
bcs .found
.notfnd pla ; map number
.notfnd txa
adc pBuf ; carry already clear because scan failed
bcc +
lda pBuf+1
cmp #>(bufEnd-256)
bcc +
jsr _writeMarks ; write out existing marks and reset buffer
jmp .rescan
+ pla ; map number
sta (pBuf),y
txa ; get back record length
sta (pBuf),y
tay ; save offset for end-of-buffer marking
adc pBuf
bcc +
lda pBuf+1
cmp #>(bufEnd-256)
bcs .full
+ lda #0 ; end-of-buffer mark, and also mask
txa ; end of buffer offset
lda #0 ; end-of-buffer mark, and also mask
sta (pBuf),y ; mark new end of buffer
beq .go ; always taken
.full jsr writeMarks ; write out existing marks and reset buffer
jmp .rescan
.found pla ; done with map number - discard it
lda #$FF
.go sta .mask1+1
sta .mask2+1
.go sta mask
ldy #2
pla ; source data addr hi...
@ -91,16 +94,16 @@ saveMarks: !zone
pla ; ...and lo
sta .get+1
lda #$80
.nxtrow lda #$80
sta tmp
.nxtrow ldx #0
ldx #0
.get lda $1111,x ; self-modified above
asl ; shift $40 bit (automap) into carry
ror tmp ; save the bit
bcc +
lda (pBuf),y
.mask1 and #11 ; self-modified above
and mask
ora tmp
sta (pBuf),y
@ -110,28 +113,29 @@ saveMarks: !zone
cpx width
bne .get ; loop until row width is complete
lda tmp
bmi + ; skip final store if no bits
cmp #$80
beq + ; skip final store if no bits
- lsr tmp ; low-align last set of bits in row
bcc -
lda (pBuf),y
.mask2 and #11 ; self-modified above
and mask
ora tmp
sta (pBuf),y
+ lda .get+1
.adStrd adc #11 ; add stride (self-modified above)
adc stride ; add stride (self-modified above)
sta .get+1
bcc +
inc .get+2
+ dec .lineCt
bne .nxtrow
jsr writeMarks ; for testing only
.ret lda retAddr+1
lda retAddr
.lineCt !byte 0
; Scan the buffer for A-reg as target map
; Advances pBuf through the buffer
@ -147,19 +151,23 @@ scan: !zone
- ldy #0
lda (pBuf),y
beq + ; if end of buffer, Z=1 and C=0
beq .ret ; if end of buffer, Z=1 and C=0
cmp target
beq + ; if match, Z=1 and C=1
beq .ret ; if match, Z=1 and C=1
lda (pBuf),y
adc pBuf
sta pBuf
bcc -
inc pBuf+1
bcs - ; always taken
+ rts
lda pBuf+1
cmp #>bufEnd
bcc - ; if sane, continue
.ret rts
writeMarks: !zone
_writeMarks: !zone
; First, open the file and seek to offset $1200
lda #<filename
sta namlo