Changed to new compass. Messing around with line drawing.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2017-12-27 07:21:46 -08:00
parent 4d7e33c061
commit b385a5e769

View File

@ -343,6 +343,105 @@ export asm memset(pDst, val, len)#0
+ rts + rts
end end
asm drawLine(color, y, xbyte, xbit, xdir, ydir, xinc, yinc, len)#0
!zone {
.param_len = evalStkL+0
.param_yinc = evalStkL+1
.param_xinc = evalStkL+2
.param_ydir = evalStkL+3
.param_xdir = evalStkL+4
.param_xbit = evalStkL+5
.param_xbyte = evalStkL+6
.param_y = evalStkL+7
.param_color = evalStkL+8
.xfrac = tmp
.yfrac = tmp+1
+asmPlasmNoRet 9
lda #0
sta .xfrac
sta .yfrac
lda .param_y,x
jsr GetScreenLine
clc ; signal to take X path first
dec .param_len,x ; decrement count of pixels todo
bmi .done ; get out if it goes negative
ldy .param_xbyte,x ; byte number on line
lda .param_color,x ; get color mask
eor (pTmp),y ; funny logic to plot in color - part 1
and .param_xbit,x ; bit mask within byte
eor (pTmp),y ; funny logic - part 2
sta (pTmp),y ; store the result
lda .param_xbit,x ; check bit mask:
and #$60 ; was it the rightmost pixel?
eor #$40
bne + ; if not, done w/ plotting
lda .param_color,x ; it was, so we need to plot
iny ; byte's...
eor (pTmp),y
and #1 ; ...first pixel
eor (pTmp),y
sta (pTmp),y
dey ; back to where we were
+ bcs .movey ; skip X processing if we just did it
.movex ; check and move on X axis
lda .xfrac
adc .param_xinc,x ; bump the X fraction
sta .xfrac
bcc .movey ; if not a whole number bump, don't move on X
lda .param_xbit,x
ldy .param_xdir,x ; check X direction (0=left, 1=right)
bne .right
lsr ; 1 bit to the left
cmp #$20
bne +
ora #$40
+ cmp #1
bne .ltrt
dec .param_xbyte,x ; finished with byte, move 1 byte left
lda #$40 ; high bit of next-to-left byte
bne .ltrt ; always taken
asl ; 1 bit to right
bpl .ltrt
and #$7F
bne .ltrt
inc .param_xbyte,x ; finished with byte, move 1 byte right
lda #3 ; low bit of next-to-right byte
sta .param_xbit,x
sec ; signal to take the Y path next time
bcs .pix ; plot at the new position
lda .yfrac
adc .param_yinc,x ; bump the Y fraction
sta .yfrac
bcc .movex ; if not a whole number bump, don't move on Y, go bump X
lda .param_ydir,x ; check Y direction (0=up, 1=down)
bne .down
dec .param_y,x ; prev line (up)
bcs .getline ; always taken
inc .param_y,x ; next line (down)
bcs .getline ; always taken
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
asm readAuxByte(ptr)#1 asm readAuxByte(ptr)#1
+asmPlasmRet 1 +asmPlasmRet 1
@ -1728,17 +1827,24 @@ end
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def showCompassDir(dir)#0 def showCompassDir(dir)#0
word tile word cursX, cursY, str
word screenAdr cursX, cursY = getCursor()
if dir < 2; tile = COMPASS_EAST setWindow(173, 182, 28, 49) // Top, Bottom, Left, Right
elsif dir < 6; tile = COMPASS_SOUTH clearWindow()
elsif dir < 10; tile = COMPASS_WEST when dir
elsif dir < 14; tile = COMPASS_NORTH is 15; is 0; is 1; str = "E"; break
else tile = COMPASS_EAST; fin is 2; str = "SE"; break
tile = pGlobalTileset + (tile<<5) is 3; is 4; is 5; str = "S"; break;
screenAdr = getScreenLine(168)+4 is 6; str = "SW"; break;
blit(0, tile, screenAdr, 16, 2) is 7; is 8; is 9; str = "W"; break;
blit(0, tile, screenAdr+$2000, 16, 2) is 10; str = "NW"; break;
is 11; is 12; is 13; str = "N"; break;
is 14; str = "NE"; break;
centerStr(str, 21)
if mapIs3D and texturesLoaded; copyWindow(); fin
setCursor(cursX, cursY)
end end
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -3110,11 +3216,24 @@ def startGame(ask)#0
crout() crout()
end end
def foo#0
word xinc
setWindow(0, 192, 0, 280) // Top, Bottom, Left, Right
for xinc = 1 to 255
// (color, y, xbyte, xbit, xdir, ydir, xinc, yinc, len)#0
drawLine($FF, 100, 20, $3, 0, 0, xinc, $FF, 100)
drawLine($00, 100, 20, $3, 0, 0, xinc, $FF, 100)
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Main code. // Main code.
// //
scriptDisplayStr(@_scriptDisplayStr) // 1-time init scriptDisplayStr(@_scriptDisplayStr) // 1-time init
loadTitle() loadTitle()
startGame(TRUE) // ask whether new or load startGame(TRUE) // ask whether new or load
kbdLoop() kbdLoop()