Optimization of dark fading.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2018-03-03 09:34:31 -08:00
parent 342de6c35c
commit c54bb8e05f

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@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ nTextures: !byte 0
scripts: !word 0 ; pointer to loaded scripts module
shadow_pTex: !word 0 ; backup of pTmp space on aux (because it gets overwritten by expander)
mapPartition: !byte 0 ; mem mgr partition of map and resources
maxDist: !byte 255 ; max rendering distance (changes in darkness)
fadeHeight: !byte 30 ; height below which fade kicks in (changes in darkness)
darkHeight: !byte 0 ; height below which darkness kicks in (changes in darkness)
fadeHeight: !byte 0 ; height below which fade kicks in (changes in darkness)
skyColorEven: !byte $20
skyColorOdd: !byte $22
@ -303,7 +303,6 @@ castRay: !zone
sty mapX
ldx playerY+1
stx mapY
; the DDA algorithm
lda sideDistX
@ -326,26 +325,6 @@ castRay: !zone
sta sideDistY
lda deltaDistX ; re-init X distance
sta sideDistX
lda #0
sbc playerX ; inverse of low byte of player coord
lda mapX ; map X is the integer byte
sbc playerX+1
bit stepX
bpl +
inx ; if stepping backward, add one to dist
+ txa
bcs + ; carry set if positive
eor #$FF ; invert to get...
adc #1 ; ...abs value
+ cmp maxDist
bcc +
lda #0
beq .farX
lda (pMap),y ; check map at current X/Y position
beq .DDA_step ; nothing there? do another step.
bpl .hitX
@ -355,7 +334,7 @@ castRay: !zone
ora #FLG_AUTOMAP ; remember that this square...
sta (pMap),y ; ...has been seen
.farX sta txNum ; store the texture number we hit
sta txNum ; store the texture number we hit
lda #0
sbc playerX ; inverse of low byte of player coord
@ -405,26 +384,6 @@ castRay: !zone
sta sideDistX
lda deltaDistY ; re-init Y distance
sta sideDistY
lda #0
sbc playerY ; inverse of low byte of player coord
lda mapY ; map X is the integer byte
sbc playerY+1
bit stepY
bpl +
inx ; if stepping backward, add one to dist
+ txa
bcs + ; carry set if positive
eor #$FF ; invert to get...
adc #1 ; ...abs value
+ cmp maxDist
bcc +
lda #0
beq .farY
lda (pMap),y ; check map at current X/Y position
bmi .hitSprite
bne .hitY ; nothing there? do another step.
@ -434,12 +393,12 @@ castRay: !zone
ora #FLG_AUTOMAP ; remember that this square...
sta (pMap),y ; ...has been seen
.farY sta txNum ; store the texture number we hit
sta txNum ; store the texture number we hit
lda #0
sbc playerY ; inverse of low byte of player coord
sta dist ; is fractional byte of dist.
lda mapY ; map X is the integer byte
lda mapY ; map Y is the integer byte
sbc playerY+1
bit stepY
@ -606,7 +565,12 @@ castRay: !zone
beq +
ldy #$FF ; clamp large line heights to 255
+ pla ; get the depth back
jmp saveLink ; save final column data to link buffer
cpy darkHeight ; check for darkness in the distance
bcs +
ldy #0 ; switch to special 'dark' texture
sty txNum
ldy darkHeight ; visually hide the distance (depth is probably ok unchanged)
+ jmp saveLink ; save final column data to link buffer
!if DEBUG >= 2 {
@ -910,6 +874,10 @@ spriteCalc: !zone
txa ; work on hi byte
beq +
ldy #$FF
+ cpy darkHeight
bcs +
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Sprite is beyond dark limit.",0 }
+ sty lineCt
; Calculate wSpriteTop = 32 - (wSize >> 1);
@ -2234,6 +2202,17 @@ pl_setColor: !zone
sta skyColorEven,x
lda skyGndTbl2,y
sta skyColorOdd,x
ldx #0 ; for daytime: 0 dark height
ldy #0 ; ... 0 fade height
lda skyColorEven
ora skyColorOdd
and #$1F
bne .fin
.dark ldx #15 ; for nighttime: 15 dark height
ldy #30 ; ... 30 fade height
.fin stx darkHeight
sty fadeHeight
@ -2295,10 +2274,6 @@ pl_initMap: !zone
jsr makeDecodeTbls
jsr makeLines
jsr setExpansionCaller
lda #5
sta maxDist
jmp renderFrame
; Save automap bits