Working on module loading in mem manager.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2014-06-29 14:32:51 -07:00
parent 68c70a3ec6
commit d4b90e32f8
3 changed files with 111 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ class PackPartitions
assert fixup[sp++] == 2 // code table fixup
def addr = fixup[sp++] & 0xFF
addr |= (fixup[sp++] & 0xFF) << 8
invDefs[addr] = it*5 + 2 // account for initial placeholder
invDefs[addr] = it*5
addr -= 0x1000
addr -= byteCodeStart
assert addr >= 0 && addr < byteCode.size
@ -644,8 +644,6 @@ class PackPartitions
def dp = 0
def stubsSize = defCount * 5
def newAsmCode = new byte[stubsSize + asmCode.size + 2]
newAsmCode[dp++] = 0 // placeholders for aux addr...
newAsmCode[dp++] = 0 // ...that fixups were applied to
(0..<defCount).each {
newAsmCode[dp++] = 0x20 // JSR
newAsmCode[dp++] = 0xDC // Aux mem interp ($3DC)
@ -692,7 +690,7 @@ class PackPartitions
target += stubsSize // account for the stubs we prepended to the asm code
println String.format("...adjusted to target offset 0x%04x", target)
assert target >= 7 && target < newAsmCode.length
assert target >= 5 && target < newAsmCode.length
// Put the adjusted target back in the code
codeBuf[addr] = (byte)(target & 0xFF)

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ segNum: !byte 0
nextLdVec: jmp diskLoader
curPartition: !byte 0
partFileRef: !byte 0
fixupHint: !word 0
!source "../include/debug.i"
@ -118,9 +119,11 @@ releaseSegment: !zone
scanForAddr: !zone
; Input: pTmp - address to scan for
; Input: X(lo)/Y(hi) - address to scan for
; Output: X-reg - segment found (zero if not found), N and Z set for X-reg
; carry clear if addr == seg start, set if addr != seg start
stx pTmp ; save target addr
sty pTmp+1
ldx isAuxCmd ; grab correct starting segment (0=main mem, 1=aux)
.loop: ldy tSegLink,x ; grab link to next segment, which we'll need regardless
lda pTmp ; compare pTmp
@ -582,7 +585,11 @@ reset: !zone
.next: lda tSegLink,x ; get link to next seg
tax ; to X reg, and test if end of chain (x=0)
bne .inactivate ; no, not end of chain, so loop again
rts ; yes, end of chain: done
lda #0 ; default to putting fixups at $8000, to avoid fragmentation
sta fixupHint
lda #$80
sta fixupHint+1
outOfMemErr: !zone
@ -608,9 +615,10 @@ shared_request:
sta isAuxCmd ; save whether we're working on main or aux mem
stx reqLen ; save requested length
sty reqLen+1 ; all 16 bits
shared_alloc: lda #1
lda #1
sta .reclaimFlg ; we will try to reclaim once
.try: lda targetAddr+1 ; see if SET_MEM_TARGET was called
.try: ldy targetAddr+1 ; see if SET_MEM_TARGET was called
bne .gotTarget ; no, we need to choose location
; no target address has been specified, we need to choose one
@ -625,9 +633,7 @@ shared_alloc: lda #1
jmp invalAddr
; target addr was specified. See if we can fulfill the request.
sta pTmp+1 ; save target addr
lda targetAddr ; all 16 bits
sta pTmp
ldx targetAddr ; all 16 bits
jsr scanForAddr ; locate block containing target addr
beq .notFound ; fail if we couldn't find it
lda tSegType,x ; check flags
@ -692,17 +698,46 @@ shared_alloc: lda #1
.reclaimFlg: !byte 0
; Free everything that's inactive
reclaim: !zone
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text "Reclaim not impl yet", 0
ldx isAuxCmd ; grab correct starting segment (0=main mem, 1=aux)
.loop: ldy tSegLink,x ; grab link to next segment, which we'll need regardless
lda tSegType,x ; check flag and type of this seg
bmi .next
lda #0
sta tSegType,x
.next: tya ; next in chain
tax ; to X reg index
bne .loop ; non-zero = not end of chain - loop again
; fall through to coalesce...
; Join adjacent free blocks of memory, where "free" is defined as having
; resource type zero and no flags. Note that it will not join inactive blocks
; that still have a resource type.
coalesce: !zone
ldx isAuxCmd ; grab correct starting segment (0=main mem, 1=aux)
.loop: ldy tSegLink,x ; grab link to next segment, which we'll need regardless
beq .done ; no next segment, nothing to join to ==> done
lda tSegType,x ; check flag and type of this seg
ora tSegType,y ; and next seg
bmi .next ; if either is active or has a type, can't combine
; we can combine the next segment into this one.
stx tmp
jsr releaseSegment
lda tSegLink,x ; link to what the combined segment was linked to
ldx tmp
sta tSegLink,x
jmp .loop ; we may be able to combine even more
.next: tya ; next in chain
tax ; to X reg index
bne .loop ; non-zero = not end of chain - loop again
.done rts ; all done
shared_scan: !zone
sta isAuxCmd ; save whether main or aux mem
stx pTmp ; save addr lo...
sty pTmp+1 ; ... and hi
jsr scanForAddr ; scan for block that matches
beq invalAddr ; if not found, invalid
bcs invalAddr ; if addr not exactly equal, invalid
@ -799,7 +834,9 @@ shared_queueLoad:
sta isAuxCmd ; save whether main or aux
stx resType ; save resource type
sty resNum ; save resource number
jsr scanForResource ; scan to see if we already have this resource in mem
cpx #RES_TYPE_MODULE ; loading a module?
beq .module ; extra work for modules
.notMod jsr scanForResource ; scan to see if we already have this resource in mem
beq .notFound ; nope, pass to next loader
stx segNum ; save seg num for later
lda tSegType,x ; get flags
@ -830,6 +867,54 @@ shared_queueLoad:
ldy resNum ; and number
lda #QUEUE_LOAD ; set to re-try same operation
jmp nextLdVec ; pass to next loader
; extra work for modules
.module lda #RES_TYPE_BYTECODE
sta resType
lda #1
sta isAuxCmd
jsr scanForResource ; do we have the aux mem part?
beq .reload
sta resType
lda #0
sta isAuxCmd
jsr scanForResource ; do we have the main mem part?
beq .reload
rts ; we have both parts already -- no need for fixups
.reload lda #RES_TYPE_MODULE
sta resType
lda #0
sta isAuxCmd
jsr .notMod ; queue the main memory part of the module
stx .modRet+1 ; save address of main load for eventual return
sty .modRet+3 ; yes, self-modifying
ldy resNum
jsr aux_queueLoad ; load the aux mem part (the bytecode)
; try to pick a location for the fixups that we can free without fragmenting everything.
ldx fixupHint
ldy fixupHint+1
jsr scanForAddr ; locate block containing target addr
beq .frag
lda tSegType,x ; check flags
bmi .frag ; if already active, can't re-allocate it
lda fixupHint ; Okay, found a good place to put it
sta targetAddr
lda fixupHint+1
sta targetAddr+1
.frag ldx #RES_TYPE_FIXUP ; queue loading of the fixup resource
ldy resNum
jsr aux_queueLoad
lda fixupHint ; advance hint for next fixup by the size of this fixup
adc reqLen
sta fixupHint
lda fixupHint+1
adc reqLen+1
sta fixupHint+1
.modRet ldx #11 ; all done; return address of the main memory block.
ldy #22
diskLoader: !zone

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@ -83,13 +83,16 @@ auxLoader = $806
; Resource types
; Command codes