Avoid trashing ProDOS until after ProRWTS inits.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2021-02-20 14:33:48 -08:00
parent fd259f8f7e
commit edd127ac49

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ pEnd = $10 ; len 2
pData = $80 ; len 2
pRun = $82 ; len 2
pDcmp = $84 ; len 2
decomp = $DF00
@ -50,27 +51,29 @@ init ; Put something interesting on the screen :)
sta pData
lda #>dataStart
sta pData+1
bit setLcWr+lcBank1 ; read from ROM, write to LC ram
bit setLcWr+lcBank1
; temporary: copy monitor ROM so we can debug decompressor
ldy #0
sty pSrc
ldx #$f8
-- stx pSrc+1
- lda (pSrc),y
sta (pSrc),y
bne -
bne --
; For first phase, before initting ProRWTS, decomp needs to be in bank 2
; to avoid trashing ProDOS. (Only safe to trash after ProRWTS init).
bit setLcWr+lcBank2 ; read from ROM, write to LC ram
bit setLcWr+lcBank2
; First is the decompressor itself (special: just copy one page)
jsr getBlk
lda pSrc ; save src ptr for later re-copy to final home
sta pDcmp
lda pSrc+1
sta pDcmp+1
- lda (pSrc),y
.st sta decomp,y
sta decomp,y
bne -
; Next comes ProRWTS
jsr runBlk
; Now we can move decomp to its final home in bank 1
bit setLcWr+lcBank1 ; read from ROM, write to LC ram
ldy #0
- lda (pDcmp),y
sta decomp,y
bne -
jsr runBlk
; And finally the memory mgr (fall through)
@ -80,9 +83,9 @@ runBlk jsr getBlk ; get block size and calc pointers
jsr $FE95
jsr debug
bit setLcRW+lcBank1
bit setLcRW+lcBank2
jsr decomp ; decompress the code
bit setLcWr+lcBank1
bit setLcWr+lcBank2
!if DEBUG {
lda #"R"
jsr ROM_cout