;extended open/read/write binary file in ProDOS filesystem, with random access ;copyright (c) Peter Ferrie 2013-16 ;license:BSD-3-Clause !cpu 6502 *=$4000 ;place no code before init label below. ;user-defined options verbose_info = 0 ;set to 1 to enable display of memory usage enable_floppy = 1 ;set to 1 to enable floppy drive support poll_drive = 1 ;set to 1 to check if disk is in drive override_adr = 1 ;set to 1 to require an explicit load address aligned_read = 0 ;set to 1 if all reads can be a multiple of block size enable_write = 1 ;set to 1 to enable write support ;file must exist already and its size cannot be altered ;writes occur in multiples of block size (256 bytes for floppy, 512 bytes for HDD) enable_seek = 1 ;set to 1 to enable seek support allow_multi = 1 ;set to 1 to allow multiple floppies check_chksum = 1 ;set to 1 to enforce checksum verification for floppies allow_subdir = 0 ;set to 1 to allow opening subdirectories to access files might_exist = 1 ;set to 1 if file is not known to always exist already ;makes use of status to indicate success or failure allow_aux = 1 ;set to 1 to allow read/write directly to/from aux memory ;requires load_high to be set for arbitrary memory access ;else driver must be running from same memory target ;i.e. running from main if accessing main, running from aux if accessing aux allow_trees = 1 ;enable support for tree files, as opposed to only seedlings and saplings ;requires an additional 512 bytes of RAM bounds_check = 0 ;set to 1 to prevent access beyond the end of the file ;but limits file size to 64k-2 bytes. load_high = 0 ;set to 1 to load to top of RAM (either main or banked, enables a himem check) load_aux = 1 ;load to aux memory load_banked = 1 ;set to 1 to load into banked RAM instead of main RAM (can be combined with load_aux for aux banked) lc_bank = 1 ;load into specified bank (1 or 2) if load_banked=1 ;user-defined driver load address !if load_banked = 1 { !if load_high = 1 { !ifdef PASS2 { } else { ;PASS2 reloc = $fb00 ;page-aligned, as high as possible, the ideal value will be shown on mismatch } ;PASS2 } else { ;load_high reloc = $d000 ;page-aligned, but otherwise wherever you want } ;load_high } else { ;load_banked !if load_high = 1 { !ifdef PASS2 { } else { ;PASS2 reloc = $bf00 ;page-aligned, as high as possible, the ideal value will be shown on mismatch } ;PASS2 } else { ;load_high reloc = $1000 ;page-aligned, but otherwise wherever you want } ;load_high } ;load_banked ;there are also buffers that can be moved if necessary: ;dirbuf, encbuf, treebuf (and corresponding hdd* versions that load to the same place) ;they are independent of each other so they can be placed separately ;see near EOF for those ;zpage usage, arbitrary selection except for the "ProDOS constant" ones ;feel free to move them around !if (might_exist + poll_drive) > 0 { status = $3 ;returns non-zero on error } ;might_exist or poll_drive !if allow_aux = 1 { auxreq = $a ;set to 1 to read/write aux memory, else main memory is used } ;allow_aux sizelo = $6 ;set if enable_write=1 and writing, or reading, or if enable_seek=1 and seeking sizehi = $7 ;set if enable_write=1 and writing, or reading, or if enable_seek=1 and seeking !if (enable_write + enable_seek + allow_multi) > 0 { reqcmd = $2 ;set (read/write/seek) if enable_write=1 or enable_seek=1 ;if allow_multi=1, bit 7 selects floppy drive in current slot (clear=drive 1, set=drive 2) during open call ;bit 7 must be clear for read/write/seek on opened file } ;enable_write or enable_seek or allow_multi ldrlo = $E ;set to load address if override_adr=1 ldrhi = $F ;set to load address if override_adr=1 namlo = $C ;name of file to access namhi = $D ;name of file to access !if enable_floppy = 1 { tmpsec = $15 ;(internal) sector number read from disk reqsec = $16 ;(internal) requested sector number curtrk = $17 ;(internal) track number read from disk } ;enable_floppy command = $42 ;ProDOS constant unit = $43 ;ProDOS constant adrlo = $44 ;ProDOS constant adrhi = $45 ;ProDOS constant bloklo = $46 ;ProDOS constant blokhi = $47 ;ProDOS constant !if allow_trees = 1 { treeidx = $1b ;(internal) index into tree block istree = $1c ;(internal) flag to indicate tree file } ;allow_trees entries = $18 ;(internal) total number of entries in directory !if bounds_check = 1 { bleftlo = $13 ;(internal) bytes left in file blefthi = $14 ;(internal) bytes left in file } ;bounds_check blkofflo = $19 ;(internal) offset within cache block blkoffhi = $1a ;(internal) offset within cache block !if enable_floppy = 1 { step = $1d ;(internal) state for stepper motor tmptrk = $1e ;(internal) temporary copy of current track phase = $1f ;(internal) current phase for seek } ;enable_floppy ;constants cmdseek = 0 ;requires enable_seek=1 cmdread = 1 ;requires enable_write=1 cmdwrite = 2 ;requires enable_write=1 SETKBD = $fe89 SETVID = $fe93 DEVNUM = $bf30 PHASEOFF = $c080 MOTOROFF = $c088 MOTORON = $c089 DRV0EN = $c08a Q6L = $c08c Q6H = $c08d Q7L = $c08e Q7H = $c08f MLI = $bf00 NAME_LENGTH = $4 ;ProDOS constant MASK_SUBDIR = $d0 ;ProDOS constant MASK_ALL = $f0 ;ProDOS constant KEY_POINTER = $11 ;ProDOS constant EOF_LO = $15 ;ProDOS constant EOF_HI = $16 ;ProDOS constant AUX_TYPE = $1f ;ProDOS constant ENTRY_SIZE = $27 ;ProDOS constant NEXT_BLOCK_LO = $2 ;ProDOS constant NEXT_BLOCK_HI = $3 ;ProDOS constant SAPLING = $20 ;ProDOS constant FILE_COUNT = $25 ;ProDOS constant ROMIN = $c081 LCBANK2 = $c089 CLRAUXRD = $c002 CLRAUXWR = $c004 SETAUXWR = $c005 CLRAUXZP = $c008 SETAUXZP = $c009 init jsr SETVID jsr SETKBD lda DEVNUM sta x80_parms + 1 sta unrunit + 1 and #$70 !if (enable_floppy + enable_write) > 1 { sta unrslot1 + 1 sta unrslot2 + 1 sta unrslot3 + 1 sta unrslot4 + 1 } ;enable_floppy and enable_write pha !if enable_floppy = 1 { ora #(readbuff + NAME_LENGTH) sta blokhi inextent ldy #0 lda (bloklo), y pha and #MASK_SUBDIR ;watch for subdirectory entries cmp #MASK_SUBDIR bne + lda (bloklo), y and #$0f tax iny -- lda (bloklo), y cmp (namlo), y beq ifoundname ;match failed, move to next directory in this block, if possible - + pla clc lda bloklo adc #ENTRY_SIZE sta bloklo bcc + ;there can be only one page crossed, so we can increment instead of adc inc blokhi + cmp #<(readbuff + $1ff) ;4 + ($27 * $0d) lda blokhi sbc #>(readbuff + $1ff) bcc inextent ;read next directory block when we reach the end of this block lda readbuff + NEXT_BLOCK_LO ldx readbuff + NEXT_BLOCK_HI bcs + ifoundname iny dex bne -- ;parse path until last directory is seen lda (namlo), y cmp #'/' bne - tya eor #$ff adc sizelo sta sizelo clc tya adc namlo sta namlo pla and #$20 ;Volume Directory Header XOR subdirectory bne ++ ;cache block number of current directory ;as starting position for subsequent searches ldy #(KEY_POINTER + 1) lda (bloklo), y tax dey lda (bloklo), y !if enable_floppy = 1 { sta unrblocklo + 1 stx unrblockhi + 1 } ;enable_floppy sta unrhddblocklo + 1 stx unrhddblockhi + 1 + sta x80_parms + 4 stx x80_parms + 5 ++ lda sizelo bne readblock ;unit to slot for SmartPort interface +++ pla lsr lsr lsr tax lsr ora #$c0 ldy $bf11, x cpy #$c8 ;max slot+1 bcs set_slot tya set_slot sta slot + 2 sta unrentry + 2 !if load_banked = 1 { lda LCBANK2 - ((lc_bank - 1) * 8) lda LCBANK2 - ((lc_bank - 1) * 8) } ;load_banked !if load_aux = 1 { sta SETAUXWR + (load_banked * 4) ;SETAUXWR or SETAUXZP } ;load_aux !if enable_floppy = 1 { ldx #>unrelocdsk ldy #unrelochdd ldy #((codeend - rdwrpart) + $ff) ldy #0 - lda (bloklo), y reladr sta reloc, y iny bne - inc blokhi inc reladr + 2 dex bne - plp bne ++ ;build 6-and-2 denibbilisation table ldx #$16 -- stx bloklo txa asl bit bloklo beq + ora bloklo eor #$ff and #$7e - bcs + lsr bne - tya sta nibtbl - $16, x !if enable_write = 1 { ;and 6-and-2 nibbilisation table if writing txa ora #$80 sta xlattbl, y } ;enable_write iny + inx bpl -- ++ } else { ;enable_floppy slot lda $cfff sta unrentry + 1 ldy #0 - lda unrelochdd, y sta reloc, y ;hack to avoid address overflow when load_high and load_banked ;and code is less than two pages long (e.g. aligned_read, no write) ;can't insert code during pass two because it breaks existing offsets !ifdef PASS2 { !if >(hddcodeend - reloc) > 1 { !set hack=$100 } ;hddcodeend } else { ;PASS2 !set hack=0 } ;PASS2 lda unrelochdd + hack, y sta reloc + hack, y iny bne - } ;enable_floppy !if load_aux = 1 { sta CLRAUXWR + (load_banked * 4) ;CLRAUXWR or CLRAUXZP } ;load_aux rts c7_parms !byte 1 !word $200 x80_parms !byte 3, $d1 !word readbuff, 2 !if enable_floppy = 1 { unrelocdsk !pseudopc reloc { !if override_adr = 1 { ;only available when load address is specified rdwrpart jmp rdwrfile } ;override_adr ;read volume directory key block ;self-modified by init code opendir unrblocklo = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) ldx #2 unrblockhi = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) lda #0 jsr readdirsel ;include volume directory header in count readdir !if might_exist = 1 { ldx dirbuf + FILE_COUNT ;assuming only 256 files per subdirectory inx stx entries } ;might_exist firstent lda #<(dirbuf + NAME_LENGTH) sta bloklo lda #>(dirbuf + NAME_LENGTH) sta blokhi nextent ldy #0 !if might_exist = 1 { sty status } ;might_exist lda (bloklo), y !if might_exist = 1 { ;skip deleted entries without counting and #MASK_ALL beq ++ } ;might_exist ;remember type ;now bits 5-4 are represented by carry (subdirectory), sign (sapling) savetype asl asl ;now bits 5-3 are represented by carry (subdirectory), sign (sapling), ;overflow (seedling), and sign+overflow (tree) !if allow_trees = 1 { sta treeidx bit treeidx } ;allow_trees php ;match name lengths before attempting to match names lda (bloklo), y and #$0f tax inx !byte $2c ;mask lda, y on first pass - lda (bloklo), y cmp (namlo), y beq foundname ;match failed, check if any directory entries remain plp + !if might_exist = 1 { dec entries bne ++ } ;might_exist !if (might_exist + poll_drive) > 0 { nodisk unrdrvoff1=unrelocdsk+(*-reloc) lda MOTOROFF inc status rts } ;might_exist or poll_drive ;move to next directory in this block, if possible ++ clc lda bloklo adc #ENTRY_SIZE sta bloklo bcc + ;there can be only one page crossed, so we can increment instead of adc inc blokhi + cmp #<(dirbuf + $1ff) ;4 + ($27 * $0d) lda blokhi sbc #>(dirbuf + $1ff) bcc nextent ;read next directory block when we reach the end of this block ldx dirbuf + NEXT_BLOCK_LO lda dirbuf + NEXT_BLOCK_HI jsr readdirsec bne firstent foundname iny dex bne - !if allow_trees = 1 { stx treeidx stx istree } ;allow_trees stx entries stx blkofflo stx blkoffhi !if enable_write = 1 { ldy reqcmd cpy #cmdwrite ;control carry instead of zero bne + ;round requested size up to nearest block if writing !if aligned_read = 0 { php } ;aligned_read lda sizelo ldx sizehi jsr round sta sizehi !if aligned_read = 0 { plp } ;aligned_read + } ;enable_write !if bounds_check = 1 { ;cache EOF (file size, loaded backwards) ldy #EOF_HI lda (bloklo), y !if (enable_write + aligned_read) > 0 { tax } else { ;enable_write or aligned_read sta blefthi } ;enable_write or aligned_read dey ;EOF_LO lda (bloklo), y !if (enable_write + aligned_read) > 0 { ;round file size up to nearest sector if writing without aligned reads ;or nearest block if using aligned reads !if aligned_read = 0 { bcc + } ;aligned_read jsr round tax lda #0 !if aligned_read = 0 { sta sizelo } ;aligned_read + stx blefthi } ;enable_write or aligned_read !if aligned_read = 0 { sta bleftlo } ;aligned_read } else { ;bounds_check !if enable_write = 1 { !if aligned_read = 0 { bcc + lda #0 sta sizelo + } ;aligned_read } ;enable_write } ;bounds_check ;cache AUX_TYPE (load offset for binary files) !if override_adr = 0 { pla tax ldy #AUX_TYPE lda (bloklo), y pha iny lda (bloklo), y pha txa pha } ;override_adr ;cache KEY_POINTER ldy #KEY_POINTER lda (bloklo), y tax sta dirbuf iny lda (bloklo), y sta dirbuf + 256 ;read index block in case of sapling plp !if (allow_subdir + allow_trees) > 0 { bpl rdwrfile !if allow_subdir = 1 { php } ;allow_subdir !if allow_trees = 1 { ldy #>hdddirbuf bvc + ldy #>hddtreebuf sty istree + } ;allow_trees jsr readdirsect !if allow_subdir = 1 { plp } ;allow_subdir } ;allow_subdir ;restore load offset rdwrfile !if override_adr = 1 { ldx ldrhi lda ldrlo } else { ;override_adr pla tax pla } ;override_adr !if allow_subdir = 1 { ;check file type and fake size and load address for subdirectories bcc + ldy #2 sty sizehi ldx #>dirbuf lda # 0 { ldy reqcmd ;cpy #cmdseek beq + } ;enable_write or enable_seek !if allow_aux = 1 { ldx auxreq jsr setaux } ;allow_aux !if (enable_write + enable_seek) > 0 { dey ;cpy #cmdread !if enable_write = 1 { bne rdwrloop } ;enable_write } ;enable_write or enable_seek + lda blkofflo tax ora blkoffhi beq rdwrloop lda sizehi pha lda sizelo pha lda adrhi sta blokhi lda adrlo sta bloklo stx adrlo lda #>encbuf clc adc blkoffhi sta adrhi ;determine bytes left in block !if (enable_write + enable_seek) > 0 { tya } else { ;enable_write or enable_seek lda #0 } ;enable_write or enable_seek sec sbc blkofflo tay lda #2 sbc blkoffhi tax ;set requested size to min(bytes left, requested size) cpy sizelo sbc sizehi bcs + sty sizelo stx sizehi + lda sizehi jsr copycache lda ldrlo adc sizelo sta ldrlo lda ldrhi adc sizehi sta ldrhi sec pla sbc sizelo sta sizelo pla sbc sizehi sta sizehi ora sizelo bne rdwrfile beq rdwrdone } else { ;aligned_read !if bounds_check = 1 { lda blefthi cmp sizehi bcs + sta sizehi + } ;bounds_check !if allow_aux = 1 { ldx auxreq jsr setaux } ;allow_aux } ;aligned_read rdwrloop !if (enable_write + enable_seek) > 0 { ldx reqcmd } ;enable_write or enable_seek !if aligned_read = 0 { ;set read/write size to min(length, $200) lda sizehi cmp #2 bcs + pha lda #2 sta sizehi ;redirect read to private buffer for partial copy lda adrhi pha lda adrlo pha lda #>encbuf sta adrhi lda #0 sta adrlo !if (enable_write + enable_seek) > 0 { ldx #cmdread } ;enable_write or enable_seek + } ;aligned_read !if allow_trees = 1 { ;read tree data block only if tree and not read already ;the indication of having read already is that at least one sapling/seed block entry has been read, too ldy entries bne + lda istree beq + lda adrhi pha lda adrlo pha lda #>hdddirbuf sta adrhi lda #0 sta adrlo txa pha lda #cmdread sta command ;fetch tree data block and read it ldy treeidx inc treeidx ldx hddtreebuf, y lda hddtreebuf + 256, y !if aligned_read = 0 { php } ;aligned_read jsr hddseekrdwr !if aligned_read = 0 { plp } ;aligned_read pla tax pla sta adrlo pla sta adrhi } ;allow_trees ;fetch data block and read/write it ldy entries + inc entries !if enable_seek = 1 { txa ;cpx #cmdseek, but that would require php at top beq + } ;enable_seek stx command ldx dirbuf, y lda dirbuf + 256, y !if aligned_read = 0 { php } ;aligned_read jsr seekrdwr !if aligned_read = 0 { plp + bcc + } ;aligned_read !if bounds_check = 1 { dec blefthi dec blefthi } ;bounds_check + dec sizehi dec sizehi bne rdwrloop unrdrvoff2 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) lda MOTOROFF !if aligned_read = 0 { bcc + lda sizelo bne rdwrloop } ;aligned_read rdwrdone !if allow_aux = 1 { ldx #0 setaux sta CLRAUXRD, x sta CLRAUXWR, x } ;allow_aux rts !if aligned_read = 0 { ;cache partial block offset + pla sta bloklo pla sta blokhi pla sta sizehi dec adrhi dec adrhi copycache !if enable_seek = 1 { ldy reqcmd ;cpy #cmdseek beq ++ } ;enable_seek tay beq + dey - lda (adrlo), y sta (bloklo), y iny bne - inc blokhi inc adrhi bne + - lda (adrlo), y sta (bloklo), y iny + cpy sizelo bne - ++ !if bounds_check = 1 { lda bleftlo sec sbc sizelo sta bleftlo lda blefthi sbc sizehi sta blefthi } ;bounds_check clc lda blkofflo adc sizelo sta blkofflo lda blkoffhi adc sizehi and #$fd sta blkoffhi bcc rdwrdone ;always } ;aligned_read !if (enable_write + (bounds_check & aligned_read)) > 0 { round clc adc #$ff txa adc #1 and #$fe rts } ;enable_write or (bounds_check and aligned_read) ;no tricks here, just the regular stuff seek sty step asl phase txa asl copy_cur tax sta tmptrk sec sbc phase beq +++ bcs + eor #$ff inx bcc ++ + sbc #1 dex ++ cmp step bcc + lda step + cmp #8 bcs + tay sec + txa pha ldx step1, y +++ php bne + --- clc lda tmptrk ldx step2, y + stx tmpsec and #3 rol tax lsr unrseek = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) lda PHASEOFF, x -- ldx #$13 - dex bne - dec tmpsec bne -- bcs --- plp beq seekret pla inc step bne copy_cur step1 !byte 1, $30, $28, $24, $20, $1e, $1d, $1c step2 !byte $70, $2c, $26, $22, $1f, $1e, $1d, $1c readadr - jsr readd5aa cmp #$96 bne - ldy #3 - sta curtrk jsr readnib rol sta tmpsec jsr readnib and tmpsec dey bne - seekret rts readd5aa -- jsr readnib - cmp #$d5 bne -- jsr readnib cmp #$aa bne - tay ;we need Y=#$AA later readnib unrread1 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) - lda Q6L bpl - rts readdirsel ldy #0 sty adrlo !if allow_multi = 1 { asl reqcmd bcc seldrive iny seldrive lsr reqcmd unrdrvsel = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) cmp DRV0EN, y } ;allow_multi !if poll_drive = 1 { sty status unrdrvon1 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) ldy MOTORON unrread2 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) - ldy Q6L bpl - unrread3 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) - cpy Q6L bne readdirsec inc status bne - pla pla jmp nodisk } ;poll_drive readdirsec !if allow_trees = 0 { readdirsec0 } ;allow_trees ldy #>dirbuf !if allow_trees = 1 { readdirsect } ;allow_trees sty adrhi ldy #cmdread sty command ;convert block number to track/sector seekrdwr unrdrvon2 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) ldy MOTORON lsr txa ror lsr lsr sta phase txa and #3 php asl plp rol sta reqsec jsr readadr ;if track does not match, then seek ldx curtrk cpx phase beq checksec jsr seek ;force sector mismatch lda #$ff ;match or read/write sector checksec jsr cmpsec inc reqsec inc reqsec ;force sector mismatch cmpsecrd lda #$ff cmpsec !if enable_write = 1 { ldy command cpy #cmdwrite ;we need Y=2 below beq encsec } ;enable_write cmpsec2 cmp reqsec beq readdata jsr readadr beq cmpsec2 ;read sector data readdata jsr readd5aa eor #$ad ;zero A if match ;; bne * ;lock if read failure unrread4 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) - ldx Q6L bpl - eor nibtbl - $96, x sta bit2tbl - $aa, y iny bne - unrread5 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) - ldx Q6L bpl - eor nibtbl - $96, x sta (adrlo), y ;the real address iny !if check_chksum = 1 { bne - unrread6 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) - ldx Q6L bpl - eor nibtbl - $96, x bne cmpsecrd } ;check_chksum -- ldx #$a9 - inx beq -- lda (adrlo), y lsr bit2tbl - $aa, x rol lsr bit2tbl - $aa, x rol sta (adrlo), y iny bne - readret inc adrhi rts !if enable_write = 1 { encsec -- ldx #$aa - dey lda (adrlo), y lsr rol bit2tbl - $aa, x lsr rol bit2tbl - $aa, x sta encbuf, y lda bit2tbl - $aa, x and #$3f sta bit2tbl - $aa, x inx bne - tya bne -- cmpsecwr jsr readadr cmp reqsec bne cmpsecwr ;skip tail #$DE #$AA #$EB some #$FFs ... ldy #$24 - dey bpl - ;write sector data unrslot1 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) ldx #$d1 lda Q6H, x ;prime drive lda Q7L, x ;required by Unidisk tya sta Q7H, x ora Q6L, x ;40 cycles ldy #4 ;2 cycles cmp $ea ;3 cycles cmp ($ea, x) ;6 cycles - jsr writenib1 ;(29 cycles) ;+6 cycles dey ;2 cycles bne - ;3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;36 cycles ;+10 cycles ldy #(prolog_e - prolog) ;2 cycles cmp $ea ;3 cycles - lda prolog - 1, y ;4 cycles jsr writenib3 ;(17 cycles) ;32 cycles if branch taken ;+6 cycles dey ;2 cycles bne - ;3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;36 cycles on first pass ;+10 cycles tya ;2 cycles ldy #$56 ;2 cycles - eor bit2tbl - 1, y ;5 cycles tax ;2 cycles lda xlattbl, x ;4 cycles unrslot2 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) ldx #$d1 ;2 cycles sta Q6H, x ;5 cycles lda Q6L, x ;4 cycles ;32 cycles if branch taken lda bit2tbl - 1, y ;5 cycles dey ;2 cycles bne - ;3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;32 cycles ;+9 cycles clc ;2 cycles -- eor encbuf, y ;4 cycles - tax ;2 cycles lda xlattbl, x ;4 cycles unrslot3 = unrelocdsk + (* - reloc) ldx #$d1 ;2 cycles sta Q6H, x ;5 cycles lda Q6L, x ;4 cycles bcs + ;3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;32 cycles if branch taken lda encbuf, y ;4 cycles iny ;2 cycles bne -- ;3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;32 cycles ;+10 cycles sec ;2 cycles bcs - ;3 cycles ;32 cycles ;+3 cycles + ldy #(epilog_e - epilog) ;2 cycles cmp ($ea, x) ;6 cycles - lda epilog - 1, y ;4 cycles jsr writenib3 ;(17 cycles) ;32 cycles if branch taken ;+6 cycles dey ;2 cycles bne - ;3 cycles if branch taken, 2 if not lda Q7L, x lda Q6L, x ;flush final value inc adrhi rts writenib1 cmp ($ea, x) ;6 cycles writenib2 cmp ($ea, x) ;6 cycles writenib3 unrslot4=unrelocdsk+(*-reloc) ldx #$d1 ;2 cycles writenib4 sta Q6H, x ;5 cycles ora Q6L, x ;4 cycles rts ;6 cycles prolog !byte $ad, $aa, $d5 prolog_e epilog !byte $ff, $eb, $aa, $de epilog_e } ;enable_write codeend bit2tbl = (* + 255) & -256 nibtbl = bit2tbl + 86 !if enable_write = 1 { xlattbl = nibtbl + 106 dataend = xlattbl + 64 } else { ;enable_write dataend = nibtbl + 106 } ;enable_write } ;enable_floppy } ;reloc unrelochdd !pseudopc reloc { !if override_adr = 1 { hddrdwrpart jmp hddrdwrfile } ;override_adr ;read volume directory key block ;self-modified by init code hddopendir unrhddblocklo = unrelochdd + (* - reloc) ldx #2 unrhddblockhi = unrelochdd + (* - reloc) lda #0 jsr hddreaddirsel !if enable_floppy = 1 { !if (* - hddopendir) < (readdir - opendir) { ;essential padding to match offset with floppy version !fill (readdir - opendir) - (* - hddopendir), $ea } } ;enable_floppy ;include volume directory header in count hddreaddir !if might_exist = 1 { ldx hdddirbuf + FILE_COUNT inx stx entries } ;might_exist hddfirstent lda #<(hdddirbuf + NAME_LENGTH) sta bloklo lda #>(hdddirbuf + NAME_LENGTH) sta blokhi hddnextent ldy #0 !if might_exist = 1 { sty status } ;might_exist lda (bloklo), y !if might_exist = 1 { ;skip deleted entries without counting and #MASK_ALL beq ++ } ;might_exist ;remember type ;now bits 5-4 are represented by carry (subdirectory), sign (sapling) hddsavetype asl asl ;now bits 5-3 are represented by carry (subdirectory), sign (sapling), ;overflow (seedling), and sign+overflow (tree) !if allow_trees = 1 { sta treeidx bit treeidx } ;allow_trees php ;match name lengths before attempting to match names lda (bloklo), y and #$0f tax inx !byte $2c ;mask lda, y on first pass - lda (bloklo), y cmp (namlo), y beq hddfoundname ;match failed, check if any directory entries remain plp + !if might_exist = 1 { dec entries bne ++ inc status rts } ;might_exist ;move to next directory in this block, if possible ++ clc lda bloklo adc #ENTRY_SIZE sta bloklo bcc + ;there can be only one page crossed, so we can increment instead of adc inc blokhi + cmp #<(hdddirbuf + $1ff) ;4 + ($27 * $0d) lda blokhi sbc #>(hdddirbuf + $1ff) bcc hddnextent ;read next directory block when we reach the end of this block ldx hdddirbuf + NEXT_BLOCK_LO lda hdddirbuf + NEXT_BLOCK_HI jsr hddreaddirsec bcc hddfirstent hddfoundname iny dex bne - !if allow_trees = 1 { stx treeidx stx istree } ;allow_trees stx entries stx blkofflo stx blkoffhi !if enable_write = 1 { ldy reqcmd cpy #cmdwrite ;control carry instead of zero bne + ;round requested size up to nearest block if writing !if aligned_read = 0 { php } ;aligned_read lda sizelo ldx sizehi jsr hddround sta sizehi !if aligned_read = 0 { plp } ;aligned_read + } ;enable_write !if bounds_check = 1 { ;cache EOF (file size, loaded backwards) ldy #EOF_HI lda (bloklo), y !if (enable_write + aligned_read) > 0 { tax } else { ;enable_write or aligned_read sta blefthi } ;enable_write or aligned_read dey ;EOF_LO lda (bloklo), y !if (enable_write + aligned_read) > 0 { ;round file size up to nearest block if writing without aligned reads ;or always if using aligned reads !if aligned_read = 0 { bcc + } ;aligned_read jsr hddround tax lda #0 !if aligned_read = 0 { sta sizelo } ;aligned_read + stx blefthi } ;enable_write or aligned_read !if aligned_read = 0 { sta bleftlo } ;aligned_read } else { ;bounds_check !if enable_write = 1 { !if aligned_read = 0 { bcc + lda #0 sta sizelo + } ;aligned_read } ;enable_write } ;bounds_check ;cache AUX_TYPE (load offset for binary files) !if override_adr = 0 { pla tax ldy #AUX_TYPE lda (bloklo), y pha iny lda (bloklo), y pha txa pha } ;override_adr ;cache KEY_POINTER ldy #KEY_POINTER lda (bloklo), y tax sta hdddirbuf iny lda (bloklo), y sta hdddirbuf + 256 ;read index block in case of sapling plp !if (allow_subdir + allow_trees) > 0 { bpl hddrdwrfile !if allow_subdir = 1 { php } ;allow_subdir !if allow_trees = 1 { ldy #>hdddirbuf bvc + ldy #>hddtreebuf sty istree + } ;allow_trees jsr hddreaddirsect !if allow_subdir = 1 { plp } ;allow_subdir } ;allow_subdir ;restore load offset hddrdwrfile !if override_adr = 1 { ldx ldrhi lda ldrlo } else { ;override_adr pla tax pla } ;override_adr !if allow_subdir = 1 { ;check file type and fake size and load address for subdirectories bcc + ldy #2 sty sizehi ldx #>hdddirbuf lda # 0 { ldy reqcmd ;cpy #cmdseek beq + } ;enable_write or enable_seek !if allow_aux = 1 { ldx auxreq jsr hddsetaux } ;allow_aux !if (enable_write + enable_seek) > 0 { dey ;cpy #cmdread !if enable_write = 1 { bne hddrdwrloop } ;enable_write } ;enable_write or enable_seek + lda blkofflo tax ora blkoffhi beq hddrdwrloop lda sizehi pha lda sizelo pha lda adrhi sta blokhi lda adrlo sta bloklo stx adrlo lda #>hddencbuf clc adc blkoffhi sta adrhi ;determine bytes left in block !if (enable_write + enable_seek) > 0 { tya } else { ;enable_write or enable_seek lda #0 } ;enable_write or enable_seek sec sbc blkofflo tay lda #2 sbc blkoffhi tax ;set requested size to min(bytes left, requested size) cpy sizelo sbc sizehi bcs + sty sizelo stx sizehi + lda sizehi jsr hddcopycache lda ldrlo adc sizelo sta ldrlo lda ldrhi adc sizehi sta ldrhi sec pla sbc sizelo sta sizelo pla sbc sizehi sta sizehi ora sizelo bne hddrdwrfile beq hddrdwrdone } else { ;aligned_read !if bounds_check = 1 { lda blefthi cmp sizehi bcs + sta sizehi + } ;bounds_check !if allow_aux = 1 { ldx auxreq jsr setaux } ;allow_aux } ;aligned_read hddrdwrloop !if (enable_write + enable_seek) > 0 { ldx reqcmd } ;enable_write or enable_seek !if aligned_read = 0 { ;set read/write size to min(length, $200) lda sizehi cmp #2 bcs + pha lda #2 sta sizehi ;redirect read to private buffer for partial copy lda adrhi pha lda adrlo pha lda #>hddencbuf sta adrhi lda #0 sta adrlo !if (enable_write + enable_seek) > 0 { ldx #cmdread } ;enable_write or enable_seek + } ;aligned_read !if allow_trees = 1 { ;read tree data block only if tree and not read already ;the indication of having read already is that at least one sapling/seed block entry has been read, too ldy entries bne + lda istree beq + lda adrhi pha lda adrlo pha lda #>hdddirbuf sta adrhi lda #0 sta adrlo txa pha lda #cmdread sta command ;fetch tree data block and read it ldy treeidx inc treeidx ldx hddtreebuf, y lda hddtreebuf + 256, y !if aligned_read = 0 { php } ;aligned_read jsr hddseekrdwr !if aligned_read = 0 { plp } ;aligned_read pla tax pla sta adrlo pla sta adrhi } ;allow_trees ;fetch data block and read/write it ldy entries + inc entries !if enable_seek = 1 { txa ;cpx #cmdseek, but that would require php at top beq + } ;enable_seek stx command ldx hdddirbuf, y lda hdddirbuf + 256, y !if aligned_read = 0 { php } ;aligned_read jsr hddseekrdwr !if aligned_read = 0 { plp + bcc + } ;aligned_read inc adrhi inc adrhi !if bounds_check = 1 { dec blefthi dec blefthi } ;bounds_check + dec sizehi dec sizehi bne hddrdwrloop !if aligned_read=0 { bcc + lda sizelo bne hddrdwrloop } ;aligned_read hddrdwrdone !if allow_aux = 1 { ldx #0 hddsetaux sta CLRAUXRD, x sta CLRAUXWR, x } ;allow_aux rts !if aligned_read = 0 { ;cache partial block offset + pla sta bloklo pla sta blokhi pla sta sizehi hddcopycache !if enable_seek = 1 { ldy reqcmd ;cpy #cmdseek beq ++ } ;enable_seek tay beq + dey - lda (adrlo), y sta (bloklo), y iny bne - inc blokhi inc adrhi bne + - lda (adrlo), y sta (bloklo), y iny + cpy sizelo bne - ++ !if bounds_check = 1 { lda bleftlo sec sbc sizelo sta bleftlo lda blefthi sbc sizehi sta blefthi } ;bounds_check clc lda blkofflo adc sizelo sta blkofflo lda blkoffhi adc sizehi and #$fd sta blkoffhi bcc hddrdwrdone } ;aligned_read !if (enable_write + (bounds_check & aligned_read)) > 0 { hddround clc adc #$ff txa adc #1 and #$fe rts } ;enable_write or (bounds_check and aligned_read) hddreaddirsel ldy #0 sty adrlo !if might_exist = 1 { sty status } ;might_exist !if allow_multi = 1 { asl reqcmd lsr reqcmd } ;allow_multi hddreaddirsec !if allow_trees = 0 { hddreaddirsect } ;allow_trees ldy #>hdddirbuf !if allow_trees = 1 { hddreaddirsect } ;allow_trees sty adrhi ldy #cmdread sty command hddseekrdwr stx bloklo sta blokhi unrunit=unrelochdd+(*-reloc) lda #$d1 sta unit unrentry=unrelochdd+(*-reloc) jmp $d1d1 hddcodeend hdddataend } ;reloc ;[music] you can't touch this [music] ;math magic to determine ideal loading address, and information dump !ifdef PASS2 { } else { ;PASS2 !set PASS2=1 !if enable_floppy = 1 { !if reloc < $c000 { !if ((dataend + $ff) & -256) > $c000 { !serious "initial reloc too high, adjust to ", $c000 - (((dataend + $ff) & -256) - reloc) } ;dataend !if load_high = 1 { !if ((dataend + $ff) & -256) != $c000 { !warn "initial reloc too low, adjust to ", $c000 - (((dataend + $ff) & -256) - reloc) } ;dataend dirbuf=reloc - $200 encbuf=dirbuf - $200 !if allow_trees = 1 { treebuf = encbuf - $200 } ;allow_trees } else { ;load_high !pseudopc ((dataend + $ff) & -256) { dirbuf = * } encbuf=dirbuf + $200 !if allow_trees = 1 { treebuf = encbuf + $200 } ;allow_trees } ;load_high } else { ;reloc !if ((dataend + $ff) & -256) < reloc { !serious "initial reloc too high, adjust to ", (0 - (((dataend + $ff) & -256) - reloc)) & $ffff } ;dataend !if load_high = 1 { !if (((dataend + $ff) & -256) & $ffff) != 0 { !warn "initial reloc too low, adjust to ", (0 - (((dataend + $ff) & -256) - reloc)) & $ffff } ;dataend dirbuf=reloc - $200 encbuf=dirbuf - $200 !if allow_trees = 1 { treebuf = encbuf - $200 } ;allow_trees } else { ;load_high !pseudopc ((dataend + $ff) & -256) { dirbuf = * } encbuf=dirbuf + $200 !if allow_trees = 1 { treebuf = encbuf + $200 } ;allow_trees } ;load_high } ;reloc !if verbose_info = 1 { !warn "floppy code: ", reloc, "-", codeend - 1 !warn "floppy data: ", bit2tbl, "-", dataend - 1 !warn "floppy dirbuf: ", dirbuf, "-", dirbuf + $1ff !warn "floppy encbuf: ", encbuf, "-", encbuf + $1ff !if allow_trees = 1 { !warn "floppy treebuf: ", treebuf, "-", treebuf + $1ff } ;allow_trees !warn "floppy driver start: ", unrelocdsk - init } ;verbose_info } ;enable_floppy !if reloc < $c000 { !if ((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) > $c000 { !serious "initial reloc too high, adjust to ", $c000 - (((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) - reloc) } ;hdddataend !if load_high = 1 { !if ((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) != $c000 { !warn "initial reloc too low, adjust to ", $c000 - (((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) - reloc) } ;hdddataend hdddirbuf = reloc - $200 !if aligned_read = 0 { hddencbuf = hdddirbuf - $200 } ;aligned_read !if allow_trees = 1 { !if aligned_read = 0 { hddtreebuf = hddencbuf - $200 } else { ;aligned_read hddtreebuf = hdddirbuf - $200 } ;aligned_read } ;allow_trees } else { ;load_high !pseudopc ((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) { hdddirbuf = * } !if aligned_read = 0 { hddencbuf = hdddirbuf + $200 } ;aligned_read !if allow_trees = 1 { !if aligned_read = 0 { hddtreebuf = hddencbuf + $200 } else { ;aligned_read hddtreebuf = hdddirbuf + $200 } ;aligned_read } ;allow_trees } ;load_high } else { ;reloc !if ((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) < reloc { !serious "initial reloc too high, adjust to ", (0 - (((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) - reloc)) & $ffff } ;hdddataend !if load_high = 1 { !if enable_floppy = 0 { !if (((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) & $ffff) != 0 { !warn "initial reloc too low, adjust to ", (0 - (((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) - reloc)) & $ffff } ;hdddataend } ;enable_floppy hdddirbuf = reloc - $200 !if aligned_read = 0 { hddencbuf = hdddirbuf - $200 } ;aligned_read !if allow_trees = 1 { !if aligned_read = 0 { hddtreebuf = hddencbuf - $200 } else { ;aligned_read hddtreebuf = hdddirbuf - $200 } ;aligned_read } ;allow_trees } else { ;load_high !pseudopc ((hdddataend + $ff) & -256) { hdddirbuf = * } !if aligned_read = 0 { hddencbuf = hdddirbuf + $200 } ;aligned_read !if allow_trees = 1 { !if aligned_read = 0 { hddtreebuf = hddencbuf + $200 } else { ;aligned_read hddtreebuf = hdddirbuf + $200 } ;aligned_read } ;allow_trees } ;load_high } ;reloc !if verbose_info = 1 { !warn "hdd code: ", reloc, "-", hddcodeend - 1 !warn "hdd dirbuf: ", hdddirbuf, "-", hdddirbuf + $1ff !if aligned_read = 0 { !warn "hdd encbuf: ", hddencbuf, "-", hddencbuf + $1ff } ;aligned_read !if allow_trees = 1 { !warn "hdd treebuf: ", hddtreebuf, "-", hddtreebuf + $1ff } ;allow_trees !warn "hdd driver start: ", unrelochdd - init } ;verbose_info } ;PASS2 readbuff !byte $D3,$C1,$CE,$A0,$C9,$CE,$C3,$AE