package jace.lawless; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import jace.cheat.Cheats; import jace.core.Computer; import jace.core.RAMEvent; import jace.lawless.LawlessVideo.RenderEngine; import; import; import; import javafx.util.Duration; /** * Hacks that affect lawless legends gameplay */ public class LawlessHacks extends Cheats { // Modes specified by the game engine int MODE_SOFTSWITCH_MIN = 0x0C049; int MODE_SOFTSWITCH_MAX = 0x0C04F; int SFX_TRIGGER = 0x0C069; public LawlessHacks(Computer computer) { super(computer); readScores(); currentScore = SCORE_CHIPTUNE; } @Override public void toggleCheats() { // Do nothing -- you cannot toggle this once it's active. } @Override public void registerListeners() { // Observe graphics changes addCheat(RAMEvent.TYPE.ANY, (e) -> { int addr = e.getAddress(); if (addr >= MODE_SOFTSWITCH_MIN && e.getAddress() <= MODE_SOFTSWITCH_MAX) { // System.out.println("Trapped " + e.getType().toString() + " to $" + Integer.toHexString(e.getAddress())); setEngineByOrdinal(e.getAddress() - MODE_SOFTSWITCH_MIN); } }, MODE_SOFTSWITCH_MIN, MODE_SOFTSWITCH_MAX); addCheat(RAMEvent.TYPE.WRITE, (e) -> { // System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(e.getAddress()) + " => " + Integer.toHexString(e.getNewValue() & 0x0ff)); playSound(e.getNewValue()); }, SFX_TRIGGER); } @Override public String getDeviceName() { return "Lawless Legends optimizations"; } @Override public void tick() { } private void setEngineByOrdinal(int mode) { LawlessVideo video = (LawlessVideo) computer.getVideo(); if (mode >= 0 && mode < RenderEngine.values().length) { video.setEngine(RenderEngine.values()[mode]); } else { video.setEngine(RenderEngine.UNKNOWN); } } public static final String SCORE_NONE = "none"; public static final String SCORE_COMMON = "common"; public static final String SCORE_ORCHESTRAL = "8-bit orchestral samples"; public static final String SCORE_CHIPTUNE = "8-bit chipmusic"; private static int currentSong; private static boolean repeatSong = false; private static Thread playbackEffect; private static MediaPlayer currentSongPlayer; private static MediaPlayer currentSfxPlayer; private static String currentScore = SCORE_COMMON; private void playSound(int soundNumber) { boolean isMusic = soundNumber >= 0; int track = soundNumber & 0x03f; repeatSong = (soundNumber & 0x040) > 0; // System.out.println("(invoked sound on "+getName()+")"); if (track == 0) { if (isMusic) { System.out.println("Stop music"); stopMusic(); } else { System.out.println("Stop sfx"); stopSfx(); } } else if (isMusic) { System.out.println("Play music "+track); playMusic(track, false); } else { System.out.println("Play sfx "+track); playSfx(track); } } private String getSongName(int number) { Map score = scores.get(currentScore); if (score == null) { return null; } String filename = score.get(number); if (filename == null) { score = scores.get("common"); if (score == null || !score.containsKey(number)) { return null; } filename = score.get(number); } return filename; } private Media getAudioTrack(int number) { String filename = getSongName(number); String pathStr = "/jace/data/sound/" + filename; // System.out.println("looking in "+pathStr); URL path = getClass().getResource(pathStr); if (path == null) { return null; } try { return new Media(path.toURI().toString()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private void playMusic(int track, boolean switchScores) { if (currentSong != track || switchScores) { fadeOutSong(() -> startNewSong(track, switchScores)); } else { new Thread(() -> startNewSong(track, false)).start(); } currentSong = track; } private boolean isPlayingMusic() { return currentSongPlayer != null && currentSongPlayer.getStatus() == MediaPlayer.Status.PLAYING; } private void stopSongEffect() { if (playbackEffect != null && playbackEffect.isAlive()) { playbackEffect.interrupt(); Thread.yield(); } playbackEffect = null; } private Optional getCurrentTime() { if (currentSongPlayer == null) { return Optional.empty(); } else if (currentSongPlayer.getCurrentTime() == null) { return Optional.empty(); } else { return Optional.of(currentSongPlayer.getCurrentTime().toMillis()); } } private void fadeOutSong(Runnable nextAction) { stopSongEffect(); MediaPlayer player = currentSongPlayer; if (player != null) { getCurrentTime().ifPresent(val -> lastTime.put(currentSong, val + 1500)); playbackEffect = new Thread(() -> { DoubleProperty volume = player.volumeProperty(); while (playbackEffect == Thread.currentThread() && volume.get() > 0.0) { volume.set(volume.get() - FADE_AMT); try { Thread.sleep(FADE_SPEED); } catch (InterruptedException e) { playbackEffect = null; return; } } player.stop(); if (currentSongPlayer == player) { currentSongPlayer = null; } if (nextAction != null) {; } }); playbackEffect.start(); } else if (nextAction != null) { new Thread(nextAction).start(); } } private void fadeInSong(MediaPlayer player) { stopSongEffect(); currentSongPlayer = player; DoubleProperty volume = player.volumeProperty(); if (volume.get() >= 1.0) { return; } playbackEffect = new Thread(() -> { while (playbackEffect == Thread.currentThread() && volume.get() < 1.0) { volume.set(volume.get() + FADE_AMT); try { Thread.sleep(FADE_SPEED); } catch (InterruptedException e) { playbackEffect = null; return; } } }); playbackEffect.start(); } double FADE_AMT = 0.05; // 5% per interval, or 20 stops between 0% and 100% // int FADE_SPEED = 100; // 100ms per 5%, or 2 second duration int FADE_SPEED = 75; // 75ms per 5%, or 1.5 second duration int FIGHT_SONG = 17; boolean playingFightSong = false; private void startNewSong(int track, boolean switchScores) { if (!isMusicEnabled()) { return; } MediaPlayer player; if (track != currentSong || !isPlayingMusic() || switchScores) { // If the same song is already playing don't restart it Media song = getAudioTrack(track); if (song == null) { System.out.println("Unable to start song " + track + "; File " + getSongName(track) + " not found"); return; } player = new MediaPlayer(song); player.setCycleCount(repeatSong ? MediaPlayer.INDEFINITE : 1); player.setVolume(0.0); if (playingFightSong || autoResume.contains(track) || switchScores) { double time = lastTime.getOrDefault(track, 0.0); System.out.println("Auto-resume from time " + time); player.setStartTime(Duration.millis(time)); }; } else { // But if the same song was already playing but possibly fading out // then this will fade it back in neatly. player = currentSongPlayer; } fadeInSong(player); playingFightSong = track == FIGHT_SONG; } private void stopMusic() { stopSongEffect(); fadeOutSong(()->{ if (!repeatSong) { currentSong = 0; } }); } private void playSfx(int track) { new Thread(() -> { Media sfx = getAudioTrack(track + 128); if (sfx == null) { System.out.println("Unable to start SFX " + track + "; File not found"); return; } currentSfxPlayer = new MediaPlayer(sfx); currentSfxPlayer.setCycleCount(1);; }).start(); } private void stopSfx() { if (currentSfxPlayer != null) { currentSfxPlayer.stop(); currentSfxPlayer = null; } } public void changeMusicScore(String score) { if (currentScore.equalsIgnoreCase(score)) { return; } boolean wasStoppedPreviously = !isMusicEnabled(); currentScore = score.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (currentScore.equalsIgnoreCase(SCORE_NONE)) { stopMusic(); currentSong = -1; } else if ((currentSongPlayer != null || wasStoppedPreviously) && currentSong > 0) { playMusic(currentSong, true); } } public boolean isMusicEnabled() { return currentScore != null && !currentScore.equalsIgnoreCase(SCORE_NONE); } Pattern COMMENT = Pattern.compile("\\s*[-#;']+.*"); Pattern LABEL = Pattern.compile("(8-)?[A-Za-z\\s\\-_]+"); Pattern ENTRY = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)\\s+(.*)"); private final Map> scores = new HashMap<>(); private final Set autoResume = new HashSet<>(); private final Map lastTime = new HashMap<>(); private void readScores() { InputStream data = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/jace/data/sound/scores.txt"); readScores(data); } private void readScores(InputStream data) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(data)); reader.lines().forEach(line -> { boolean useAutoResume = false; if (line.indexOf('*') > 0) { useAutoResume = true; line = line.replace("*", ""); } if (COMMENT.matcher(line).matches() || line.trim().isEmpty()) { // System.out.println("Ignoring: "+line); return; } else if (LABEL.matcher(line).matches()) { currentScore = line.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); scores.put(currentScore, new HashMap<>()); // System.out.println("Score: "+ currentScore); } else { Matcher m = ENTRY.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { int num = Integer.parseInt(; String file =; scores.get(currentScore).put(num, file); if (useAutoResume) { autoResume.add(num); } // System.out.println("Score: " + currentScore + "; Song: " + num + "; " + file); } else { // System.out.println("Couldn't parse: " + line); } } }); } }