Converting MIDI files to internal music secquencer files:, the MIDI file converter, uses Python and the mido package: Linux and OSX/macOS already have Python installed. Windows will need to install Python 7.2.xx from: To install mido, use pip. If you are on OSX/macOS, you first need to install pip with: ``` sudo easy_install pip ``` Then, install mido with: ``` sudo pip install mido ``` To convert a MIDI file, simply put a MIDI file in the same directory as and type: ``` ./ midifile.mid > midifile.seq ``` The midifile.seq output file is an ACME assembly file that can be included in another assembly file, a PLASMA file, or assembled into a binary file which can be loaded later. Simply type: ``` acme --setpc 0x1000 -o seqfile.bin midifile.seq ``` The starting address is irrelevant, but ACME requires one to assemble properly.