REM REM cxxxxxx|/////////////////////////> REM REM COLORS - DRAWS Colors REM AUTHOR - BILL CHATFIELD REM REM cxxxxxx|/////////////////////////> REM # DHGR 140x192 16-Color Mode # 0: Black # 1: Magenta # 2: Dark blue # 3: Purple # 4: Dark green # 5: Grey #1 # 6: Medium blue # 7: Light blue # 8: Brown # 9: Orange # 10: Grey #2 # 11: Pink # 12: Green # 13: Yellow # 14: Aqua # 15: White # # Color Wheel: # 1: Magenta # 9: Orange # 13: Yellow # 12: Green # 4: Dark green # 14: Aqua # 7: Light blue # 6: Medium blue # 2: Dark blue # 3: Purple # 11: Pink D$ = chr$(4) RET$ = chr$(13) ESC$ = chr$(27) SW = 140 SH = 192 : REM Screen width and height KBD = -16384 : REM Byte that is neg if key pressed RL = 78 RH = 79 : REM RNDL and RNDH SEED = peek(RL) + peek(RH) * 256 : REM Get seed NA = rnd(SEED) : REM Seed random num generator print D$;"-dhgr" : REM Load Double Hi-Res driver dim c(16) data 11 data 1,9,13,12,4,14,7,6,2,3,11 read mc {max colors} for i = 1 to mc read c(i) next &HGR2 : REM Full screen double hi-res &MODE(2) : REM 16-color mode { Clear screen to black } &BCOLOR=0 &CLEAR mx = sw - 1 {max x} my = sh - 1 {max y} &hcolor=c(7) &hplot 10,100 to 50,100 &hcolor=c(8) &hplot 51,100 to 60,110 &hcolor=c(9) &hplot 61,110 to 70,125 &hcolor=c(10) &hplot 71,125 to 80,150 #for ci = 1 to mc # for x = ci*10 to ci*10+10 # &hcolor = c(ci) # &hplot x,0 to x,my # next #next £checkKeypress if peek(kbd) <= 127 then @checkKeypress get k$ £exit &text print "Colors terminated" print "Run -FP before running it again to clear memory"; end { re = p1 mod p2 } £modulus re = p1 - int(p1 / p2) * p2 return