/* c++17 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mapped_file.h" #include "omf.h" #include "rel.h" #include "link.h" #include "script.h" void save_omf(const std::string &path, std::vector &segments, bool compress, bool expressload); int set_file_type(const std::string &path, uint16_t file_type, uint32_t aux_type, std::error_code &ec); void set_file_type(const std::string &path, uint16_t file_type, uint32_t aux_type); /* since span isn't standard yet */ typedef std::basic_string_view byte_view; struct pending_reloc : public omf::reloc { unsigned id = 0; }; struct cookie { std::string file; std::vector remap; uint32_t begin = 0; uint32_t end = 0; }; namespace { std::unordered_map symbol_map; std::vector symbol_table; std::vector segments; std::vector> relocations; std::unordered_map file_types = { { "NON", 0x00 }, { "BAD", 0x01 }, { "BIN", 0x06 }, { "TXT", 0x04 }, { "DIR", 0x0f }, { "ADB", 0x19 }, { "AWP", 0x1a }, { "ASP", 0x1b }, { "GSB", 0xab }, { "TDF", 0xac }, { "BDF", 0xad }, { "SRC", 0xb0 }, { "OBJ", 0xb1 }, { "LIB", 0xb2 }, { "S16", 0xb3 }, { "RTL", 0xb4 }, { "EXE", 0xb5 }, { "PIF", 0xb6 }, { "TIF", 0xb7 }, { "NDA", 0xb8 }, { "CDA", 0xb9 }, { "TOL", 0xba }, { "DRV", 0xbb }, { "DOC", 0xbf }, { "PNT", 0xc0 }, { "PIC", 0xc1 }, { "FON", 0xcb }, { "PAS", 0xef }, { "CMD", 0xf0 }, { "LNK", 0xf8 }, { "BAS", 0xfc }, { "VAR", 0xfd }, { "REL", 0xfe }, { "SYS", 0xff }, }; } /* Variable types: linker symbol table includes =, EQU, GEQ, and KBD GEQ - global absolute label, in effect for all subsequent asms. inhibits KBD, otherwise causes duplicate symbol errors during assembly. KBD - same as GEQ EQU - same as GEQ BUT symbol is discarded after ASM (ie, only in effect for 1 assembly) = - internal to link script (DO, etc). not passed to assembler. not passed to linker. POS - current offset LEN - length of last linked file a = assembler l = linker c = command file a l c EQU y n n = n n y GEQ y y y KBD y y y POS n y n LEN n y n seems like it might be nice for POS and LEN to be available in the command file, eg POS xxx DO xxx>4096 ERR too big ELS DS 4096-xxx FIN */ namespace { /* script related */ unsigned lkv = 1; unsigned ver = 2; unsigned ftype = 0xb3; unsigned atype = 0x0000; unsigned kind = 0x0000; unsigned sav = 0; unsigned lnk = 0; bool end = false; bool fas = false; int ovr = OVR_OFF; size_t pos_offset = 0; size_t len_offset = 0; /* do/els/fin stuff */ uint32_t active_bits = 1; bool active = true; std::unordered_map local_symbol_table; } /* nb - pointer may be invalidated by next call */ symbol *find_symbol(const std::string &name, bool insert) { auto iter = symbol_map.find(name); if (iter != symbol_map.end()) return &symbol_table[iter->second]; if (!insert) return nullptr; unsigned id = symbol_table.size(); symbol_map.emplace(name, id); auto &rv = symbol_table.emplace_back(); rv.name = name; rv.id = id; return &rv; } void define(std::string name, uint32_t value, int type) { bool warn = false; if (type & 4) { /* command script */ auto iter = local_symbol_table.find(name); if (iter == local_symbol_table.end()) { local_symbol_table.emplace(std::make_pair(name, value)); } else if (iter->second != value) { warn = true; } } if (type & 2) { /* linker */ auto e = find_symbol(name, true); if (e->defined) { if (!e->absolute || e->value != value) { warn = true; } } else { e->absolute = true; e->defined = true; e->file = "-D"; e->value = value; } } if (warn) warnx("duplicate symbol %s", name.c_str()); } static void process_labels(byte_view &data, cookie &cookie) { for(;;) { assert(data.size()); unsigned flag = data[0]; if (flag == 0x00) return; unsigned length = flag & 0x1f; assert(length != 0); assert(data.size() >= length + 4); std::string name(data.data() + 1, data.data() + 1 + length); data.remove_prefix(1 + length); uint32_t value = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16); data.remove_prefix(3); symbol *e = find_symbol(name); switch (flag & ~0x1f) { case SYMBOL_EXTERNAL: /* map the unit symbol # to a global symbol # */ value &= 0x7fff; if (cookie.remap.size() < value + 1) cookie.remap.resize(value + 1); cookie.remap[value] = e->id; break; case SYMBOL_ENTRY+SYMBOL_ABSOLUTE: if (e->defined && e->absolute && e->value == value) break; /* allow redef */ case SYMBOL_ENTRY: if (e->defined) { warnx("%s previously defined (%s)", e->name.c_str(), e->file.c_str()); break; } e->defined = true; e->file = cookie.file; e->segment = segments.size() - 1; /* 1-based */ if (flag & SYMBOL_ABSOLUTE) { e->absolute = true; e->value = value; } else { e->absolute = false; e->value = value - 0x8000 + cookie.begin; } break; default: errx(1, "%s: Unsupported flag: %02x\n", cookie.file.c_str(), flag); break; } } } static void process_reloc(byte_view &data, cookie &cookie) { auto &seg = segments.back(); auto &pending = relocations.back(); for(;;) { assert(data.size()); unsigned flag = data[0]; if (flag == 0x00) return; assert(data.size() >= 4); uint32_t offset = data[1] | (data[2] << 8); unsigned x = data[3]; data.remove_prefix(4); offset += cookie.begin; bool external = false; unsigned shift = 0; uint32_t value = 0; unsigned size = 0; if (flag == 0xff) { /* shift */ assert(data.size() >= 4); unsigned flag = data[0]; value = data[1] | (data[2] << 8) | (data[3] << 16); value -= 0x8000; external = flag & 0x04; switch(flag & ~0x04) { case 0xd0: shift = -16; size = 1; break; case 0xd1: shift = -8; size = 2; break; case 0xd3: shift = -8; size = 1; break; default: /* bad */ errx(1, "%s: Unsupported flag: %02x\n", cookie.file.c_str(), flag); break; } data.remove_prefix(4); } else { assert((flag & ~(0x0f|0x10|0x20|0x80)) == 0); // offset already adjusted by start so below comparisons are wrong. switch(flag & (0x80 + 0x20)) { case 0: size = 1; assert(offset + 0 < cookie.end); break; case 0x20: size = 3; assert(offset + 2 < cookie.end); break; case 0x80: size = 2; assert(offset + 1 < cookie.end); break; default: /* bad size */ errx(1, "%s: Unsupported flag: %02x\n", cookie.file.c_str(), flag); break; } external = flag & 0x10; switch(size) { case 3: value |= seg.data[offset+2] << 16; case 2: value |= seg.data[offset+1] << 8; case 1: value |= seg.data[offset+0]; } if (size > 1) value -= 0x8000; } /* external resolutions are deferred for later */ if (external) { /* x = local symbol # */ pending_reloc r; assert(x < cookie.remap.size()); r.id = cookie.remap[x]; r.size = size; r.offset = offset; r.value = value; r.shift = shift; symbol_table[r.id].count += 1; pending.emplace_back(r); } else { omf::reloc r; r.size = size; r.offset = offset; r.value = value + cookie.begin; r.shift = shift; seg.relocs.emplace_back(r); } /* clear out the inline relocation data */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) { seg.data[offset + i] = 0; } //cookie.zero.emplace_back(std::make_pair(offset, size)); } } static void process_unit(const std::string &path) { cookie cookie; /* skip over relocs, do symbols first */ std::error_code ec; mapped_file mf(path, mapped_file::readonly, ec); if (ec) { errx(1, "Unable to open %s: %s", path.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); } afp::finder_info fi; fi.read(path, ec); if (ec) { errx(1, "Error reading filetype %s: %s", path.c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); } if (fi.prodos_file_type() != 0xf8) { errx(1, "Wrong file type: %s", path.c_str()); } uint32_t offset = fi.prodos_aux_type(); if (offset+2 > mf.size()) { errx(1, "Invalid aux type %s", path.c_str()); } auto &seg = segments.back(); cookie.begin = seg.data.size(); cookie.end = cookie.begin + offset; cookie.file = path; seg.data.insert(seg.data.end(), mf.data(), mf.data() + offset); byte_view data(mf.data() + offset, mf.size() - offset); byte_view rr = data; /* skip over the relocation records so we can process the labels first. */ /* this is so external references can use the global symbol id */ assert(data.size() >= 2); for(;;) { if (data[0] == 0) break; assert(data.size() >= 6); data.remove_prefix(4); } data.remove_prefix(1); process_labels(data, cookie); assert(data.size() == 1); /* now relocations */ process_reloc(rr, cookie); // LEN support len_offset = offset; } static void resolve(void) { for (unsigned seg_num = 0; seg_num < segments.size(); ++seg_num) { auto &seg = segments[seg_num]; auto &pending = relocations[seg_num]; seg.segnum = seg_num + 1; for (auto &r : pending) { assert(r.id < symbol_map.size()); const auto &e = symbol_table[r.id]; /* if this is an absolute value, do the math */ if (!e.defined) { warnx("%s is not defined", e.name.c_str()); continue; } if (e.absolute) { uint32_t value = e.value + r.value; /* shift is a uint8_t so negating doesn't work right */ value >>= -(int8_t)r.shift; unsigned offset = r.offset; unsigned size = r.size; while (size--) { seg.data[offset++] = value & 0xff; value >>= 8; } continue; } /* e.segment is 0-based */ if (e.segment == seg_num) { r.value += e.value; seg.relocs.emplace_back(r); continue; } omf::interseg inter; inter.size = r.size; inter.shift = r.shift; inter.offset = r.offset; inter.segment = e.segment + 1; /* 1-based */ inter.segment_offset = r.value + e.value; seg.intersegs.emplace_back(inter); } pending.clear(); /* sort them */ std::sort(seg.relocs.begin(), seg.relocs.end(), [](const auto &a, const auto &b){ return a.offset < b.offset; }); std::sort(seg.intersegs.begin(), seg.intersegs.end(), [](const auto &a, const auto &b){ return a.offset < b.offset; }); } } static void print_symbols2(void) { for (const auto &e : symbol_table) { char q = ' '; if (!e.count) q = '?'; if (!e.defined) q = '!'; fprintf(stdout, "%c %-20s=$%06x\n", q, e.name.c_str(), e.value); } } static void print_symbols(void) { if (symbol_table.empty()) return; /* alpha */ fputs("\nSymbol table, alphabetical order:\n", stdout); std::sort(symbol_table.begin(), symbol_table.end(), [](const symbol &a, const symbol &b){ return a.name < b.name; }); print_symbols2(); fputs("\nSymbol table, numerical order:\n", stdout); /* numeric */ std::sort(symbol_table.begin(), symbol_table.end(), [](const symbol &a, const symbol &b){ return a.value < b.value; }); print_symbols2(); } void finish(void) { resolve(); print_symbols(); if (save_file.empty()) save_file = "gs.out"; try { save_omf(save_file, segments, compress, express); set_file_type(save_file, ftype, atype); } catch (std::exception &ex) { errx(EX_OSERR, "%s: %s", save_file.c_str(), ex.what()); } } static bool op_needs_label(opcode_t op) { switch (op) { case OP_KBD: case OP_EQ: case OP_EQU: case OP_GEQ: return true; default: return false; } } static bool op_after_end(opcode_t op) { switch(op) { case OP_END: case OP_CMD: return true; default: return false; } } extern uint32_t number_operand(const char *cursor, int flags = OP_REQUIRED); extern uint32_t number_operand(const char *cursor, const std::unordered_map &, int flags = OP_REQUIRED); extern int ovr_operand(const char *cursor); extern std::string label_operand(const char *cursor, int flags = OP_REQUIRED); extern std::string string_operand(const char *cursor, int flags = OP_REQUIRED); extern std::string path_operand(const char *cursor, int flags = OP_REQUIRED); extern void no_operand(const char *cursor); static std::string basename(const std::string &str) { auto ix = str.find_last_of("/:"); if (ix == str.npos) return str; return str.substr(0, ix); } /* fixup GS/OS strings. */ static void fix_path(std::string &s) { for (char &c : s) if (c == ':') c = '/'; } /* SEG name -> undocumented? command to set the OMF segment name (linker 3 only) */ void evaluate(label_t label, opcode_t opcode, const char *cursor) { // todo - should move operand parsing to here. switch(opcode) { case OP_DO: if (active_bits & 0x80000000) throw std::runtime_error("too much do do"); active_bits <<= 1; if (active) { uint32_t value = number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table); active_bits |= value ? 1 : 0; active = (active_bits & (active_bits + 1)) == 0; } return; break; case OP_ELS: if (active_bits < 2) throw std::runtime_error("els without do"); active_bits ^= 0x01; active = (active_bits & (active_bits + 1)) == 0; return; break; case OP_FIN: active_bits >>= 1; if (!active_bits) { active = 1; throw std::runtime_error("fin without do"); } active = (active_bits & (active_bits + 1)) == 0; return; break; default: break; } if (!active) return; if (label.empty() && op_needs_label(opcode)) throw std::runtime_error("Bad label"); if (end && !op_after_end(opcode)) return; switch(opcode) { case OP_END: if (!end && lkv == 2) { /* finish up */ segments.pop_back(); relocations.pop_back(); if (!segments.empty()) finish(); } end = true; break; case OP_DAT: { /* 29-DEC-88 4:18:37 PM */ time_t t = time(nullptr); struct tm *tm = localtime(&t); char buffer[32]; strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d-%b-%y %l:%M:%S %p", tm); for (char &c : buffer) c = std::toupper(c); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", buffer); break; } case OP_PFX: { std::string path = path_operand(cursor); fix_path(path); int ok = chdir(path.c_str()); if (ok < 0) warn("PFX %s", path.c_str()); break; } case OP_TYP: ftype = number_operand(cursor, file_types, OP_REQUIRED | OP_INSENSITIVE); break; case OP_ADR: atype = number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table); break; case OP_KND: { uint32_t kind = number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table); if (!segments.empty()) segments.back().kind = kind; break; } case OP_ALI: { uint32_t align = number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table); // must be power of 2 or 0 if ((align & (align-1)) == 0) { // not yet supported. } else { throw std::runtime_error("Bad alignment"); } break; } case OP_LKV: { /* specify linker version */ /* 0 = binary, 1 = Linker.GS, 2 = Linker.XL, 3 = convert to OMF object file */ uint32_t value = number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table); switch (value) { case 0: throw std::runtime_error("binary linker not supported"); case 3: throw std::runtime_error("object file linker not supported"); case 1: case 2: lkv = value; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("bad linker version"); } break; } case OP_VER: { /* OMF version, 1 or 2 */ uint32_t value = number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table); if (value != 2) throw std::runtime_error("bad OMF version"); ver = value; break; } case OP_LNK: { if (end) throw std::runtime_error("link after end"); std::string path = path_operand(cursor); process_unit(path); ++lnk; break; } case OP_IMP: { /* qasm addition. import binary file. entry name is filename w/ . converted to _ */ std::string path = path_operand(cursor); std::string name = basename(path); for (char &c : name) { c = std::isalnum(c) ? std::toupper(c) : '_'; } // ... ++lnk; break; } case OP_SAV: { if (end) throw std::runtime_error("save after end"); std::string path = path_operand(cursor); /* use 1st SAV as the path */ if (save_file.empty()) save_file = path; /* lkv 0 = binary linker (unsupported) lkv 1 = 1 segment GS linker lkv 2 = multi-segment GS linker lkv 3 = convert REL to OMF object file (unsupported) */ if (lkv == 1 || lkv == 2 || lkv == 3) { auto &seg = segments.back(); std::string base = basename(path); seg.segname = base; seg.loadname = base; // seg.kind = kind; } if (lkv == 1) { finish(); end = true; } if (lkv == 2) { /* add a new segment */ segments.emplace_back(); relocations.emplace_back(); pos_offset = 0; // POS support } ++sav; break; } case OP_KBD: { char buffer[256]; if (!isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) return; /* todo if already defined (via -D) don't prompt */ if (local_symbol_table.find(label) != local_symbol_table.end()) return; std::string prompt = string_operand(cursor, OP_OPTIONAL); if (prompt.empty()) prompt = "Give value for " + label; prompt += ": "; fputs(prompt.c_str(), stdout); fflush(stdout); char *cp = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin); if (!cp) throw std::runtime_error("Bad input"); uint32_t value = number_operand(cp, local_symbol_table, true); define(label, value, LBL_KBD); break; } case OP_POS: { // POS label << sets label = current segment offset // POS << resets pos byte counter. std::string label = label_operand(cursor, OP_OPTIONAL); if (label.empty()) { pos_offset = segments.back().data.size(); } else { uint32_t value = segments.back().data.size() - pos_offset; define(label, value, LBL_POS); } break; } case OP_LEN: { // LEN label // sets label = length of most recent file linked std::string label = label_operand(cursor); uint32_t value = len_offset; define(label, value, LBL_LEN); break; } case OP_EQ: define(label, number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table), LBL_EQ); break; case OP_EQU: define(label, number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table), LBL_EQU); break; case OP_GEQ: define(label, number_operand(cursor, local_symbol_table), LBL_GEQ); break; case OP_SEG: { /* OMF object file linker - set the object file seg name */ std::string name = label_operand(cursor); break; } case OP_FAS: /* fast linker, only 1 file allowed */ fas = true; break; case OP_OVR: ovr = ovr_operand(cursor); break; case OP_PUT: { std::string path = path_operand(cursor); break; } case OP_IF: { std::string path = path_operand(cursor); break; } case OP_ASM: { std::string path = path_operand(cursor); break; } default: throw std::runtime_error("opcode not yet supported"); } } void process_script(const char *path) { extern void parse_line(const char *); FILE *fp = nullptr; if (!path || !strcmp(path, "-")) fp = stdin; else { fp = fopen(path, "r"); if (!fp) { err(1, "Unable to open %s", path); } } segments.emplace_back(); relocations.emplace_back(); int no = 1; int errors = 0; char *line = NULL; size_t cap = 0; for(;; ++no) { ssize_t len = getline(&line, &cap, fp); if (len == 0) break; if (len < 0) break; /* strip trailing ws */ while (len && isspace(line[len-1])) --len; line[len] = 0; if (len == 0) continue; try { parse_line(line); } catch (std::exception &ex) { if (!active) continue; fprintf(stderr, "%s in line: %d\n", ex.what(), no); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", line); if (++errors >= 10) { fputs("Too many errors, aborting\n", stderr); break; } } } if (fp != stdin) fclose(fp); free(line); exit(errors ? EX_DATAERR : 0); } void process_files(int argc, char **argv) { segments.emplace_back(); relocations.emplace_back(); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { char *path = argv[i]; try { process_unit(path); } catch (std::exception &ex) { errx(EX_DATAERR, "%s: %s", path, ex.what()); } } finish(); exit(0); }