/* * mii_emu_gl.c * * Copyright (C) 2023 Michel Pollet * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ /* * This is the main file for the X11/GLX version of the MII emulator */ #define _GNU_SOURCE // for asprintf #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mii_mui.h" #include "mish.h" #include "mii_thread.h" #include "mii_ssc.h" #include "mii_mui_gl.h" #include "miigl_counter.h" #define MII_ICON64_DEFINE #include "mii_icon64.h" /* * Note: This *assumes* that the GL implementation has support for * non-power-of-2 * textures, which is not a given for older * implementations. However, I think (by 2024) that's a safe assumption. */ #define WINDOW_WIDTH 1280 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 720 #define MII_MUI_GL_POW2 0 typedef struct mii_x11_t { mii_mui_t video; pthread_t cpu_thread; Cursor cursor; Display * dpy; Window win; Atom wm_delete_window; int width, height; GLXContext glContext; // miigl_counter_t videoc, redrawc, sleepc; } mii_x11_t; static int gl_err = 0; static int gl_error_handler( Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ev) { gl_err = true; return 0; } #define die(_w) { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",_w); exit(1); } static int has_gl_extension( const char *string, const char *ext) { if (!string || !ext) return false; int l = strlen(ext); while (*string) { char * gotit = strstr((const char *)string, ext); if (!gotit) return false; if (gotit && (gotit[l] == ' ' || gotit[l] == '\0')) return true; string += l; } return false; } /* * xmodmap -pke or -pk will print the list of keycodes */ static bool _mii_x11_convert_keycode( mii_x11_t *ui, KeySym sym, mui_event_t *out ) { switch (sym) { case XK_F1 ... XK_F12: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_F1 + (sym - XK_F1); break; case XK_Escape: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_ESCAPE; break; case XK_Left: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_LEFT; break; case XK_Up: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_UP; break; case XK_Right: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_RIGHT; break; case XK_Down: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_DOWN; break; // XK_Begin case XK_Insert: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_INSERT; break; case XK_Home: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_HOME; break; case XK_End: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_END; break; case XK_Page_Up: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_PAGEUP; break; case XK_Page_Down: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_PAGEDOWN; break; case XK_Shift_R: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_RSHIFT; break; case XK_Shift_L: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_LSHIFT; break; case XK_Control_R: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_RCTRL; break; case XK_Control_L: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_LCTRL; break; case XK_Alt_L: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_LALT; break; case XK_Alt_R: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_RALT; break; case XK_Super_L: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_LSUPER; break; case XK_Super_R: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_RSUPER; break; case XK_Caps_Lock: out->key.key = MUI_KEY_CAPSLOCK; break; default: out->key.key = sym & 0xff; break; } // printf("%s %08x to %04x\n", __func__, sym, out->key.key); return true; } static int mii_x11_init( struct mii_x11_t *ui ) { // mui_t * mui = &ui->video.mui; if (!setlocale(LC_ALL,"") || !XSupportsLocale() || !XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=none")) return -1; ui->dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (!ui->dpy) die("Failed to open X display\n"); { /* check glx version */ int glx_major, glx_minor; if (!glXQueryVersion(ui->dpy, &glx_major, &glx_minor)) die("[X11]: Error: Failed to query OpenGL version\n"); if ((glx_major == 1 && glx_minor < 3) || (glx_major < 1)) die("[X11]: Error: Invalid GLX version!\n"); } GLXFBConfig fbc; XVisualInfo * vis = NULL; { /* find and pick matching framebuffer visual */ int fb_count; static const GLint attr[] = { GLX_X_RENDERABLE, True, GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE, GLX_WINDOW_BIT, GLX_RENDER_TYPE, GLX_RGBA_BIT, GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE, GLX_TRUE_COLOR, GLX_RED_SIZE, 8, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 8, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 8, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, None }; GLXFBConfig *fbc_list = glXChooseFBConfig(ui->dpy, DefaultScreen(ui->dpy), attr, &fb_count); if (!fbc_list) die("[X11]: Error: failed to retrieve framebuffer configuration\n"); { /* pick framebuffer with most samples per pixel */ int fb_best = -1, best_num_samples = -1; for (int i = 0; i < fb_count; ++i) { XVisualInfo *vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(ui->dpy, fbc_list[i]); if (vi) { int sample_buffer, samples; glXGetFBConfigAttrib(ui->dpy, fbc_list[i], GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, &sample_buffer); glXGetFBConfigAttrib(ui->dpy, fbc_list[i], GLX_SAMPLES, &samples); if ((fb_best < 0) || (sample_buffer && samples > best_num_samples)) fb_best = i, best_num_samples = samples; XFree(vi); } } fbc = fbc_list[fb_best]; XFree(fbc_list); vis = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(ui->dpy, fbc); } } { /* create window */ XSetWindowAttributes swa = { .colormap = XCreateColormap(ui->dpy, RootWindow(ui->dpy, vis->screen), vis->visual, AllocNone), .background_pixmap = None, .border_pixel = 0, .event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPress | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | Button1MotionMask | Button3MotionMask | Button4MotionMask | Button5MotionMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask | FocusChangeMask, }; ui->win = XCreateWindow(ui->dpy, RootWindow(ui->dpy, vis->screen), 0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, vis->depth, InputOutput, vis->visual, CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask, &swa); if (!ui->win) die("[X11]: Failed to create window\n"); XFree(vis); XFreeColormap(ui->dpy, swa.colormap); { char title[128]; sprintf(title, "MII //e Emulator"); char *telnet = getenv("MISH_TELNET_PORT"); if (telnet) sprintf(title + strlen(title), " (telnet port %s)", telnet); else sprintf(title + strlen(title), " (telnet disabled)"); XStoreName(ui->dpy, ui->win, title); } { Atom net_wm_icon_atom = XInternAtom(ui->dpy, "_NET_WM_ICON", False); XChangeProperty(ui->dpy, ui->win, net_wm_icon_atom, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)mii_icon64, sizeof(mii_icon64) / sizeof(mii_icon64[0])); XFlush(ui->dpy); } { XSizeHints *hints = XAllocSizeHints(); hints->flags = PMinSize | PAspect;// | PMaxSize; hints->min_width = WINDOW_WIDTH / 2; hints->min_height = WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2; hints->max_aspect.x = WINDOW_WIDTH; hints->max_aspect.y = WINDOW_HEIGHT; hints->min_aspect.x = WINDOW_WIDTH; hints->min_aspect.y = WINDOW_HEIGHT; XSetWMNormalHints(ui->dpy, ui->win, hints); XFree(hints); } XMapWindow(ui->dpy, ui->win); ui->wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(ui->dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); XSetWMProtocols(ui->dpy, ui->win, &ui->wm_delete_window, 1); } /* create invisible cursor */ { static XColor dummy; char data[1] = {0}; Pixmap blank = XCreateBitmapFromData(ui->dpy, ui->win, data, 1, 1); if (blank == None) return 0; ui->cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(ui->dpy, blank, blank, &dummy, &dummy, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(ui->dpy, blank); } { /* create opengl context */ typedef GLXContext (*glxCreateContext)( Display *, GLXFBConfig, GLXContext, Bool, const int *); int (*old_handler)(Display *, XErrorEvent *) = XSetErrorHandler(gl_error_handler); const char *extensions_str = glXQueryExtensionsString( ui->dpy, DefaultScreen(ui->dpy)); glxCreateContext create_context = (glxCreateContext) glXGetProcAddressARB((const GLubyte *)"glXCreateContextAttribsARB"); gl_err = false; if (!has_gl_extension(extensions_str, "GLX_ARB_create_context") || !create_context) { fprintf(stdout, "[X11]: glXCreateContextAttribARB() not found...\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[X11]: ... using old-style GLX context\n"); ui->glContext = glXCreateNewContext( ui->dpy, fbc, GLX_RGBA_TYPE, 0, True); } else { GLint attr[] = { GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 0, None }; ui->glContext = create_context(ui->dpy, fbc, 0, True, attr); XSync(ui->dpy, False); if (gl_err || !ui->glContext) { attr[1] = 1; attr[3] = 0; gl_err = false; fprintf(stdout, "[X11] Failed to create OpenGL 3.0 context\n"); fprintf(stdout, "[X11] ... using old-style GLX context!\n"); ui->glContext = create_context(ui->dpy, fbc, 0, True, attr); } } XSync(ui->dpy, False); XSetErrorHandler(old_handler); if (gl_err || !ui->glContext) die("[X11]: Failed to create an OpenGL context\n"); glXMakeCurrent(ui->dpy, ui->win, ui->glContext); } return 0; } static void mui_read_clipboard( struct mui_t *mui) { FILE *f = popen("xclip -selection clipboard -o", "r"); if (!f) { perror("popen xclip"); return; } mui_utf8_t clip = {}; char buf[1024]; size_t r = 0; do { r = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f); if (r > 0) mui_utf8_append(&clip, (uint8_t*)buf, r); } while (r > 0); pclose(f); mui_utf8_free(&mui->clipboard); mui->clipboard = clip; } static int mii_x11_handle_event( mii_x11_t * ui, XEvent *evt) { int quit = 0; /* We don't actually 'grab' as in warp the pointer, we just show/hide it * dynamically when we enter/leave the video rectangle */ if (ui->video.mouse.grab) { XDefineCursor(ui->dpy, ui->win, ui->cursor); ui->video.mouse.grab = 0; } else if (ui->video.mouse.ungrab) { XUndefineCursor(ui->dpy, ui->win); ui->video.mouse.ungrab = 0; } mui_t * mui = &ui->video.mui; mii_t * mii = &ui->video.mii; switch (evt->type) { case FocusIn: case FocusOut: // printf("%s focus %d\n", __func__, evt->type == FocusIn); /* This prevents 'stale' modifiers keys when the emulator is * in front and we switches window/desktop with a modifier on.. * this used to trigger 'phantom' modifiers still being 'on' */ mui->modifier_keys = 0; break; case KeyRelease: case KeyPress: { int ret, down = (evt->type == KeyPress); KeySym *code = XGetKeyboardMapping(ui->dpy, (KeyCode)evt->xkey.keycode, 1, &ret); ui->video.key.type = down ? MUI_EVENT_KEYDOWN : MUI_EVENT_KEYUP; ui->video.key.key.up = 0; bool handled = false; bool converted = _mii_x11_convert_keycode(ui, *code, &ui->video.key); bool is_modifier = ui->video.key.key.key >= MUI_KEY_MODIFIERS && ui->video.key.key.key <= MUI_KEY_MODIFIERS_LAST; if (converted) { // convert keycodes into a bitfields of current modifiers if (ui->video.key.key.key >= MUI_KEY_MODIFIERS && ui->video.key.key.key <= MUI_KEY_MODIFIERS_LAST) { if (down) mui->modifier_keys |= (1 << (ui->video.key.key.key - MUI_KEY_MODIFIERS)); else mui->modifier_keys &= ~(1 << (ui->video.key.key.key - MUI_KEY_MODIFIERS)); } ui->video.key.modifiers = mui->modifier_keys; switch (ui->video.key.key.key) { #if 0 case MUI_KEY_RALT: case MUI_KEY_LALT: { int apple = ui->video.key.key.key - MUI_KEY_RALT; #else case MUI_KEY_RSUPER: case MUI_KEY_LSUPER: { int apple = ui->video.key.key.key - MUI_KEY_LSUPER; #endif mii_bank_t *bank = &mii->bank[MII_BANK_SW]; uint8_t old = mii_bank_peek(bank, 0xc061 + apple); mii_bank_poke(bank, 0xc061 + apple, down ? 0x80 : 0); if (!!down != !!old) { // printf("Apple %s %s\n", apple ? "Open" : "Close", // down ? "down" : "up"); } } break; } handled = mui_handle_event(mui, &ui->video.key); // if not handled and theres a window visible, assume // it's a dialog and it OUGHT to eat the key if (!handled) handled = mui_window_front(mui) != NULL; // printf("%s key handled %d\n", __func__, handled); } if (!handled && down && !is_modifier) { uint16_t mii_key = ui->video.key.key.key; char buf[32] = ""; KeySym keysym = 0; if (XLookupString((XKeyEvent*)evt, buf, 32, &keysym, NULL) != NoSymbol) { #if 0 printf(" lookup sym %04x %d:", (int)keysym, (int)strlen(buf)); for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(buf); i++) printf(" %02x", buf[i]); printf("\n"); #endif mii_key = buf[0]; } switch (mii_key) { case MUI_KEY_DOWN: mii_key = 'J' - 'A' + 1; break; case MUI_KEY_UP: mii_key = 'K' - 'A' + 1; break; case MUI_KEY_RIGHT: mii_key = 'U' - 'A' + 1; break; case MUI_KEY_LEFT: mii_key = 'H' - 'A' + 1; break; } // printf("key %04x %4x\n", mii_key, mui->modifier_keys); /* control shift V is hard coded! */ if (mii_key == 0x016 && (mui->modifier_keys & MUI_MODIFIER_SHIFT) && (mui->modifier_keys & MUI_MODIFIER_CTRL)) { printf("Paste\n"); mui_read_clipboard(mui); if (mui->clipboard.count) { mui_utf8_add(&mui->clipboard, 0); // convert newlines for (uint i = 0; i < mui->clipboard.count; i++) if (mui->clipboard.e[i] == '\n') mui->clipboard.e[i] = '\r'; mii_th_signal_t sig = { .cmd = SIGNAL_PASTE, .ptr = mui->clipboard.e, }; mui->clipboard.e = NULL; mui->clipboard.count = mui->clipboard.size = 0; mii_th_fifo_write(mii_thread_get_fifo(mii), sig); } } else mii_keypress(mii, mii_key); } XFree(code); } break; case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: { // printf("%s %s button %d grabbed:%d\n", __func__, // evt->type == ButtonPress ? "Down":"Up ", // evt->xbutton.button, ui->video.mouse.grabbed); switch (evt->xbutton.button) { case Button1: { ui->video.mouse.down = evt->type == ButtonPress; ui->video.mouse.pos.x = evt->xbutton.x; ui->video.mouse.pos.y = evt->xbutton.y; if (ui->video.mui_visible) { mui_event_t ev = { .type = ui->video.mouse.down ? MUI_EVENT_BUTTONDOWN : MUI_EVENT_BUTTONUP, .mouse.where = ui->video.mouse.pos, .modifiers = mui->modifier_keys, // | MUI_MODIFIER_EVENT_TRACE, }; mui_handle_event(mui, &ev); } mii_mui_update_mouse_card(&ui->video); } break; case Button4: case Button5: { // printf("%s wheel %d %d\n", __func__, // evt->xbutton.button, ui->video.mui_visible); if (ui->video.mui_visible) { mui_event_t ev = { .type = MUI_EVENT_WHEEL, .modifiers = mui->modifier_keys,// | MUI_MODIFIER_EVENT_TRACE, .wheel.where = ui->video.mouse.pos, .wheel.delta = evt->xbutton.button == Button4 ? -1 : 1, }; mui_handle_event(mui, &ev); } } break; } } break; case ConfigureNotify: if (evt->xconfigure.width != ui->video.window_size.x || evt->xconfigure.height != ui->video.window_size.y) { // Window is being resized // Handle the resize event here ui->video.window_size.x = evt->xconfigure.width; ui->video.window_size.y = evt->xconfigure.height; ui->video.video_frame = mii_mui_get_video_position(&ui->video); mii_mui_update_mouse_card(&ui->video); } break; case MotionNotify: { ui->video.mouse.pos.x = evt->xmotion.x; ui->video.mouse.pos.y = evt->xmotion.y; mii_mui_update_mouse_card(&ui->video); if (ui->video.mouse.grabbed) break; if (ui->video.mui_visible) { mui_event_t ev = { .type = MUI_EVENT_DRAG, .mouse.where = ui->video.mouse.pos, .modifiers = mui->modifier_keys, }; mui_handle_event(mui, &ev); } } break; case ClientMessage: if ((Atom)evt->xclient.data.l[0] == ui->wm_delete_window) quit = 1; break; case KeymapNotify: XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&evt->xmapping); break; } return quit; } static void mii_x11_terminate( mii_x11_t *ui) { glXMakeCurrent(ui->dpy, 0, 0); glXDestroyContext(ui->dpy, ui->glContext); XUnmapWindow(ui->dpy, ui->win); XDestroyWindow(ui->dpy, ui->win); XCloseDisplay(ui->dpy); } // TODO factor this into a single table, this is dupped from mii_mui_settings.c! static const struct { const char * name; } mii_slot_driver[MII_SLOT_DRIVER_COUNT] = { [MII_SLOT_DRIVER_NONE] = { "none", }, [MII_SLOT_DRIVER_SMARTPORT] = { "smartport", }, [MII_SLOT_DRIVER_DISK2] = { "disk2", }, [MII_SLOT_DRIVER_MOUSE] = { "mouse", }, [MII_SLOT_DRIVER_SSC] = { "ssc", }, [MII_SLOT_DRIVER_ROM1MB] = { "eecard", }, [MII_SLOT_DRIVER_MOCKINGBOARD] = { "mockingboard", }, #ifdef MII_DANII [MII_SLOT_DRIVER_DANII] = { "danii", }, #endif }; void mii_ui_reconfigure_slot( mii_t * mii, mii_machine_config_t * config, int slot ) { printf("%s slot %d\n", __func__, slot); int i = slot-1; switch (config->slot[i].driver) { case MII_SLOT_DRIVER_SMARTPORT: { mii_slot_command(mii, slot, MII_SLOT_DRIVE_LOAD, (void*)config->slot[i].conf.smartport.drive[0].disk); mii_slot_command(mii, slot, MII_SLOT_DRIVE_LOAD + 1, (void*)config->slot[i].conf.smartport.drive[1].disk); } break; case MII_SLOT_DRIVER_DISK2: { for (int di = 0; di < 2; di++) { mii_slot_command(mii, slot, MII_SLOT_DRIVE_LOAD + di, (void*)config->slot[i].conf.disk2.drive[di].disk); int wp = config->slot[i].conf.disk2.drive[di].wp; mii_slot_command(mii, slot, MII_SLOT_DRIVE_WP + di, (void*)&wp); } } break; case MII_SLOT_DRIVER_ROM1MB: { mii_slot_command(mii, slot, MII_SLOT_DRIVE_LOAD, config->slot[i].conf.rom1mb.use_default ? "" : (void*)config->slot[i].conf.rom1mb.drive.disk); } break; case MII_SLOT_DRIVER_SSC: { mii_ssc_setconf_t ssc = { .baud = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.baud, .bits = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.bits, .parity = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.parity, .stop = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.stop, .handshake = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.hw_handshake, .is_device = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.kind == MII_SSC_KIND_DEVICE, .is_socket = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.kind == MII_SSC_KIND_SOCKET, .is_pty = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.kind == MII_SSC_KIND_PTY, .socket_port = config->slot[i].conf.ssc.socket_port, }; strncpy(ssc.device, config->slot[i].conf.ssc.device, sizeof(ssc.device)-1); mii_slot_command(mii, slot, MII_SLOT_SSC_SET_TTY, (void*)&ssc); } break; } } // load the content of the mii_machine_config_t into the initialized // mii_t struct, similar to what mii_argv_parse does // TODO: Change argv to modify that struct instead of the mii_t directly static void _mii_ui_load_config( mii_t * mii, mii_machine_config_t * config, uint32_t *ioFlags ) { if (config->no_slot_clock) *ioFlags |= MII_INIT_NSC; if (config->titan_accelerator) *ioFlags |= MII_INIT_TITAN; mii->speaker.muted = config->audio_muted; mii->video.color_mode = config->video_mode; mii_video_set_mode(mii, config->video_mode); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (config->slot[i].driver == MII_SLOT_DRIVER_NONE) continue; if (config->slot[i].driver >= MII_SLOT_DRIVER_COUNT) { printf("%s invalid driver %d\n", __func__, config->slot[i].driver); continue; } int slot = i + 1; if (mii_slot_drv_register(mii, slot, mii_slot_driver[config->slot[i].driver].name) < 0) { printf("%s failed to register driver %s\n", __func__, mii_slot_driver[config->slot[i].driver].name); } mii_ui_reconfigure_slot(mii, config, slot); } } // I want at least the 'silent' flags to be 'sticky' uint32_t g_startup_flags = 0; void mii_x11_reload_config( struct mii_x11_t *ui ) { mii_t * mii = &ui->video.mii; mii_machine_config_t * config = &ui->video.config; uint32_t flags = MII_INIT_DEFAULT | g_startup_flags; if (mii->state != MII_INIT) { printf("%s mii is running, terminating thread\n", __func__); mii->state = MII_TERMINATE; pthread_join(ui->cpu_thread, NULL); printf("%s mii terminated\n", __func__); } mii_mui_menu_slot_menu_update(&ui->video); printf("%s (re)loading config\n", __func__); // if we're silent from the command line, we are *always* silent. mii->speaker.speaker_off = !!(g_startup_flags & MII_INIT_SILENT); mii_init(mii); _mii_ui_load_config(mii, config, &flags); mii_prepare(mii, flags); mii_reset(mii, true); mii_mui_gl_prepare_textures(&ui->video); /* start the CPU/emulator thread */ ui->cpu_thread = mii_threads_start(mii); } mii_x11_t g_mii = {}; int main( int argc, const char *argv[]) { char * conf_path; asprintf(&conf_path, "%s/.local/share/mii", getenv("HOME")); mkdir(conf_path, 0755); mii_x11_t * ui = &g_mii; mii_t * mii = &g_mii.video.mii; mui_t * mui = &g_mii.video.mui; bool no_config_found = false; if (mii_settings_load( &ui->video.cf, getcwd(NULL,0), ".mii_emu_config") < 0 && mii_settings_load( &ui->video.cf, conf_path, "mii_emu_gl") < 0) { asprintf(&ui->video.cf.path, "%s/.local/share/mii/mii_emu_gl", getenv("HOME")); printf("%s failed to load settings\n", argv[0]); ui->video.config.load_defaults = true; no_config_found = true; } else { mii_emu_load(&ui->video.cf, &ui->video.config); } { mii_init(mii); int idx = 1; uint32_t flags = MII_INIT_DEFAULT; if (!no_config_found) { // load the config we have in the UI config struct into the // mii config struct _mii_ui_load_config(mii, &ui->video.config, &flags); } int r = mii_argv_parse(mii, argc, argv, &idx, &flags); if (r == 0) { printf("mii: Invalid argument %s, skipped\n", argv[idx]); } else if (r == -1) exit(1); mii_prepare(mii, flags); g_startup_flags = flags; } { mish_prepare(1); mish_set_command_parameter(MISH_FCC('m','i','i',' '), mii); printf("MISH_TELNET_PORT = %s\n", getenv("MISH_TELNET_PORT")); } mii_x11_init(ui); mii_mui_init(&ui->video, C2_PT(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT)); mii_mui_gl_init(&ui->video); asprintf(&mui->pref_directory, "%s/.local/share/mii", getenv("HOME")); // use a 60fps timerfd here as well int timerfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0); if (timerfd < 0) { perror(__func__); goto cleanup; } mii_thread_set_fps(timerfd, 60); /* * If it is the first run, theres no config files, open the * slot dialog to let the user configure some stuff himself */ if (no_config_found) { ui->video.config.reboot_on_load = true; mii_config_open_slots_dialog(&ui->video); } /* start the CPU/emulator thread */ ui->cpu_thread = mii_threads_start(mii); while (mii->state != MII_INIT) { /* Input */ XEvent evt; while (XPending(ui->dpy)) { XNextEvent(ui->dpy, &evt); if (evt.type == ClientMessage) { if (evt.xclient.message_type == XInternAtom(ui->dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False) && (Atom)evt.xclient.data.l[0] == ui->wm_delete_window) { // printf("Window close requested!\n"); goto cleanup; } } if (XFilterEvent(&evt, ui->win)) continue; mii_x11_handle_event(ui, &evt); } bool draw = mii_mui_gl_run(&ui->video); if (draw) { // miigl_counter_tick(&ui->redrawc, miigl_get_time()); // XGetWindowAttributes(ui->dpy, ui->win, &ui->attr); glViewport(0, 0, ui->video.window_size.x, ui->video.window_size.y); mii_mui_showhide_ui_machine(&ui->video); mii_mui_gl_render(&ui->video); glFlush(); glXSwapBuffers(ui->dpy, ui->win); } /* Wait for next frame */ uint64_t timerv; if (read(timerfd, &timerv, sizeof(timerv)) < 0) { perror(__func__); goto cleanup; } #if 0 miigl_counter_tick(&ui->sleepc, miigl_get_time()); if (!(current_frame % 60)) printf("VID: %3d Draw:%3d sleep:%3d\n", miigl_counter_get_read_size(&ui->videoc), miigl_counter_get_read_size(&ui->redrawc), miigl_counter_get_read_size(&ui->sleepc)); #endif } cleanup: mii_emu_save(&ui->video.cf, &ui->video.config); // this was already done in the mii_thread // mii_dispose(mii); mii_x11_terminate(ui); return 0; }