#!/bin/bash # Generate a JSON file compatible with clangd for indexing. Parses # the output of the make process, extract gcc lines, and convert to JSON # using (gnu) AWK # Join lines that finish by \ -- then split the large command lines around # && and ||, then look for gcc, then split and look for a .c argument. # when found, populate the compile_commands.json file gawk -v dir="$(pwd)" ' BEGIN { acc="";line=0; print "["; } END { print "]"; } /\\ *$/ { $0 = gensub(/\\ *$/, "", "g", $0); acc = acc $0 next; } /\|\| *$/ { acc = acc $0 next; } /^g?make\[([0-9]+)]/ { if ($2 != "Entering") next; dir = gensub(/'\''/, "", "g", $4) next; } { acc = acc $0 acc = gensub(/([^\\])"/, "\\1\\\\\"", "g", acc); acc = gensub(/[ \t]+/, " ", "g", acc); cnt = split(acc, e, / *\|\| *| *&& */); acc = ""; for (cmd in e) { e[cmd] = gensub(/[ |\t]+$/, "", "g", e[cmd]); split(e[cmd], arg, / +/); if (!match(arg[1], /g?cc$/)) continue; c_file="" for (ai in arg) { if (match(arg[ai], /\.c$/)) { c_file = arg[ai]; break; } } if (c_file != "") { if (line > 0) printf ","; line++; printf "{\"directory\":\"%s\",\"file\":\"%s\",\"command\":\"%s\"}\n", dir, c_file, e[cmd]; } } } '