Michel Pollet 11cdb8b209 Version 1.9: See Changelog for details
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Signed-off-by: Michel Pollet <buserror@gmail.com>
2024-05-13 16:40:51 +01:00

78 lines
2.0 KiB

# Makefile
# Copyright (C) 2020 Michel Pollet <buserror@gmail.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
CC = gcc
MUI_SRC := $(wildcard $(LIBMUI)src/*.c)
vpath %.c $(LIBMUI)src $(LIBMUI)mui_shell
# this is just so we compile the tests if not a submodule
IS_SUBMODULE := ${wildcard ../ui_gl/mii_mui.h}
all : static mui_shell
include $(LIBMUI)Makefile.common
ifeq ($(IS_SUBMODULE),)
all : tests
MUI_OBJ := ${patsubst %, $(OBJ)/%, ${notdir ${MUI_SRC:.c=.o}}}
TARGET_LIB := $(LIB)/libmui.a
.PHONY : mui_shell static tests
mui_shell : $(BIN)/mui_shell
static : $(TARGET_LIB)
tests : | $(TARGET_LIB)
$(MAKE) -j -C tests
@echo " ** To launch the demo, run "
@echo " $(BIN)/mui_shell -f $(LIB)/mui_widgets_demo.so"
@echo " AR $@"
$(Q)$(AR) rcs $@ $^
# The shell program is used to test the UI library using plugins
# It is made using XCB and XKB libraries to have a minimal dependency
# on X11. Also, allows partial updates to be tested properly
$(OBJ)/mui_shell.o : CPPFLAGS += -DUI_HAS_XCB=1 -DUI_HAS_XKB=1
ifeq ($(shell uname),NetBSD)
# NetBSD requirements
$(OBJ)/mui_shell.o : CPPFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags xorg-server xkbcommon)
$(BIN)/mui_shell : LDLIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs xorg-server)
$(BIN)/mui_shell : LDLIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs \
xcb xcb-shm xcb-image \
xkbcommon xkbcommon-x11)
$(BIN)/mui_shell : LDLIBS += -lm
ifeq ($(shell uname),Linux)
$(BIN)/mui_shell : LDLIBS += -ldl
$(BIN)/mui_shell : $(OBJ)/mui_shell.o $(LIB)/libmui.a
clean :
rm -rf $(O)
# This is for development purpose. This will recompile the project
# everytime a file is modified.
watch :
while true; do \
clear; $(MAKE) -j all tests; \
inotifywait -qre close_write src mui_shell tests/* ../ui_gl; \
compile_commands.json: lsp
{ $$(which gmake) CC=gcc V=1 --always-make --dry-run all tests ; } | \
sh ../utils/clangd_gen.sh >compile_commands.json
-include $(OBJ)/*.d