Game delay based on rendering, render Willy twice

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StewBC 2021-04-30 14:14:12 -07:00
parent 68e9db4f51
commit 7909d6e051

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@ -24,31 +24,37 @@ playLoop:
lda demoMode ; check for demo mode
beq :+ ; if not demo, move willy
jsr gameDemoTick ; tick the demo if demo mode
jmp :++ ; skip moving willy
jsr gameDemoTick ; demo mode so run demo
jmp ai ; skip moving willy
jsr willyMove ; move the main character based on user input (or conveyor or gravity)
jsr gameAI ; run all the monster AI
ldx fullScreenClearCount ; get the flag for what level of screen clear is needed
jsr screenClear ; and clear the screen
jsr tilesAnimateKeys ; copy the 16 bytes for the next "key" frame into place
jsr tilesAnimateKeys ; copy the 16 bytes for the next "key" frame into place
jsr tilesAnimateConveyor ; update the conveyor tile
jsr screenDrawSprites ; draw all the enemies
lda demoMode ; get the event state
bne :+ ; if so skip showing willy
beq :+ ; 0 - not demo, full flow
jsr screenDrawLevel ; show all the tiles in demo mode
jmp ui
lda #$ff ; Enable Collision detection
jsr screenDrawWilly ; not demo - draw willy with collision detection
bcc :+ ; carry set is a collision, clear is no problem
bcc level ; carry set is a collision, clear is no problem
lda eventState ; on collision, set the die event
sta eventState
jsr screenDrawLevel ; show all the tiles
lda #0 ; No collision detection
jsr screenDrawWilly ; Now draw willy over self and level, no collision
lda updateUICount ; see if the UI needs an update
beq :+
jsr uiUpdate ; if needed, update the appropriate UI components
@ -59,6 +65,7 @@ playLoop:
jsr screenSwap ; swap to the newly rendered screen
jsr audioPlayNote ; play in-game music if needed
jsr gameDelay ; waste time to get all screens to run at same rate
lda eventState ; see if any events fired
beq playLoop ; keep looping while no events
@ -77,13 +84,33 @@ playLoop:
jsr textCheckHighScore ; game over - see if a new high score was set
.proc gameDelay
lda #$80 ; max tiles ever visible is $CD, but delay only up to $80
sbc tilesRendered ; how many were shown
bcc done
tax ; delta in x
ldy #49 ; delay 246 cycles per non-rendered tile
bne :-
dex ; and do it for all tiles not rendered (<$80)
bne :--
.proc gameNewGame
lda #START_LIVES ; init player number of lives
sta lives
sta lives
lda #LEVEL_Central_Cavern ; Init these game vars to 0
sta currLevel
@ -95,12 +122,12 @@ playLoop:
lda #'0' ; load a with '0'
sta score, x ; set all 6 score digits to '0'
bpl :-
.proc gameInitStage
@ -110,7 +137,7 @@ playLoop:
instanceIdx = tmpBot + 2
ldy currLevel ; Skip some stuff for "Game Over" pseudo-level
cpy #20
cpy #20
bcs notDemo
jsr levelUnpack ; decompress a level to levelLayout
@ -185,17 +212,17 @@ next:
sta spriteXPos, x ; from 0 .. numSprites - 1
lda sprites_y, y ; the addressing is unfortunate - sta ,x is zero-page 2 byte
sta spriteYPos, x ; but it's not worth swapping x and y for this bit of code
lda sprites_min, y
sta spriteMin, x
lda sprites_max, y
sta spriteMax, x
lda sprites_speed, y
sta spriteSpeed, x
sta spriteTick, x
lda sprites_dir, y
sta spriteDir, x
lda sprites_min, y
sta spriteMin, x
lda sprites_max, y
sta spriteMax, x
lda sprites_speed, y
sta spriteSpeed, x
sta spriteTick, x
lda sprites_dir, y
sta spriteDir, x
lda sprites_class, y
sta spriteClass, x
sta spriteClass, x
lda sprites_colors, y ; get the color
sta spriteColor, x
@ -204,9 +231,9 @@ next:
ldx instanceIdx ; restore y
cpx numSprites
beq prep
beq prep
lda spriteClass, x
lda spriteClass, x
bit bit1Mask ; CLASS_FOUR_FRAME
beq :+
lda #4
@ -214,15 +241,15 @@ next:
lda #8
adc spriteFramesIdx, x
adc spriteFramesIdx, x
sta spriteFramesIdx + 1, x
ldy spriteIdx
iny ; next sprite in sprite table
inx ; next instance
dec count
dec count
beq prep
jmp next
jmp next
ldx currLevel ; some levels need special handling
@ -246,35 +273,35 @@ kong:
cpx #LEVEL_Skylab_Landing_Bay ; skylab needs satellites to get X values
bne :+
bne :+
ldx #2 ; init the falling satellites
lda skylabXPos, x
sta spriteXPos, x
lda skylabXPos, x
sta spriteXPos, x
sta spriteTick, x
bpl skyLabPos
cpx #LEVEL_The_Final_Barrier
bne fixDoor
bne fixDoor
dec numSprites ; hide the victory door sprite
jmp spriteDoorSetup ; sprites are set up - door is special
.proc gameAI
.proc gameAI
lda fullScreenClearCount ; get the state
beq :+ ; if it's zero, move on
dec fullScreenClearCount ; count this down
dec airFlow ; deal with the air countdown. airFlow is "time" counter
bne airDone
bne airDone
jsr gameAirDecrease
@ -326,7 +353,7 @@ right:
lda #0 ; no, reset
sta spriteFrame, x ; frame to 0
beq next ; BRA. done with this sprite
dec spriteXPos, x ; set back to last valid x
lda #1 ; load left
sta spriteDir, x ; and set direction left
@ -339,7 +366,7 @@ fix4:
beq next ; if not, done with this sprite (frame 7 is good)
lda #3 ; drop the 7 to 3
sta spriteFrame, x ; set the frame
jmp next
jmp next
dec spriteFrame, x ; move the frame
@ -375,12 +402,12 @@ postVMove:
bit CLASS_SKYLAB ; skylab
beq :+
jmp skylab
jmp skylab
inc spriteFrame, x ; otherwise go to next frame
lda spriteFrame, x
lda spriteFrame, x
and #3
sta spriteFrame, x
sta spriteFrame, x
dex ; get previous sprite
@ -389,15 +416,15 @@ next:
jmp loop
lda spriteDir, x ; get direction 1 = UP, 0 = DOWN
beq down
beq down
bmi postVMove ; if the spriteDir is lt $ff, stationary sprite
lda spriteYPos, x ; get the Y position
sbc spriteSpeed, x ; move up by the speed
cmp spriteMin, x ; see if at top
bcc upEnd ; overshot top
@ -414,7 +441,7 @@ upEnd:
lda spriteYPos, x ; get the Y
adc spriteSpeed, x ; add the speed
cmp spriteMax, x ; see of at end
bcs downEnd ; at or past end
@ -426,11 +453,11 @@ downEnd:
bne stop
lda #1 ; but mark for moving UP (1)
sta spriteDir, x
sta spriteDir, x
bne postVMove ; BRA maybe down?
lda #$ff ; set the direction to -1 (lt 0)
sta spriteDir, x
sta spriteDir, x
bne postVMove ; BRA
@ -452,14 +479,14 @@ eugene:
lda #0 ; all keys - force eugene down
sta spriteDir, x
inc spriteFrame, x ; cycle through the 5 colors
lda spriteFrame, x
lda spriteFrame, x
cmp #4
bcc :+
lda #0
sta spriteFrame, x ; save the new frame
jmp next
jmp next
lda spriteMax, x ; if kong's max is 0 he's still up
@ -493,16 +520,16 @@ skylab:
lda spriteDir, x ; get the direction of the falling satellite
cmp #$ff ; see if it's reached its end
beq :+ ; yes it has
jmp next
jmp next
inc spriteFrame, x ; advance the collapsing frame
lda spriteFrame, x ; load that frame
cmp #8 ; see if it's the last
bcs :+ ; yes
jmp next
jmp next
lda spriteTick, x ; get the tick (hich is an index in this case)
adc #3 ; advance by 3 (3 satellites at a time) so next index for this satellite
cmp #12 ; (3*4 is 12) - there are 4 stating locations per satellite
bcc :+ ; not rolled over
@ -513,12 +540,12 @@ skylab:
lda skylabXPos, y ; get the actual start position, based on y, for this satellite
sta spriteXPos, x ; put that into the satellite
lda #0 ; reset the frame, position and direction all to 0
sta spriteFrame, x
sta spriteYPos, x
sta spriteDir, x
jmp next
sta spriteFrame, x
sta spriteYPos, x
sta spriteDir, x
jmp next
@ -531,16 +558,16 @@ skylab:
lda #UI_COMPONENT_NAME ; mark the level name as needing an update
jsr uiUpdateComponent
lda leftEdge ; scroll the screen
adc demoDirection ; based on the scrolling direction
sta leftEdge
sta leftEdge
beq nextDemoLevel ; if the edge is 0 then done with level
cmp #12 ; at 12, the level flips scroll direction
bne :+
lda #$ff ; at 12, the scroll direction becomes -1
sta demoDirection
lda #DEMO_TIMER_INITAL ; set for a longer initial hold at a new level
@ -554,7 +581,7 @@ nextDemoLevel:
sta eventState
.proc gameEvent
@ -569,7 +596,7 @@ nextDemoLevel:
lda #EVENT_LEVEL_RESTART ; still alive so restart the level
bit bit4Mask ; EVENT_CHEAT_JUMP
bne done ; if jumping, just go
lda currLevel ; check the level
@ -591,7 +618,7 @@ nextDemoLevel:
sta tmpBot
jsr screenInvertVisibleScreen
ldx sizeL
bne :-
lda demoMode ; is this demo mode
@ -610,7 +637,7 @@ airLoop:
jsr gameAirDecrease ; run the decrease air
lda airCols ; get the remaining bar length
asl ; mult * 4
eor #$7f ; and reverse (ignore MSB which is 0) - this is the freq
ldy #6 ; duration for the freq
jsr audioPlayNote::freq ; make a sound of this freq and duration
@ -637,9 +664,9 @@ died:
lda #EVENT_NEXT_LEVEL ; return in a the action (next level)
.proc gameAirDecrease
@ -657,7 +684,7 @@ done:
cmp maskGreen, x ; if it's all green, time to drop another column
beq colDec
lsr ; not all green, so adjust the tip by dropping 2 bits (1 white pixel)
ora maskGreenHi, x ; and replace that with a green pixel (appropriate for odd/even column)
bne airOk
@ -689,7 +716,7 @@ airOk:
ldx #20 ; game over level is 20 (0 based)
stx currLevel
jsr gameInitStage
jsr gameInitStage
ldx #0 ; clear the top part of the screen
jsr screenClear
@ -702,7 +729,7 @@ bootPart:
lda #1 ; pretend there's a key so Boot (EUGENE) doesn't animate
sta keysToCollect ; and the "door" doesn't switch to the second frame
tax ; also draw the pedestal (door)
jsr screenDrawSprite ; draw the boot
@ -717,11 +744,11 @@ bootLoop:
dec iter ; raise freq
dec iter
lda audioMask ; see if the audio will play or skip
beq otherDelay ; audio won't delay so "fake" an audio delay
lda iter ; get the freq
ldy #$80 ; duration for the freq (also slows the boot down)
jsr audioPlayNote::freq ; make a sound of this freq and duration
@ -729,8 +756,8 @@ bootLoop:
lda iter
jsr uiDelay::ySet
@ -748,7 +775,7 @@ gameOverPart:
textL = tmpBot + 4 ; string pointer
textH = tmpBot + 5
len = tmpBot + 6 ; how many characters (0 based)
lda #$20
sta iter ; how many times to loop
lda #(7*8) ; Y for string
@ -757,9 +784,9 @@ gameOverPart:
sta color
lda #4 ; print GAME at x 4
sta xPos
sta xPos
lda #<roTextGame ; point at GAME text
sta textL
sta textL
lda #>roTextGame
sta textH
lda #4 ; 0-3 characters
@ -767,9 +794,9 @@ cycleLoop:
jsr textColorCycle ; show the text in color
lda #13 ; print OVER at x 13
sta xPos
sta xPos
lda #<roTextOver ; point at OVER text
sta textL
sta textL
lda #>roTextOver
sta textH
lda #4 ; also 0-3 characters in length
@ -791,7 +818,7 @@ cycleLoop:
lda #19 ; put willy above the door
sta willyXPos ; outside the caverns
lda #0
sta willyFrame
sta willyFrame
lda #2*8
sta willyYPos
@ -802,7 +829,7 @@ cycleLoop:
jsr screenDrawWilly ; not demo - draw willy with collision detection
jsr screenDrawLevel ; show all the tiles
ldx numSprites ; The door's index
jsr screenDrawSprite ; render the door over everything else, no collision
jsr screenSwap ; swap to the newly rendered screen
@ -812,10 +839,10 @@ audioPart:
iteration = tmpBot + 2 ; iteration
lda #50 ; 50 iterations
sta iteration
sta iteration
lda #0 ; init freq and duration
sta freq
sta duration
sta freq
sta duration
lda duration ; start with the duration
@ -833,7 +860,7 @@ loop:
dex ; but I want the audio code to all go through the
bne :- ; same "API" for consistency
bne :--
beq postFreq
@ -844,6 +871,6 @@ audioOn:
dec iteration ; dec the iterations
bne loop ; loop till all iterations done