# This requires at least cadius v 1.3.0 (https://github.com/mach-kernel/cadius/releases; # Tested with cadius v 1.4.5) - support for file's type and auxtype via the filename needed. PO = $(NAME).po CA ?= cadius # Unix or Windows ifeq ($(shell echo),) CP = cp $1 MV = mv RM = rm else CP = copy $(subst /,\,$1) MV = ren RM = del endif REMOVES += $(PO) .PHONY: po po: $(PO) $(NAME).system: cp $(NAME).apple2.loader $(NAME).system#FF2000 $(PO): $(NAME).apple2 $(NAME).system $(call CP, apple2/template.po $@) $(MV) $(NAME).apple2 $(NAME)#064000 $(CA) addfile $(NAME).po /mminer $(NAME).system#FF2000 $(CA) addfile $(NAME).po /mminer $(NAME)#064000 $(RM) $(NAME).system#FF2000 $(RM) $(NAME)#064000