;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; text.inc ; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II ; ; Stefan Wessels, 2020 ; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .segment "CODE" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .proc textSHowText xpos = srcPtrL ypos = srcPtrH rows = sizeH strIndex = sizeL color = dstPtrL ; and H fontL = charGfx + 1 fontH = charGfx + 2 stx xpos sty ypos loop: lda #0 sta fontH ; init the pointer hi to 0 for later mult rol's ldx strIndex ; get the index into the string read: lda PLACEHOLDER, x ; get the character in the string sec sbc #32 ; the font only starts at space (char 32 or $20) beq :+ sbc #9 ; gap after space asl ; mult by 16 as that's how wide a char is in bytes asl rol fontH asl rol fontH asl rol fontH ; srcPtr now points at the char but $0000 based : adc #font sta fontH ; srcPtr now point at the actual character memory lda #8 ; font is 8 rows high sta rows ldy ypos ; start each character on the same line iLoop: lda strIndex ; strIndex is also col offset from xpos asl ; but font is 2 cols wide adc xpos ; add the xpos to get screen col adc rowL, y ; and add the row sta write + 1 ; lo byte of where to write to screen buffer lda currPageH ; get the hi page adc rowH, y ; add the row sta write + 2 ; and complete the screen buffer write address ldx #1 ; set up for copying 2 font bytes (1 char) charGfx: lda PLACEHOLDER, x ; get the font eorMask: eor #$00 ; eor to invert if necessary and color, x ; and to get the color needed write: sta PLACEHOLDER, x ; and write to screen memory dex ; go left a byte bpl charGfx ; and repeat to do 2 bytes dec rows ; done one of the 8 rows needed beq nextChar ; repeat for all 8 rows, then done iny ; more rows - next row in y lda fontL ; move along 2 in the font adc #2 sta fontL bcc iLoop inc fontH bcs iLoop ; BRA nextChar: dec strIndex ; string done from the back, so move left in string bpl loop ; if not all of string done, loop done: rts .endproc ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Macro that takes a lo and hi for the text with optional color and invert wanted ; sets up what's needed to call textShow which does the printing .macro printXYlh xpos, ypos, textL, textH, len, colorMask, inverse .local color, strIndex color = dstPtrL ; textShow expects color masks in dstPtr(L and H) strIndex = sizeL .ifblank colorMask lda #$ff ; no color (white) is a mask of $ff left and right sta color sta color + 1 .else ldx colorMask ; this is an index into mask[Left|Right] lda masksLeft, x sta color lda masksRight, x sta color + 1 .endif .ifblank inverse lda #0 ; eor o is not inverse .else lda #$7f ; eor $7f inverts the color (leave MSB) .endif sta textSHowText::eorMask + 1 ; set the eor in the code lda textL ; set the string pointer in the code sta textSHowText::read + 1 lda textH sta textSHowText::read + 2 ldx len ; 0 based stx strIndex lda xpos ; and x/y coords in x and y registers asl tax ldy ypos jsr textSHowText ; print that string .endmacro ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; macro to take text address and split it into lo and hi (shorthand) .macro printXY xpos, ypos, text, len, colorMask, inverse printXYlh xpos, ypos, #text, len, colorMask, inverse .endmacro ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Build a memory cache of the level name since this is re-drawn much more - ; every time the level scrolls left or right and copying from a cache is ; much faster than doing a text print .proc textSetLevelText lda #0 sta sizeL ; index into string sta read + 2 ; hi byte of string address lda currLevel ; start with the level asl ; multiply by 32 asl asl asl rol read + 2 asl rol read + 2 adc #roTextLevel adc read + 2 sta read + 2 ; read + 1 as a ptr now points at the string for this level lda #levelNameGfx0 sta write + 2 lda #32 ; These strings are 32 characters wide sta dstPtrL loop: lda #0 sta srcPtrH ; init the pointer hi to 0 for later mult rol's ldx sizeL ; get the index into the string read: lda PLACEHOLDER, x ; get the character in the string sec sbc #32 ; the font only starts at space (char 32 or $20) beq :+ ; gap after space sbc #9 asl ; mult by 16 as that's how wide a char is in bytes asl rol srcPtrH asl rol srcPtrH asl rol srcPtrH ; srcPtr now points at the char but $0000 based : adc #font sta srcPtrH ; srcPtr now point at the actual character memory lda #8 ; copy 8 rows / character sta sizeH ldy #1 ; start at the right hand side character lrLoop: ldx #1 ; load x for the right hand side as well copyLoop: lda (srcPtrL), y ; get the line pixel eor #$7f ; invert maskName: and maskGreen, x ; mask for color (always green but left vs right hand side) write: sta PLACEHOLDER, x ; store to the cache dey ; back up a byte dex bpl copyLoop ; do 2 bytes, right and left hand lda write + 1 ; get the cache ptr low clc step: adc #64 ; step to the next line - 64 bytes along sta write + 1 ; update the pointer bcc :+ inc write + 2 ; if it wrapped, update the hi byte : iny ; y is now at minus 1 the last byte written iny ; so advance it by 4 to get to the next right hand side byte iny iny dec sizeH ; done one line bne lrLoop ; if any lines left, keep going sec lda write + 1 sbc #<((64*8)-2) sta write + 1 lda write + 2 sbc #>((64*8)-2) sta write + 2 clc inc sizeL ; move to the next character in the string dec dstPtrL ; see if 32 characters were done bne loop ; if not, keep going done: rts .endproc ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; x has digit (5 means 1's, 4 means 10's, etc) ; a is the number to add 0..9 .proc textAddScore clc adc score, x ; get the current digit cmp #'9'+1 ; has it rolled over bcc okay ; then simply increment sec sbc #10 sta score, x ; and save over the 9 lda #1 dex ; previous digit bmi over ; if it rolls over 999999 cpx #1 ; if the digit is now the 010000 (1) bne textAddScore ; no, then work with this digit ldy lives cpy #9 ; max out at 9 lives (keeps cheat boot on-screen) bcs textAddScore inc lives ; yes, then add a life bne textAddScore ; and then work with this digit okay: sta score, x ; and store it over: lda #UI_COMPONENT_SCORE ; mark the score texts as needing an update jmp uiUpdateComponent done: rts .endproc ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .proc textCheckHighScore ldx #0 ; start at the most significant digit : lda score, x ; get the score cmp highScore, x ; compare to the high score bcc done ; if smaller then highscore gt score bne newHigh ; if ne then highscore gt score inx ; digits equal so check next digit cpx #6 ; compare x to max digits (+ 1) bcc :- ; x is 5 or less, keep checking digits done: rts newHigh: ldx #5 ; copy the 6 score digits over the highscore digits : lda score, x sta highScore, x dex bpl :- lda #UI_COMPONENT_HIGHSCORE jmp uiUpdateComponent .endproc ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .proc textColorCycle color = tmpBot + 1 xPos = tmpBot + 2 yPos = tmpBot + 3 textL = tmpBot + 4 textH = tmpBot + 5 len = tmpBot + 6 prntLoop: printXYlh xPos, yPos, textL, textH, #0, color dec len ; one less character to color beq done ; all characters done? inc xPos ; move to the next character on screen inc textL ; and move to the next character in the sting bne :+ ; did the string wrap a buffer inc textH ; yes, up the Hi : dec color ; prev color bpl :+ ; still ge 0 lda #4 ; no, wrap to index 4 sta color ; and save that as the color : jmp prntLoop ;and print this character done: rts .endproc