2021-07-13 17:42:29 -07:00

129 lines
4.5 KiB

; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2020
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
.segment "CODE"
.proc audioPlayTitleNote
fixedDuration = srcPtrL
noteDuration = srcPtrH
freqTimer1 = dstPtrL
freqTimer2 = dstPtrH
ldy #0 ; load the duration
lda (musicL), y
beq reset ; on 0, the song is done
sta noteDuration
lda audioMask ; see if the note should be played or simply delayed
bne :+ ; audio is on, go play
jsr uiDelay ; waste time as though a note was played
jmp leave ; and move the audio pointer along
iny ; load the 1st timer
lda (musicL), y
sta freqTimer1
iny ; load the second timer
lda (musicL), y
sta freqTimer2
lda #$8A ; repeat minimum this much
sta fixedDuration
lda SPEAKER ; toggle the speaker
dec freqTimer1 ; timer1 down
bne :++ ; not zero, go to timer 2
ldy #1 ; reset timer 1
lda (musicL), y
sta freqTimer1
ldx #11 ; delay about 20 clock cycles
bne :-
dec freqTimer2 ; dec timer 2
bne :++ ; not zero?
ldy #2 ; at zero, reset timer 2
lda (musicL), y
sta freqTimer2
ldx #11 ; and waste 20 clock cycles
bne :-
dec fixedDuration ; dec the fixed repeat count
bne play ; not zero, do another loop
dec noteDuration ; dec the note delay
bne preplay ; do more loops of at least fixedDuration
lda musicL ; add 3 to the music pointer
adc #3
sta musicL
bcc :+
inc musicH
clc ; leave with carry clear
lda #<titleMusic ; played the whole tune
sta musicL ; reset to start of tune
lda #>titleMusic
sta musicH
sec ; and leave with carry set
.proc audioPlayNote
delayTime = tmpBot + 0
lda audioMask ; see if the music is on
beq done
ldx musicL ; get the index into the in-game music
inc musicL ; and advance that index
lda inGameMusic, x ; get the note at the index
bne :+ ; if non-zero it's a valid note
sta musicL ; reset the index to the start of the song
beq play
ldy #$08 ; fixed number of iterations
freq: ; external entry point for custom fixed iterations/delay
sta delayTime ; store it in a delay counter
lda audioMask ; see if
and #AUDIO_SOUND ; audio is enabled
beq done ; and play or ignore audio accordingly
lda SPEAKER ; toggle the speaker
ldx delayTime ; and load the delay
dex ; count down
bne :- ; to zero
dey ; then repeat
bne loop ; for the fixed iterations
rts ; and return