2021-04-30 14:11:32 -07:00

385 lines
13 KiB

; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2020
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
.segment "CODE"
; Copy bytes from srcPtr to dstPtr
; IN: - srcPtr - start of copy
; dstPtr - start of non-overlapping destination
; size - number of bytes to copy
; Clobbers: a, y
.proc spriteCopyMemSrcToDst
ldy #0
dec sizeH
bmi lowCopy
lda (srcPtrL), y
sta (dstPtrL), y
bne :-
inc srcPtrH
inc dstPtrH
bne hiCopy
ldy sizeL
bmi done
lda (srcPtrL), y
sta (dstPtrL), y
bpl :-
; Look up the color, and apply those masks to the frames
; IN: x = start frame
; y = num frames
; a = color index
; Clobbers: a, y
.proc spriteApplyMaskToFrames
instanceIdx = tmpBot + 0
colMaskL = tmpBot + 1
colMaskR = tmpBot + 2
numFrames = tmpBot + 3
sty numFrames ; save y
tay ; put color index in y
lda masksLeft, y ; look up the masks for the color
sta colMaskL
lda masksRight, y
sta colMaskR
lda mult64L, x ; build a pointer to the frame
sta srcPtrL
lda mult64H, x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta srcPtrH
ldy numFrames ; convert frames to bytes
lda mult64H, y
sta sizeH
lda mult64L, y
sta sizeL
ldy #0 ; do blocks of 256
dec sizeH ; see if there's a hi block to do
bmi lowPass ; if none (remain) to do, move on
lda (srcPtrL), y ; do a left hand byte
and colMaskL
sta (srcPtrL), y
lda (srcPtrL), y ; then a right hand byte
and colMaskR
sta (srcPtrL), y
bne :- ; for 256 bytes
inc dstPtrH ; advance the dest ptr Hi
bne hiPass ; BRA
ldy sizeL ; do bytes remaining lt 256
bmi done ; keep going till all done
lda (srcPtrL), y
and colMaskL
sta (srcPtrL), y
lda (srcPtrL), y
and colMaskR
sta (srcPtrL), y
bpl :-
; Copy one frame to another
; IN:
; originalFrame = tmpBot + 4
; newFrame = tmpBot + 5
; Clobbers: a, x, y
.proc spriteCopyFrameToFrame
originalFrame = tmpBot + 4
newFrame = tmpBot + 5
ldx originalFrame ; point srcPtr at the original frame
lda mult64L, x
sta srcPtrL
lda mult64H, x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta srcPtrH
ldx newFrame ; point dstPtr at the target frame
lda mult64L, x
sta dstPtrL
lda mult64H, x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta dstPtrH
lda #0 ; 256 or less bytes (no Hi)
sta sizeH
lda #64 ; just 64 bytes to copy
sta sizeL
jsr spriteCopyMemSrcToDst ; use copymem to copy a 64 byte frame
; Invert the pixels of a frame
; IN:
; x = frame number
.proc spriteInvertFrame
lda mult64L, x ; make srcPtr point at the frame
sta srcPtrL
lda mult64H, x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta srcPtrH
ldy #SPRITE_BYTES - 1 ; do for a whole frame (0 based)
lda (srcPtrL), y ; get the frame byte
eor #%01111111 ; invert except for the MSB
sta (srcPtrL), y ; and save the byte
dey ; one less byte to do
bpl :- ; do for all bytes
; Clear all the pixels of a frame
; IN:
; x = frame number
; y = number of frames to clear
.proc spriteClearFrames
count = sizeL
lda mult64L, y ; turn the number of frames into num bytes
sta count ; save as a count
clc ; and clear carry
lda mult64L, x ; make srcPtr point at the
sta srcPtrL
lda mult64H, x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta srcPtrH
ldy count ; how many bytes to clear
dey ; make zero based
lda #0 ; value to write
sta (srcPtrL), y ; write 0 to frame
dey ; previous byte in frame
bpl :- ; do for all, incl. zero'th byte
; Make an instance of the bitmap (index in a) into the spriteInstance buffer
; while expanding the bitmap from 32 byte 1bpp into 64 byte 2bpp and masking
; the instance for the required color.
; IN:
; a - bitmapIdx
; x - instanceIdx
.proc spriteInstanceSpriteFrames
; count = tmpBot + 0
; spriteIdx = tmpBot + 1
instanceIdx = tmpBot + 2
srcIdx = tmpBot + 3
dstIdx = tmpBot + 4
colMaskL = tmpBot + 5
colMaskR = tmpBot + 6
ldy #0
sty srcPtrH
sty dstPtrH
ldy #5 ; mult * 32 (shl 5 times) since each src frame is 32 bytes
asl ; shift the low
rol srcPtrH ; and the hi, and move carry into hi if needed
dey ; do for all 6 iterations
bne :-
adc #<sprite08 ; add the memory offset off the non-willy src sprites
sta srcPtrL
lda #>sprite08
adc srcPtrH
sta srcPtrH ; src ptr now points at the 1st frame
lda spriteFramesIdx, x ; get the sprite dest frame
ldy #6 ; mult * 64 (shl 6 times) since each frame is 64 bytes
asl ; shift the lo
rol dstPtrH ; and the hi, and move carry into hi if needed
dey ; do for all 6 iterations
bne :-
sta dstPtrL ; save the lo
lda dstPtrH ; get the hi
adc #>spriteInstances ; and make relative to the buffer
sta dstPtrH ; and save the hi
lda #1 ; assume 4 frames = 256 bytes
sta sizeH
lda spriteClass, x ; get the class
bit bit1Mask ; CLASS_FOUR_FRAME is it 4 frames
bne :+ ; yes, all set
inc sizeH ; 8 frames = 512 bytes = 2 Hi
ldy instanceIdx ; get the instance
lda spriteColor, y ; and get the color for the instance
tay ; put the color index in y
lda masksLeft, y ; get the color mask
sta colMaskL
lda masksRight, y ; do the same for the right
sta colMaskR ; SQW - look at comments but save for second (inverse) buffer
ldy #0
sty dstIdx ; set the src and dst indices to start at 0
sty srcIdx ; srcIndex moves at 1/2 of dstIndex
ldy srcIdx ; get the source index
lda (srcPtrL), y ; get a (left) src byte at the source index
pha ; save so the right nibble can be expanded later
lsr ; make the left nibble the low nibble
tax ; put the value in x
lda binDouble, x ; look up the "pixel doubled" value
ora #$80 ; and set the color msb "on"
and colMaskL ; mask it with appropriate color
ldy dstIdx ; get the destination offset
sta (dstPtrL), y ; and save to instance destination
iny ; move the destination along one
pla ; get the source byte
and #$0f ; mask so only right nibble
tax ; put it in x
lda binDouble, x ; and look up the "doubled" pixel values
sec ; set carry so a rotate will be equiv to or #$80
ror ; and rotate, making it a "right" byte
and colMaskR ; mask it with appropriate color
sta (dstPtrL), y ; and save to instance destination
iny ; move the dest index along again
sty dstIdx ; and save the index
bne :+ ; if the index rolled over
inc dstPtrH ; move the hi byte along
dec sizeH ; check if moved all required 4 * 32 src byte blocks
beq done
inc srcIdx ; move the src index along
bne copyFrames ; do max 256 bytes = 8 * 32 byte src frames
; Copy the door frame, invert the copy, mask both and combine
.proc spriteDoorSetup
originalFrame = tmpBot + 4
newFrame = tmpBot + 5
ldx numSprites ; numSprites is the door sprite index
lda spriteFramesIdx, x
stx originalFrame
stx newFrame
jsr spriteCopyFrameToFrame ; make a copy y = instanceIdx, a = srcFrame, x = dstFrame
ldx newFrame
jsr spriteInvertFrame ; invert the instance frame bits (leave msb alone)
ldx currLevel
lda door_color1, x
beq :+
ldx originalFrame
ldy #1
jsr spriteApplyMaskToFrames
ldx currLevel
lda door_color2, x
beq :+
ldx newFrame
ldy #1
jmp spriteApplyMaskToFrames
; Make 4 copies of Eugene frame 0 into frames 1-4 and apply a different
; color mask to the additional frames
.proc spriteEugeneSetup
originalFrame = tmpBot + 4
newFrame = tmpBot + 5
count = tmpBot + 6
ldx numSprites
dex ; eugene is sprite before the door
lda spriteFramesIdx, x ; get the frame where eugene is
tax ; put in x
stx originalFrame ; and call it the original
inx ; and go to the next frame
stx newFrame ; and call it the new frame
ldx #3 ; and set the loop count to 3
stx count
jsr spriteCopyFrameToFrame ; make a copy of eugene, x = ori, y = new
lda count ; get the count in a (as a color mask index)
ldx newFrame ; the frame in x
ldy #1 ; and the number of frames to process in Y
jsr spriteApplyMaskToFrames ; mask the new eugene to the "count" color
inc newFrame ; go up a frame
dec count ; and dec the loop counter
bne :- ; and do for the number of loops (3)
rts ; there are now 4 eugenes, White, Green, Orange & Purple