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; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2020
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
65816 OFF
copy src/defs.s
mcopy src/input.mac
INPUT start
using ROTEXT
inputGet entry
lda KBD
bmi hasKey
lda cheatActive ; is the cheat code active
beq ig00 ; no - normal play
lda cheatIndex ; is the 6 down
beq ig00 ; no - normal play
jmp setJmpEvent ; cheat active and 6 down - keep resetting to this level
ig00 rts
hasKey anop
and #$5f ; strip MSB and upper/lower case (to upper)
lda demoMode
beq ig01
jmp premusic
ig01 txa
bne right ; $5f clears space so a is 0 for jump
jump anop
lda userKeyMask
eor #MASK_AIR ; AIR marks the start of a jump
sta userKeyMask
right anop
cmp #'W' ; go right with w (left handed) or P
beq ig02
cmp #'P'
bne left
ig02 lda userKeyMask
and #$FD ; <~MASK_LEFT ; clear left
eor #MASK_RIGHT ; activate right
sta userKeyMask
left anop
cmp #'Q' ; go left with q (left handed) or o
beq ig03
cmp #'O'
bne camera
ig03 lda userKeyMask
and #$FE ; <~MASK_RIGHT ; clear right
eor #MASK_LEFT ; activate left
sta userKeyMask
camera anop
cmp #'C' ; c toggles the scroll mode
bne cheat ; if not c maybe cheat?
lda #1 ; xor the camera mode with 1
eor cameraMode
sta cameraMode
rts ; done, can't be any other key
cheat anop
ora #%00100000 ; make "normal" characters
ldx cheatActive ; see if the cheat mode is on
bne checkJump ; if yes, see if a jump needs to happen
ldx cheatIndex ; active, not on
cmp roTextCheatCode,x ; is this the next cheat code character
bne resetCheat ; no, reset the cheat
inx ; yes
stx cheatIndex ; inc the index
cpx #7 ; all 7 typed
beq ig04 ; yes
rts ; not yet, so done here
ig04 ldx #1 ; make the cheat active
stx cheatActive
resetCheat anop
ldx #0 ; set the cheat index to 0
stx cheatIndex
jumpNotActive anop
and #%11011111 ; restore the acc to uppercase
bne music ; BRA
checkJump anop
cmp #'6' ; is this a 6
beq jumpToggle ; if yes, toggle the jump mode on/off
bcs jumpNotActive ; gt 6, then nothing to do with cheat
ldx cheatIndex ; is 6 down
beq jumpNotActive ; no, process as non-cheat key
cmp #'1'
bcc jumpNotActive ; less than 1, not cheat code
sbc #'1' ; make key 0 based
tax ; and index in x
lda bitMasks,x ; get the appropriate bit
eor currLevel ; and toggle in the current level
cmp #20 ; if the level ge 20 then set to 0
bcc ig05
lda #0
ig05 sta currLevel
setJmpEvent anop
lda #EVENT_CHEAT_JUMP ; set the jump event active
ora eventState
sta eventState
jumpToggle anop
lda #1 ; prep to toggle the jump state
eor cheatIndex
sta cheatIndex ; save it
beq ig06 ; is it off, just leave
lda #0 ; just turned on, reset
sta currLevel ; the level to level 0
ig06 rts
premusic anop
txa ; restore the read-key
music anop
cmp #'M' ; m toggles music on/off
bne ig07
LDA audioMask
sta audioMask
ig07 cmp #'B'
bne ig08
lda #1
eor monochrome
sta monochrome
jmp tilesPrepForLevel
ig08 cmp #'S' ; s toggles in-game sound on/off
bne ig09
LDA audioMask
sta audioMask
ig09 cmp #$1B ; ESC
beq quit ; quit game or demo
lda demoMode ; see if this is demo
beq done ; if not, ignore all other keys, demo quit on any key
quit anop
lda #0 ; set lives to zero so this die event quits
sta lives
inc demoMode ; turn demo mode if not on, so there's no end-of-level stuff
lda eventState ; and make a death event
sta eventState
done anop
inputUI entry
loop equ currLevel
lda KBD ; Get the keyboard
bpl okay ; and ignore no keys
bit KBDSTRB ; reset the keyboard
and #$5f ; strip MSB and case bit
cmp #'M' ; see if it's the music toggle
bne iu00
lda audioMask
sta audioMask
okay anop
lda #0 ; no key or M or m returns 0
iu00 cmp #'B' ; b in the UI toggles color/mono
bne iu01
lda #1
sta currLevel ; in UI so abuse currLevel as a counter
eor monochrome ; toggle mono/color
sta monochrome
beq showColor
showMono anop
printXYlh #7,#(17*8),#<roTextMono,#>roTextMono,#4 ; show Mono on screen CHECKCHECKCHECK
jsr valueSwap ; fake swap
dec currLevel ; and do twice so both buffers updated
bpl showMono
jmp doneB
showColor anop
printXYlh #7,#(17*8),#<roTextColor,#>roTextColor,#4 ; show Color on in both buffers
jsr valueSwap
dec currLevel
bpl showColor
doneB anop
lda #0 ; if all is well, return with 0 in a
iu01 cmp #$1b ; non-music/color toggle key see if it's esc
beq exit ; exit if it is
stop anop
lda #1 ; non-M, B or ESC (non toggle) returns 1 (start game)
exit anop
lda #$ff ; -1 on ESC (quit application)