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; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2020
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
65816 OFF
copy src/defs.s
LEVEL start
using LOWMEM
; "decompress" the stored level into a usable level in levelLayout
levelUnpack entry
value equ sizeL
len equ sizeH
ldx currLevel
lda #<levelLayout ; point at the level decode area
sta store+1
lda #>levelLayout
sta store+2
lda levelsL,x ; get the start of the level data intp srcPtr
sta srcPtrL
lda levelsH,x
sta srcPtrH
ldx #0 ; start at 0 in read and write area
ldy #0
loop anop
lda (srcPtrL),y ; read the first level byte (repeat counts)
beq done ; $00 ends level
pha ; save
iny ; point y at next byte
lsr a ; get high repeat nibble into low nibble
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
tax ; but result in X
lda (srcPtrL),y ; read the next byte from level (values)
sta value ; save
iny ; advance y to next rep counts
lsr a ; get high value nibble into low nibble
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
jsr lu00 ; store value repeat times into level decode area
pla ; restore the rep byte
and #$0f ; only the low nibble
tax ; put in x
lda value ; restore values
and #$0f ; only low nibble
jsr lu00 ; store value repeat times into level decode area
jmp loop ; repeat
lu00 stx len ; save the repeat count
tax ; value into x (value is a tile index)
lda mult16,x ; mult value by 16 as that's how wide a tile is
ldx len ; restore the repeat count
dex ; store index is 0+ but count is 1+ so pre-dec
store anop
sta PLACEHOLDER,x ; store the tile offset into the level decode area
dex ; from back to front and
bpl store ; repeat for all repetitions
lda len ; get the repeat length
adc store+1 ; advance the stor pointer by the length
sta store+1
bcc done
inc store+2
done anop
rts ; return to self or caller
levelPlaceKeys entry
lda #0
sta keysToCollect ; init to 0 keys to collect
lda currLevel
asl a ; * 2
asl a ; * 4
adc currLevel ; * 5 - index into key table
tax ; keep index in x
lda #4 ; Need to do 5 keys, 0-4
sta sizeL ; save count in sizeL
ldy #0 ; keep offst from ptr at 0
lpk0 lda keyyH,x ; get the key Y hi (y=row*32 in key table)
bmi next ; if $ff then skip
inc keysToCollect ; count the key
sta dstPtrH ; save the hi
lda keyyL,x ; get the y lo
adc keyx,x ; and add the x (no carry still)
sta dstPtrL ; save as dst pointer
lda #>levelLayout ; get the scratch hi (the lo is 0 as it's aligned)
adc dstPtrH ; and add to the Y hi (and any carry)
sta dstPtrH ; and save as the dst Pointer Hi
lda #8*16 ; key tile offset * width of a tile
sta (dstPtrL),y ; poke into the unpacked level
next anop
inx ; next key
dec sizeL ; one less key to do
bpl lpk0 ; all keys done?