
860 lines
46 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2020
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
65816 OFF
copy src/defs.s
GAME start
using DATA
using ROTEXT
gameLoop entry
jsr gameNewGame ; init things that need 1-time game init
nextLevel anop
jsr tilesPrepForLevel ; move 8 tiles for this level to tilesInstances
restart anop
jsr gameInitStage ; init the stage, incl unpacking the level, tile prep etc
playLoop anop
jsr inputGet ; read the keyboard
lda demoMode ; check for demo mode
beq gl01 ; if not demo, move willy
jsr gameDemoTick ; demo mode so run demo
jmp ai ; skip moving willy
gl01 jsr willyMove ; move the main character based on user input (or conveyor or gravity)
ai anop
jsr gameAI ; run all the monster AI
ldx fullScreenClearCount ; get the flag for what level of screen clear is needed
jsr screenClear ; and clear the screen
jsr tilesAnimateKeys ; copy the 16 bytes for the next "key" frame into place
jsr tilesAnimateConveyor ; update the conveyor tile
jsr screenDrawSprites ; draw all the enemies
lda demoMode ; get the event state
beq gl02 ; 0 - not demo, full flow
jsr screenDrawLevel ; show all the tiles in demo mode
jmp ui0
gl02 lda #$ff ; Enable Collision detection
jsr screenDrawWilly ; not demo - draw willy with collision detection
bcc level ; carry set is a collision, clear is no problem
lda eventState ; on collision, set the die event
sta eventState
level anop
jsr screenDrawLevel ; show all the tiles
lda #0 ; No collision detection
jsr screenDrawWilly ; Now draw willy over self and level, no collision
ui0 anop
lda updateUICount ; see if the UI needs an update
beq gl03
jsr uiUpdate ; if needed, update the appropriate UI components
gl03 ldx numSprites ; The door's index
jsr screenDrawSprite ; render the door over everything else, no collision
jsr screenSwap ; swap to the newly rendered screen
jsr audioPlayNote ; play in-game music if needed
jsr gameDelay ; waste time to get all screens to run at same rate
lda eventState ; see if any events fired
beq playLoop ; keep looping while no events
jsr gameEvent ; process the event, return value in a
bne restart
bit bit2Mask ; EVENT_NEXT_LEVEL
bne nextLevel
lda demoMode ; no Game Over when the demo ends
bne gl04
jsr gameOver ; wasn't a demo, show Game Over
gl04 jsr textCheckHighScore ; game over - see if a new high score was set
gameDelay entry
delayTime equ tmpBot+0
lda #$10
sta delayTime
delayCalc anop
lda #$D0
sbc tilesRendered
bcc gddone
gd01 ldy delayTime
gd02 dey
bne gd02
dex ; and do it for all tiles not rendered (<$80)
bne gd01
gddone anop
gameNewGame entry
lda #START_LIVES ; init player number of lives
sta lives
lda #LEVEL_Central_Cavern ; Init these game vars to 0
sta currLevel
lda #0 ; audioPlayNote uses muiscL as well
sta musicL ; track progress through in-game song
ldx #5 ; six, zero-based score digits
lda #'0' ; load a with '0'
gng0 sta score,x ; set all 6 score digits to '0'
bpl gng0
gameInitStage entry
using LOWMEM
count equ tmpBot+0
spriteIdx equ tmpBot+1
instanceIdx equ tmpBot+2
ldy currLevel ; Skip some stuff for "Game Over" pseudo-level
cpy #20
bcs notDemo
jsr levelUnpack ; decompress a level to levelLayout
jsr levelPlaceKeys ; put the keys into the world
jsr textSetLevelText ; create the gfx cache for the name
ldy currLevel ; tables are indexed by level
lda demoMode ; see if this is demo mode
beq notDemo ; branch if game
lda willyx ; use willy screen 0 for willyXPos in demo (force leftEdge to 0)
bne gis1
notDemo anop
lda willyx,y ; set willy X up
gis1 sta willyXPos
ldx cameraMode
sta cameraMode
jsr positionScreen ; set the screen position based on willy's X
stx cameraMode
lda willyy,y ; set willy's Y
sta willyYPos
lda willyStartDir,y ; and see what facing direction
sta willyDir
beq gis2 ; if right (0) then set that as the animFrame
lda #4 ; if left (1) set the anim frame to 4
gis2 sta willyFrame ; and save the anim frame
postWilly anop
lda #3 ; AI will count down and runs before clearScreen
sta fullScreenClearCount ; so set to 3 to get full clear on both buffers
lda #AIR_SPEED ; set counter for ticking down air
sta airFlow
lda #32 ; set how many air cols there are
sta airCols
lda #$7f ; the air "bar" tip is a character that draws less
sta airTipGfx ; bar over time, till it rolls to the prev column
lda #$ff ; match all masks
jsr uiUpdateComponent ; so force all UI elements to draw
lda level_sprites_count,y ; get how many enemy sprites the level has
sta count ; save for init
sta numSprites ; save for the game to use
dec numSprites ; make this count 0 based
lda level_sprites_offset,y ; see where in the sprite tables this sprite starts
tay ; move the offset into x - sprite tables indexed by this
ldx #0 ; y will be an enemy instance index
stx eventState ; init he event state
stx livesFrame ; but use this 0 to init some variables
stx movementMask ; current movement for willy
stx conveyorMask ; direction conveyor under willy is moving (0=no conveyor under willy)
stx userKeyMask ; keys the user has pressed to move willy
stx willyJumpCounter ; 0 means no jump, 1-18 is in a jump, beyond is a fall height
stx spriteFramesIdx
clc ; clear carry - will always enter below with carry clear
gisnext anop
sty spriteIdx ; save which sprite is being processed (x clobbered)
stx instanceIdx ; save y, also clobbered
lda #0
sta spriteFrame,x ; init the sprite specific frame counter to 0
lda sprites_x,y ; load the basic sprite variables and put into zero page
sta spriteXPos,x ; from 0 .. numSprites - 1
lda sprites_y,y ; the addressing is unfortunate - sta,x is zero-page 2 byte
sta spriteYPos,x ; but it's not worth swapping x and y for this bit of code
lda sprites_dir,y
sta spriteDir,x
lda sprites_min,y
sta spriteMin,x
lda sprites_max,y
sta spriteMax,x
lda sprites_speed,y
sta spriteSpeed,x
sta spriteTick,x
lda sprites_class,y
sta spriteClass,x
lda sprites_colors,y ; get the color
sta spriteColor,x
lda sprites_bitmaps,y ; get the index into the sprite data for this sprite's images
jsr spriteInstanceSpriteFrames
ldx instanceIdx ; restore y
cpx numSprites
beq prep
lda spriteClass,x
bit bit1Mask ; CLASS_FOUR_FRAME
beq gis3
lda #4
bne gis4
gis3 lda #8
gis4 adc spriteFramesIdx,x
sta spriteFramesIdx+1,x
ldy spriteIdx
iny ; next sprite in sprite table
inx ; next instance
dec count
beq prep
jmp gisnext
prep anop
ldx currLevel ; some levels need special handling
cpx #LEVEL_Eugenes_Lair ; eugene needs colored copies
bne gis5
jsr spriteEugeneSetup
jmp fixDoor
gis5 cpx #LEVEL_Miner_Willy_meets_the_Kong ; kong levels need switches
beq giskong
cpx #LEVEL_Return_of_the_Alien_Kong_Beast
bne gis6
giskong anop
sta levelLayout+6
sta levelLayout+18
jmp fixDoor
gis6 cpx #LEVEL_Skylab_Landing_Bay ; skylab needs satellites to get X values
bne gis7
ldx #2 ; init the falling satellites
skyLabPos anop
lda skylabXPos,x
sta spriteXPos,x
sta spriteTick,x
bpl skyLabPos
gis7 cpx #LEVEL_The_Final_Barrier
bne fixDoor
dec numSprites ; hide the victory door sprite
fixDoor anop
jmp spriteDoorSetup ; sprites are set up - door is special
gameAI entry
lda fullScreenClearCount ; get the state
beq ga01 ; if it's zero, move on
dec fullScreenClearCount ; count this down
ga01 dec airFlow ; deal with the air countdown. airFlow is "time" counter
bne airDone
jsr gameAirDecrease
airDone anop
inc livesFrame ; move the lives anim frame along
lda livesFrame ; through the first 4 frames only
cmp #16 ; by dividing by 4 (in essence) to get a slower animation
bcc ga02
lda #0 ; start at frame 0 when wrapping
ga02 sta livesFrame
and #3 ; only update every 4 frames (not & 3)
bne ga03
lda #UI_COMPONENT_LIVES ; tell ui to update lives
jsr uiUpdateComponent
ga03 ldx numSprites ; now set up all the sprites for this level
galoop anop
lda spriteClass,x ; start with the class
bit CLASS_DOOR ; and if it's a door, treat that separate
beq ga04
jmp door
ga04 bit CLASS_MOVE_Y ; see if it moves vertically
beq horizontal ; no - then it moves horizontally
jmp vertical ; yes - them move it vertically
horizontal anop
lda spriteSpeed,x ; get speed
bit bit0Mask ; Is the speed 1
beq rtick ; if not, advance this sprite
dec spriteTick,x ; dec the ticker
bpl ganext ; if ge 0 then ignore sprite
sta spriteTick,x ; reset ticker to speed and fall through to run
rtick anop
lda spriteDir,x ; get the direction
bne left ; 1 is left, 0 is right
right anop
inc spriteFrame,x ; move the frame
lda spriteFrame,x ; load it
cmp #4 ; see if it's 4
bcc ganext ; if 4+, done here
inc spriteXPos,x ; up the x position
lda spriteXPos,x ; load it
cmp spriteMax,x ; see if it's ge max
bcs rightEnd ; if yes, end of going right
lda #0 ; no, reset
sta spriteFrame,x ; frame to 0
beq ganext ; BRA. done with this sprite
rightEnd anop
dec spriteXPos,x ; set back to last valid x
lda #1 ; load left
sta spriteDir,x ; and set direction left
lda #7 ; 7 is most right position of sprite
sta spriteFrame,x ; and set the frame to that
fix4 anop
lda spriteClass,x ; get the class
bit CLASS_FOUR_FRAME ; see if it has the (only) 4 frames flag set
beq ganext ; if not, done with this sprite (frame 7 is good)
lda #3 ; drop the 7 to 3
sta spriteFrame,x ; set the frame
jmp ganext
left anop
dec spriteFrame,x ; move the frame
lda spriteFrame,x ; load it
cmp #$ff ; see if it is now lt 0 (3,2,1 -> 0 overflow)
beq stepLeft ; if it is, move the col left
cmp #3 ; if it's 3, (7,6,5,4 -> 3 overflow)
bne ganext ; if not, done with this sprite
stepLeft anop
dec spriteXPos,x ; move the column left
lda spriteXPos,x ; load it
cmp spriteMin,x ; compare to minimum
bcc leftEnd ; if less than minimum, too far, past the left edge
lda #7 ; keep going, load 7
sta spriteFrame,x ; set frame back to 7
bne fix4 ; BRA, and check for a 4-frame sprite
leftEnd anop
inc spriteXPos,x ; put the column back to in range
lda #0 ; load 0
sta spriteDir,x ; set as direction (right)
sta spriteFrame,x ; and frame (most left frame)
beq ganext ; BRA, done with this sprite
postVMove anop
lda spriteClass,x ; after a vertical update check these special cases
bit CLASS_EUGENE ; Eugene
bne eugene
bit CLASS_KONG ; Kong
beq ga05
jmp kong
ga05 bit CLASS_SKYLAB ; skylab
beq ga06
jmp skylab
ga06 inc spriteFrame,x ; otherwise go to next frame
lda spriteFrame,x
and #3
sta spriteFrame,x
ganext anop
dex ; get previous sprite
bpl goTop ; if ge 0 then still a sprite to process
rts ; all sprites done - exit
goTop anop
jmp galoop
vertical anop
lda spriteDir,x ; get direction 1 = UP, 0 equ DOWN
beq down
bmi postVMove ; if the spriteDir is lt $ff, stationary sprite
up anop
lda spriteYPos,x ; get the Y position
sbc spriteSpeed,x ; move up by the speed
cmp spriteMin,x ; see if at top
bcc upEnd ; overshot top
sta spriteYPos,x ; update Y position
bcs postVMove ; BRA
upEnd anop
lda spriteClass,x ; get the class
bit CLASS_HOLDATEND ; should it stop or bounce
bne stop ; HOLDATEND means stop
lda #0 ; change direction
sta spriteDir,x ; to DOWN (0)
beq postVMove ; BRA
down anop
lda spriteYPos,x ; get the Y
adc spriteSpeed,x ; add the speed
cmp spriteMax,x ; see of at end
bcs downEnd ; at or past end
sta spriteYPos,x ; still good, update Y position
bcc postVMove ; BRA
downEnd anop
lda spriteClass,x ; same as upEnd
bne stop
lda #1 ; but mark for moving UP (1)
sta spriteDir,x
bne postVMove ; BRA maybe down?
stop anop
lda #$ff ; set the direction to -1 (lt 0)
sta spriteDir,x
bne postVMove ; BRA
door anop
lda keysToCollect ; check if all keys have been collected
bne ganext ; no - nothing more to do
frameToggle anop
dec spriteTick,x ; count down for animation
bpl ganext ; gt 0, nothing more
lda spriteFrame,x ; get the frame
eor #1 ; toggle between 1 and 0
sta spriteFrame,x ; update the frame
lda spriteSpeed,x ; get the anim speed
sta spriteTick,x ; save it to the tick
jmp ganext
eugene anop
lda keysToCollect ; eugene changes behavior when all keys collected
bne eugeneNormal ; not all keys, carry on
lda #0 ; all keys - force eugene down
sta spriteDir,x
inc spriteFrame,x ; cycle through the 5 colors
lda spriteFrame,x
cmp #4
bcc ga07
lda #0
ga07 sta spriteFrame,x ; save the new frame
eugeneNormal anop
jmp ganext
kong anop
lda spriteMax,x ; if kong's max is 0 he's still up
beq frameToggle
lda spriteDir,x ; if he's not up see what his direction is
bpl kongFall ; gt 0, then he's still falling
cmp #$FE ; $fe he's been erased so done with him
beq kongDone ; $ff he's just reached the bottom
dec spriteDir,x ; turn $ff into $fe
txa ; put the sprite index into a
pha ; and save it
lda spriteFramesIdx,x ; get the index to the 1st kong frame
tax ; put that in x
inx ; and skip the 2 frames where
inx ; kong is standing
ldy #2 ; want to clear 2 frames
jsr spriteClearFrames ; and make the falling frames blank
pla ; get the sprite index
tax ; and put it back in x
kongDone anop
jmp ganext
kongFall anop
ldx #3 ; digit 3 (100's)
lda #1 ; add 1
jsr textAddScore ; add to score
lda #UI_COMPONENT_SCORE ; show changes
jsr uiUpdateComponent
jmp frameToggle
skylab anop
lda spriteDir,x ; get the direction of the falling satellite
cmp #$ff ; see if it's reached its end
beq ga08 ; yes it has
jmp ganext
ga08 inc spriteFrame,x ; advance the collapsing frame
lda spriteFrame,x ; load that frame
cmp #8 ; see if it's the last
bcs ga09 ; yes
jmp ganext
ga09 lda spriteTick,x ; get the tick (hich is an index in this case)
adc #3 ; advance by 3 (3 satellites at a time) so next index for this satellite
cmp #12 ; (3*4 is 12) - there are 4 stating locations per satellite
bcc ga10 ; not rolled over
and #3 ; reset this satellite to 1st starting location (index)
ga10 sta spriteTick,x ; save the tick
tay ; put into Y
lda skylabXPos,y ; get the actual start position, based on y, for this satellite
sta spriteXPos,x ; put that into the satellite
lda #0 ; reset the frame, position and direction all to 0
sta spriteFrame,x
sta spriteYPos,x
sta spriteDir,x
jmp ganext
gameDemoTick entry
dec demoTimer ; timer counts down
bne gdt0 ; if not yet zero, nothing to do
lda #DEMO_TIMER_DURATION ; reset the timer
sta demoTimer
lda #UI_COMPONENT_NAME ; mark the level name as needing an update
jsr uiUpdateComponent
lda leftEdge ; scroll the screen
adc demoDirection ; based on the scrolling direction
sta leftEdge
beq nextDemoLevel ; if the edge is 0 then done with level
cmp #12 ; at 12, the level flips scroll direction
bne gdt0
lda #$ff ; at 12, the scroll direction becomes -1
sta demoDirection
gdt0 rts
nextDemoLevel anop
lda #DEMO_TIMER_INITAL ; set for a longer initial hold at a new level
sta demoTimer
lda #1 ; set the scroll direction to be right (1)
sta demoDirection
lda #0 ; set the edge to be the very left
sta leftEdge
lda #EVENT_NEXT_LEVEL ; fire a new level event
ora eventState
sta eventState
gameEvent entry
bit bit0Mask ; EVENT_DIED
beq ge00 ; if not, must be end of level
dec lives ; died, so take a life
bmi died ; all lives lost ends the game
lda #0
sta tmpBot
jsr screenInvertVisibleScreen
lda #EVENT_LEVEL_RESTART ; still alive so restart the level
ge00 bit bit4Mask ; EVENT_CHEAT_JUMP
bne gedone ; if jumping, just go
lda currLevel ; check the level
cmp #19 ; is this the last level
bcc ge01 ; if not, go to screen invert
lda cheatActive ; last level - got here by cheating?
bne ge01 ; yes - go screen invert
lda demoMode ; is this demo mode?
bne ge01 ; yes - go to screen invert
jsr gameVictory ; played properly through, get the victory
ge01 ldx #8 ; do an inverse screen effect
ge02 stx sizeL
and #3
adc #1
sta tmpBot
jsr screenInvertVisibleScreen
ldx sizeL
bne ge02
lda demoMode ; is this demo mode
bne incLevel ; skip the air/score, just go to next level
jsr valueSwap ; do the air countdown/add score routine now, on front screen
airLoop entry
ldx #5 ; digit 5 (1's)
lda #7 ; add 7
jsr textAddScore ; add to score
ldx #4 ; digit 4 (10's)
lda #1 ; add 1 (so add 17 per tick)
jsr textAddScore ; add to score
jsr gameAirDecrease ; run the decrease air
lda airCols ; get the remaining bar length
asl a ; mult * 4
asl a
eor #$7f ; and reverse (ignore MSB which is 0) - this is the freq
ldy #6 ; duration for the freq
jsr freq ; make a sound of this freq and duration
jsr uiUpdate ; and show the updates
lda eventState ; get the event state
bit bit0Mask ; check for EVENT_DIED
beq airLoop ; not dead means more air left
jsr valueSwap ; go back to the back screen
incLevel anop
inc currLevel ; set the current level to the next
ldx currLevel
cpx #20 ; see if this is the last level+1
bcc gedone ; if not, all is well
lda demoMode ; check again for demo
beq ge03 ; if not, roll over to level 1 and keep playing
died anop
lda #EVENT_DIED ; demo also ends with a death event
ge03 ldx #0 ; not demo, past last level, start at 1st level again
stx currLevel
gedone anop
lda #EVENT_NEXT_LEVEL ; return in a the action (next level)
gameAirDecrease entry
sta airFlow
lda #UI_COMPONENT_AIR ; tick the air down, so update the UI
jsr uiUpdateComponent
ldx airCols ; see if it's an odd or even column
inx ; but the air draws from an odd column so the 1 bit is backwards
and #1
tax ; x 0 is even,x 1 is odd
lda airTipGfx ; see what the tip looks like
cmp maskGreen,x ; if it's all green, time to drop another column
beq colDec
lsr a ; not all green, so adjust the tip by dropping 2 bits (1 white pixel)
lsr a
ora maskGreenHi,x ; and replace that with a green pixel (appropriate for odd/even column)
bne airOk
colDec anop
dec airCols ; one less bar
bpl gad0
lda eventState ; out of air causes death
sta eventState
lda #0
sta airCols ; lock airCols at 0
lda maskGreen,x ; lock to all green for the tip
bne airOk
gad0 lda maskNewTip,x ; start a new (mostly white) tip, appropriate for odd/even
airOk anop
sta airTipGfx
gameOver entry
iter equ currLevel ; how many times to loop
bootPart anop
ldx #20 ; game over level is 20 (0 based)
stx currLevel
jsr gameInitStage
ldx #0 ; clear the top part of the screen
jsr screenClear
ldx #0 ; draw the boot
jsr screenDrawSprite
ldx #$60 ; start of boot-drop freq
stx iter
lda #1 ; pretend there's a key so Boot (EUGENE) doesn't animate
sta keysToCollect ; and the "door" doesn't switch to the second frame
tax ; also draw the pedestal (door)
jsr screenDrawSprite ; draw the boot
lda #2 ; set willy to frame 2
sta willyFrame
jsr screenDrawWilly ; show willy on the pedestal
jsr screenSwap ; make it all visible
jsr valueSwap ; fake the front as the back
bootLoop anop
jsr gameAI ; run the AI to move the boot down
dec iter ; raise freq
dec iter
lda audioMask ; see if the audio will play or skip
beq otherDelay ; audio won't delay so "fake" an audio delay
lda iter ; get the freq
ldy #$80 ; duration for the freq (also slows the boot down)
jsr freq ; make a sound of this freq and duration
jmp go00
otherDelay anop
lda iter
lsr a
lsr a
jsr ySet
go00 ldx #0 ; go draw the boot
jsr screenDrawSprite
lda spriteDir ; see if the boot has reached the pedestal
bpl bootLoop ; net yet, keep going
gameOverPart anop
color equ tmpBot+1 ; index into color masks arrays
xPos equ tmpBot+2 ; x for string
yPos equ tmpBot+3 ; y for string
textL equ tmpBot+4 ; string pointer
textH equ tmpBot+5
len equ tmpBot+6 ; how many characters (0 based)
lda #$20
sta iter ; how many times to loop
lda #(7*8) ; Y for string
sta yPos
lda #4 ; starting color
sta color
cycleLoop anop
lda #4 ; print GAME at x 4
sta xPos
lda #<roTextGame ; point at GAME text
sta textL
lda #>roTextGame
sta textH
lda #4 ; 0-3 characters
sta len
jsr textColorCycle ; show the text in color
lda #13 ; print OVER at x 13
sta xPos
lda #<roTextOver ; point at OVER text
sta textL
lda #>roTextOver
sta textH
lda #4 ; also 0-3 characters in length
sta len
jsr textColorCycle ; and show over with color
ldy #$30 ; delay the iteration of color
jsr ySet
dec iter ; one less iteration to do
bpl cycleLoop ; do all iterations
gameVictory entry
lda #19 ; put willy above the door
sta willyXPos ; outside the caverns
lda #0
sta willyFrame
lda #2*8
sta willyYPos
ldx fullScreenClearCount ; get the flag for what level of screen clear is needed
jsr screenClear ; and clear the screen
jsr screenDrawSprites ; draw all the enemies
jsr screenDrawWilly ; not demo - draw willy with collision detection
jsr screenDrawLevel ; show all the tiles
ldx numSprites ; The door's index
jsr screenDrawSprite ; render the door over everything else, no collision
jsr screenSwap ; swap to the newly rendered screen
audioPart anop
freqCntr equ tmpBot+0 ; freqCntr
duration equ tmpBot+1 ; duration
iteration equ tmpBot+2 ; iteration
lda #50 ; 50 iterations
sta iteration
lda #0 ; init freqCntr and duration
sta freqCntr
sta duration
gvloop anop
lda duration ; start with the duration
adc iteration ; add the iteration counter * 3
adc iteration
adc iteration
sta freqCntr ; save as the freqCntr
ldy duration ; put duration in Y
lda audioMask ; see if the audio will play or skip
bne audioOn ; if on, use the freqCntr "API"
gv00 ldx freqCntr ; a bit ridiculous to redo playNote stuff here
gv01 dex ; but I want the audio code to all go through the
bne gv01 ; same "API" for consistency
bne gv00
beq postfreq
audioOn anop
lda freqCntr
jsr freq ; make the sound if sound enabled
postFreq anop
dec iteration ; dec the iterations
bne gvloop ; loop till all iterations done