
68 lines
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; mminer.asm
; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2020
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
65816 OFF
align $100
ORG $4000
copy src/logo.s
copy src/defs.s ; globally used defines (Incl. MLI)
MMINER start
main entry
jsr mainInit ; do some one-time global init
jsr uiWaitForIntroEnter ; color cycle ENTER and wait for key
loop anop
jsr uiTitleScreen ; go to the ui
and #EVENT_EXIT_GAME ; see if event to exit game is set
bne quit
jsr gameLoop ; not quit, so run the gameplay (or demo)
jmp loop ; go back to the ui
quit anop
jsr MLI ; quit using the prodos mli
dc h'65' ; ProDOS Quit request
dc s2'*+2'
dc h'04000000000000'
mainInit entry
lda #0 ; init some one-time globals
sta backPage
sta leftEdge
sta cameraMode
sta uiComponent
sta cheatActive
sta cheatIndex
sta monochrome
lda #AUDIO_MUSIC+AUDIO_SOUND ; turn the music and in-game sounds on
sta audioMask
lda #>HGRPage1 ; set the current hidden (back) page to page 1
sta currPageH ; (page 2 was made visible by the loader)
lda #$80 ; make a zero-page bit mask area for checking bits
ldx #7 ; from 1 to 128, set each bit (backwards)
mi00 sta bitMasks,x ; set the bits in the area called bitMasks
lsr a
bpl mi00