
383 lines
18 KiB

; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2020
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
65816 OFF
copy src/defs.s
SPRITE start
using LOWMEM
; Copy bytes from srcPtr to dstPtr
; IN: - srcPtr - start of copy
; dstPtr - start of non-overlapping destination
; size - number of bytes to copy
; Clobbers: a,y
spriteCopyMemSrcToDst entry
ldy #0
hiCopy anop
dec sizeH
bmi lowCopy
scm0 lda (srcPtrL),y
sta (dstPtrL),y
bne scm0
inc srcPtrH
inc dstPtrH
bne hiCopy
lowCopy anop
ldy sizeL
bmi doneScm
scm1 lda (srcPtrL),y
sta (dstPtrL),y
bpl scm1
doneScm anop
; Look up the color, and apply those masks to the frames
; IN: x = start frame
; y = num frames
; a = color index
; Clobbers: a,y
spriteApplyMaskToFrames entry
;instanceIdx0 equ tmpBot+0
colMaskL0 equ tmpBot+1
colMaskR0 equ tmpBot+2
numFrames equ tmpBot+3
sty numFrames ; save y
tay ; put color index in y
lda masksLeft,y ; look up the masks for the color
sta colMaskL0
lda masksRight,y
sta colMaskR0
lda mult64L,x ; build a pointer to the frame
sta srcPtrL
lda mult64H,x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta srcPtrH
ldy numFrames ; convert frames to bytes
lda mult64H,y
sta sizeH
lda mult64L,y
sta sizeL
ldy #0 ; do blocks of 256
hiPass anop
dec sizeH ; see if there's a hi block to do
bmi lowPass ; if none (remain) to do, move on
sam0 lda (srcPtrL),y ; do a left hand byte
and colMaskL0
sta (srcPtrL),y
lda (srcPtrL),y ; then a right hand byte
and colMaskR0
sta (srcPtrL),y
bne sam0 ; for 256 bytes
inc dstPtrH ; advance the dest ptr Hi
bne hiPass ; BRA
lowPass anop
ldy sizeL ; do bytes remaining lt 256
bmi doneSam ; keep going till all done
sam1 lda (srcPtrL),y
and colMaskL0
sta (srcPtrL),y
lda (srcPtrL),y
and colMaskR0
sta (srcPtrL),y
bpl sam1
doneSam anop
; Copy one frame to another
; IN:
; originalFrame = tmpBot+4
; newFrame = tmpBot+5
; Clobbers: a,x,y
spriteCopyFrameToFrame entry
originalFrame0 equ tmpBot+4
newFrame0 equ tmpBot+5
ldx originalFrame0 ; point srcPtr at the original frame
lda mult64L,x
sta srcPtrL
lda mult64H,x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta srcPtrH
ldx newFrame0 ; point dstPtr at the target frame
lda mult64L,x
sta dstPtrL
lda mult64H,x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta dstPtrH
lda #0 ; 256 or less bytes (no Hi)
sta sizeH
lda #64 ; just 64 bytes to copy
sta sizeL
jsr spriteCopyMemSrcToDst ; use copymem to copy a 64 byte frame
; Invert the pixels of a frame
; IN:
; x = frame number
spriteInvertFrame entry
lda mult64L,x ; make srcPtr point at the frame
sta srcPtrL
lda mult64H,x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta srcPtrH
ldy #SPRITE_BYTES-1 ; do for a whole frame (0 based)
sif0 lda (srcPtrL),y ; get the frame byte
eor #%01111111 ; invert except for the MSB
sta (srcPtrL),y ; and save the byte
dey ; one less byte to do
bpl sif0 ; do for all bytes
; Clear all the pixels of a frame
; IN:
; x = frame number
; y = number of frames to clear
spriteClearFrames entry
count0 equ sizeL
lda mult64L,y ; turn the number of frames into num bytes
sta count0 ; save as a count
clc ; and clear carry
lda mult64L,x ; make srcPtr point at the
sta srcPtrL
lda mult64H,x
adc #>spriteInstances
sta srcPtrH
ldy count0 ; how many bytes to clear
dey ; make zero based
lda #0 ; value to write
scf0 sta (srcPtrL),y ; write 0 to frame
dey ; previous byte in frame
bpl scf0 ; do for all, incl. zero'th byte
; Make an instance of the bitmap (index in a) into the spriteInstance buffer
; while expanding the bitmap from 32 byte 1bpp into 64 byte 2bpp and masking
; the instance for the required color.
; IN:
; a - bitmapIdx
; x - instanceIdx
spriteInstanceSpriteFrames entry
; count = tmpBot+0
; spriteIdx = tmpBot+1
instanceIdx1 equ tmpBot+2
srcIdx equ tmpBot+3
dstIdx equ tmpBot+4
colMaskL1 equ tmpBot+5
colMaskR1 equ tmpBot+6
ldy #0
sty srcPtrH
sty dstPtrH
ldy #5 ; mult * 32 (shl 5 times) since each src frame is 32 bytes
sis0 asl a ; shift the low
rol srcPtrH ; and the hi, and move carry into hi if needed
dey ; do for all 6 iterations
bne sis0
adc #<sprite08 ; add the memory offset off the non-willy src sprites
sta srcPtrL
lda #>sprite08
adc srcPtrH
sta srcPtrH ; src ptr now points at the 1st frame
lda spriteFramesIdx,x ; get the sprite dest frame
ldy #6 ; mult * 64 (shl 6 times) since each frame is 64 bytes
sis1 asl a ; shift the lo
rol dstPtrH ; and the hi, and move carry into hi if needed
dey ; do for all 6 iterations
bne sis1
sta dstPtrL ; save the lo
lda dstPtrH ; get the hi
adc #>spriteInstances ; and make relative to the buffer
sta dstPtrH ; and save the hi
lda #1 ; assume 4 frames equ 256 bytes
sta sizeH
lda spriteClass,x ; get the class
bit bit1Mask ; CLASS_FOUR_FRAME is it 4 frames
bne sis2 ; yes, all set
inc sizeH ; 8 frames = 512 bytes equ 2 Hi
sis2 ldy instanceIdx1 ; get the instance
lda spriteColor,y ; and get the color for the instance
tay ; put the color index in y
lda masksLeft,y ; get the color mask
sta colMaskL1
lda masksRight,y ; do the same for the right
sta colMaskR1 ; SQW - look at comments but save for second (inverse) buffer
ldy #0
sty dstIdx ; set the src and dst indices to start at 0
sty srcIdx ; srcIndex moves at 1/2 of dstIndex
copyFrames anop
ldy srcIdx ; get the source index
lda (srcPtrL),y ; get a (left) src byte at the source index
pha ; save so the right nibble can be expanded later
lsr a ; make the left nibble the low nibble
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
tax ; put the value in x
lda binDouble,x ; look up the "pixel doubled" value
ora #$80 ; and set the color msb "on"
and colMaskL1 ; mask it with appropriate color
ldy dstIdx ; get the destination offset
sta (dstPtrL),y ; and save to instance destination
iny ; move the destination along one
pla ; get the source byte
and #$0f ; mask so only right nibble
tax ; put it in x
lda binDouble,x ; and look up the "doubled" pixel values
sec ; set carry so a rotate will be equiv to or #$80
ror a ; and rotate, making it a "right" byte
and colMaskR1 ; mask it with appropriate color
sta (dstPtrL),y ; and save to instance destination
iny ; move the dest index along again
sty dstIdx ; and save the index
bne sis3 ; if the index rolled over
inc dstPtrH ; move the hi byte along
dec sizeH ; check if moved all required 4 * 32 src byte blocks
beq doneSis
sis3 inc srcIdx ; move the src index along
bne copyFrames ; do max 256 bytes equ 8 * 32 byte src frames
doneSis anop
; Copy the door frame, invert the copy, mask both and combine
spriteDoorSetup entry
originalFrame1 equ tmpBot+4
newFrame1 equ tmpBot+5
ldx numSprites ; numSprites is the door sprite index
lda spriteFramesIdx,x
stx originalFrame1
stx newFrame1
jsr spriteCopyFrameToFrame ; make a copy y = instanceIdx, a = srcFrame,x equ dstFrame
ldx newFrame1
jsr spriteInvertFrame ; invert the instance frame bits (leave msb alone)
ldx currLevel
lda door_color1,x
beq sds0
ldx originalFrame1
ldy #1
jsr spriteApplyMaskToFrames
ldx currLevel
lda door_color2,x
beq sds0
ldx newFrame1
ldy #1
jmp spriteApplyMaskToFrames
sds0 rts
; Make 4 copies of Eugene frame 0 into frames 1-4 and apply a different
; color mask to the additional frames
spriteEugeneSetup entry
originalFrame2 equ tmpBot+4
newFrame2 equ tmpBot+5
count1 equ tmpBot+6
ldx numSprites
dex ; eugene is sprite before the door
lda spriteFramesIdx,x ; get the frame where eugene is
tax ; put in x
stx originalFrame2 ; and call it the original
inx ; and go to the next frame
stx newFrame2 ; and call it the new frame
ldx #3 ; and set the loop count to 3
stx count1
ses0 jsr spriteCopyFrameToFrame ; make a copy of eugene,x = ori,y equ new
lda count1 ; get the count in a (as a color mask index)
ldx newFrame2 ; the frame in x
ldy #1 ; and the number of frames to process in Y
jsr spriteApplyMaskToFrames ; mask the new eugene to the "count" color
inc newFrame2 ; go up a frame
dec count1 ; and dec the loop counter
bne ses0 ; and do for the number of loops (3)
rts ; there are now 4 eugenes, White, Green, Orange & Purple