
450 lines
28 KiB

; Part of manic miner, the zx spectrum game, made for Apple II
; Stefan Wessels, 2020
; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
65816 OFF
copy src/defs.s
mcopy src/ui.mac
UI start
using RODATA
using ROTEXT
using DATA
uiUpdateComponent entry
ora uiComponent
sta uiComponent
lda #2
sta updateUICount
uiUpdate entry
lda uiComponent
bit bit0Mask ; UI_COMPONENT_NAME
beq ud00
jsr screenDrawLevelName
lda uiComponent
ud00 bit bit1Mask ; UI_COMPONENT_AIR_NAME
beq ud01
printXYlh #0,#(17*8),#<roTextAir,#>roTextAir,#4,#2,1
jsr screenDrawAirFrame
lda uiComponent
ud01 bit bit2Mask ; UI_COMPONENT_AIR
beq ud02
jsr screenDrawAirRemaining
lda uiComponent
ud02 bit bit3Mask ; UI_COMPONENT_SCORE_NAME
beq ud03
printXYlh #4,#(19*8),#<roTextHighScore,#>roTextHighScore,#3
printXYlh #11,#(19*8),#<roTextScore,#>roTextScore,#4
lda uiComponent
ud03 bit bit4Mask ; UI_COMPONENT_SCORE
beq ud04
printXYlh #11,#(20*8),#<score,#>score,#5
lda uiComponent
ud04 bit bit5Mask ; UI_COMPONENT_LIVES
beq ud05
jsr screenDrawLives
lda uiComponent
ud05 bit bit6Mask ; UI_COMPONENT_HIGHSCORE
beq ud06
printXYlh #3,#(20*8),#<highScore,#>highScore,#5
ud06 dec updateUICount
bne ud07
lda #0
sta uiComponent
ud07 rts
; 28209 cycle delay from start till after rts
uiDelay entry
ldy #$80
ySet entry
ldx #0
udl0 dex
bne udl0
bne udl0
; This routine shows the MANIC and MINER text on screen.
; the macro uiShowMMTextXY puts specific values appropriate for each right
; into the routine (such as the address of the character width array)
; The Manic & Miner words are stored in a "compressed" form, this also decodes
; that. Each letter "pixel" is stored as a bit.
uiShowMMText entry
row equ srcPtrL
col equ srcPtrH
offset equ dstPtrL
index equ dstPtrH
colMaskL equ sizeL
colMaskR equ sizeH
width equ tmpBot+0
height equ tmpBot+1
dataByte equ tmpBot+2
dr equ tmpBot+3
dc equ tmpBot+4
dw equ tmpBot+5
pr equ tmpBot+6
sty row
stx col
lda #0
sta offset
sta index
strLoop anop
ldx index
colorLoc entry
lda PLACEHOLDER,x ; unpack the color masks
lda masksLeft,y
sta colMaskL
lda masksRight,y
sta colMaskR
lda #6 ; the text is 6 rows high
sta height
lda row
sta dr ; set the working counter to the row
charLoop anop
lda col
sta dc ; set the working counter to the column
ldx index ; get the index to the character in the string
widthLoc entry
lda PLACEHOLDER,x ; get the width of the character
sta width ; save
sta dw ; and init the working width
ldx offset ; the offset is into the encoded data
dataLoc entry
lda PLACEHOLDER,x ; get the next encoded character
inc offset ; and move the index
sta dataByte ; save the character
colLoop anop
lda dataByte ; load the character
asl a ; shift out the MSB to get the bit
sta dataByte ; save the new shifted encoded character
bcc skipPlot ; if bit was 0, blank, nothing to do
lda #8 ; 1-bit to be drawn. "pixel" is 8 pixel-rows high
sta pr ; save row draw counter
lda dr ; load the screen draw row where drawing should happen
asl a ; * 8
asl a
asl a
tay ; store the row in Y
lda dc ; get the column
and #1 ; and see if the column is odd or even (for color mask)
usm0 lda dc ; start with the column
adc rowL,y ; and calculate the hi-res row/col address
sta write+1
lda rowH,y
adc currPageH ; add the page to draw to
sta write+2
lda #$ff ; assume all bits on
and colMaskL,x ; but then mask to get appropriate color
write anop
sta PLACEHOLDER ; write to the screen
iny ; next hi-res pixel-row
dec pr ; and one less row to draw
bne usm0 ; do all 8 rows
skipPlot anop
inc dc ; go to the next column
dec dw ; one less to do in the width of the character
bpl colLoop ; if not done the whole character, keep going
inc dr ; move down to the next row of the character
dec height ; one less row to do
bpl charLoop ; keep going till the whole character height done
lda width ; move the draw col by the width of the character just drawn
adc col
sta col
inc index ; and move the string index to the next character
lda index
cmp #6
bcc strLoop ; if not all 5 characters (MANIC or MINER) done, keep going
uiTitleScreen entry
scrollPtrL equ 0 ;tmpBot+0
scrollPtrH equ 1 ;tmpBot+1
scrollLen equ 2 ;tmpBot+2
scrollIdx equ 3 ;tmpBot+3
titleState equ 4 ;currLevel
lda #0
sta leftEdge ; reset the left edge
lda #11*8 ; position willy for the UI
sta willyYPos
lda #0
sta willyFrame
lda #18
sta willyXPos
lda #<titleMusic ; init the music ptr
sta musicL
lda #>titleMusic
sta musicH
ldx #1 ; do a full screen clear of both buffers
jsr screenClear
jsr screenSwap
ldx #1
jsr screenClear
lda #0
sta titleState ; set to bounce manic miner / audio
sta uiComponent ; and init the ui update to nothing
jsr uiUpdateComponent ; add an update for bottom part of screen
jsr screenDrawWilly ; show willy on this screen
uiShowMMTextXY #6,#6,manicText,manicCharWidth,manicColors
printXYlh #0,#22*8,#<roTextAppleIIVersion,#>roTextAppleIIVersion,#19
printXYlh #0,#23*8,#<roTextend,#>roTextend,#19
jsr uiUpdate ; show the UI on the Manic screen
jsr screenSwap
jsr screenDrawWilly ; show willy on the other screen
uiShowMMTextXY #6,#6,minerText,minerCharWidth,minerColors
printXYlh #0,#22*8,#<roTextAppleIIVersion,#>roTextAppleIIVersion,#19
printXYlh #0,#23*8,#<roTextend,#>roTextend,#19
jsr uiUpdate ; show the UI on the Miner screen
mainLoop anop
jsr screenSwap ; swap screens (manic/miner) or scroll text
jsr inputUI ; read keys -1 - quit, 0 - no key, 1 - go to game
beq stayInUI ; no key
bpl playGame ; go to game
lda #EVENT_EXIT_GAME ; quit
bne exit
playGame anop
exit anop
jmp done
stayInUI anop
lda titleState ; get the state (bounce vs scroll)
beq bounce
jmp introScroll ; 0 - bounce, 1 - scroll
bounce anop
jsr audioPlayTitleNote ; play the tune
bcc mainLoop ; tune done when carry is set, else bounce
lda #2
sta titleState ; use this as a temporary counter
uts0 ldx #0 ; clear the upper portion of the screen
jsr screenClear ; show both manic & miner
uiShowMMTextXY #6,#0,manicText,manicCharWidth,manicColors
uiShowMMTextXY #6,#8,minerText,minerCharWidth,minerColors
jsr screenDrawWilly ; show willy as well
jsr screenSwap
dec titleState ; do for both buffers
lda titleState
bne uts0
lda #1 ; set the state to the scrolling screen
sta titleState
lda #<roTextIntro ;init the scrolling message text
sta scrollPtrL
lda #>roTextIntro
sta scrollPtrH
lda #0
sta scrollLen
lda #19
sta scrollIdx
introScroll anop ; show the scrolling message
ldy willyYPos ; start by erasing willy so the eor draw works
lda #16 ; 16 rows from his Y
sta sizeL ; track rows in sizeL
uts1 clc
lda willyXPos ; start with his X
asl a ; * 2 for screen coordinates
adc rowL,y ; get the hires coordinates
sta writeZero+1
lda rowH,y
adc currPageH
sta writeZero+2
lda #0 ; write 4 zero-bytes to each row
ldx #3
writeZero anop
bpl writeZero
iny ; next hi-res row
dec sizeL ; one more row done
bne uts1
lda willyFrame ; get the current frame
adc #2 ; advance by 2
and #7 ; and keep in the frame range
sta willyFrame ; update the frame
jsr screenDrawWilly ; and draw willy in the new pose
;sqw printXYlh scrollIdx, #16*8, scrollPtrL, scrollPtrH, scrollLen
lda #$ff ; no color (white) is a mask of $ff left and right
sta dstPtrL
sta dstPtrL+1
lda #0 ; eor o is not inverse
sta eorMask+1 ; set the eor in the code
lda scrollPtrL ; set the string pointer in the code
sta read0+1
lda scrollPtrH
sta read0+2
ldx scrollLen ; 0 based
stx sizeL
lda scrollIdx ; and x/y coords in x and y registers
asl a
ldy #16*8
jsr textShowText ; print that string
lda scrollIdx ; see if scrolled all the way into the screen
beq uts2 ; if printing at 0, then scrolled all the way in
dec scrollIdx ; not scrolled in all the way, so move the start left
inc scrollLen ; and increase the length to print by 1
bne uts3 ; and skip moving the start of the message
uts2 inc scrollPtrL ; move the scroller so the left disappears off
bne uts3 ; the left end of the screen
inc scrollPtrH
uts3 jsr uiDelay ; wait a bit so the message can be read
ldy scrollLen ; see if this is the end of the message
lda (scrollPtrL),y
bne uts4 ; if not a zero, still in message
dec scrollLen ; start printing less of the message so the tail scrolls across
bmi demoTime ; when completely done, go to demo mode
uts4 jmp mainLoop ; repeat till fully scrolled
demoTime anop
lda #DEMO_TIMER_INITAL ; set up the demo variables
sta demoTimer
lda #1
sta demoDirection
done anop
sta demoMode
uiWaitForIntroEnter entry
iter equ tmpBot+0 ; how many times to loop
color equ tmpBot+1 ; the starting color for the string
xPos equ tmpBot+2 ; x for string
yPos equ tmpBot+3 ; y for string
textL equ tmpBot+4 ; string pointer
textH equ tmpBot+5
len equ tmpBot+6 ; how many characters (0 based)
lda KBDSTRB ; clear the keyboard
jsr valueSwap
printXYlh #0,#22*8,#<roTextPressEnter,#>roTextPressEnter,#19
lda #$28 ; intentionally outside the range
sta color ; it gives an interesting "materialize" effect
lda #22*8
sta yPos
cycleLoop anop
lda #6 ; print ENTER at x 4
sta xPos
lda #<roTextEnter ; point at ENTER text
sta textL
lda #>roTextEnter
sta textH
lda #5
sta len
jsr textColorCycle ; show the text in color
ldy #$40
jsr ySet
lda KBD ; hold the load screen graphic till a key is pressed
bpl cycleLoop
lda KBDSTRB ; clear the keyboard
jsr valueSwap
ldx #1 ; for clear-screen,x = 1 is all clear,x equ 0 is partial
jsr screenClear
jsr screenSwap ; swap to see page 1
ldx #1
jmp screenClear ; all clear page 2
manicText anop
dc h'88D8A888880000'
dc h'00708888F88800'
dc h'88C8A898880000'
dc h'0000E0404040E0'
dc h'00708880887000'
manicCharWidth anop
dc h'0606060405'
manicColors anop
dc h'0201000304'
minerText anop
dc h'000088D8A88888'
dc h'E0404040E00000'
dc h'0088C8A8988800'
dc h'F880F880F80000'
dc h'0000F088F0A098'
minerCharWidth anop
dc h'0604060605'
minerColors anop
dc h'0304020100'