// // mockingboard.h // mocktest // // Created by Jeremy Rand on 2016-09-10. // Copyright © 2016 Jeremy Rand. All rights reserved. // #ifndef __mocktest__mockingboard__ #define __mocktest__mockingboard__ #include #include // Defines #define MOCK_NUM_CHANNELS 3 #define TONE_PERIOD_C(octave) (0x7a3 >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_C_SHARP(octave) (0x735 >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_D(octave) (0x6cd >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_D_SHARP(octave) (0x66c >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_E(octave) (0x60f >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_F(octave) (0x5b8 >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_F_SHARP(octave) (0x566 >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_G(octave) (0x518 >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_G_SHARP(octave) (0x4cf >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_A(octave) (0x48a >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_A_SHARP(octave) (0x449 >> (octave - 1)) #define TONE_PERIOD_B(octave) (0x40b >> (octave - 1)) #define MIN_NOISE_PERIOD 0 #define MAX_NOISE_PERIOD 31 #define TONE_CHANNEL_A 1 #define TONE_CHANNEL_B 2 #define TONE_CHANNEL_C 4 #define NOISE_CHANNEL_A 8 #define NOISE_CHANNLE_B 16 #define NOISE_CHANNEL_C 32 #define ENABLE_CHANNEL(channels) (0x3f ^ (channels)) #define MIN_AMPLITUDE 0 #define MAX_AMPLITUDE 15 #define VARIABLE_AMPLITUDE 16 #define MIN_ENVELOPE_PERIOD 0 #define MAX_ENVELOPE_PERIOD 65535u #define MILLISEC_TO_ENVELOP_PERIOD(ms) ((ms) * 4) // Here is a table of the envelope shapes and how they look: // // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_ONE_SHOT_DECAY \__________... // // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_ONE_SHOT_ATTACK /__________... // // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_DECAY \|\|\|\|\|\... // // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_DECAY_HOLD \__________... // // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_DECAY_ALT \/\/\/\/\/\... // _________ // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_DECAY_ALT_HOLD \| ... // // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_ATTACK /|/|/|/|/|/... // __________ // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_ATTACK_HOLD / ... // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_ATTACK_ALT /\/\/\/\/\/... // // ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_ATTACK_ALT_HOLD /|_________... #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_ONE_SHOT_DECAY 0 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_ONE_SHOT_ATTACK 4 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_DECAY 8 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_DECAY_HOLD 9 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_DECAY_ALT 10 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_DECAY_ALT_HOLD 11 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_ATTACK 12 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_ATTACK_HOLD 13 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_ATTACK_ALT 14 #define ENVELOPE_SHAPE_CONT_ATTACK_ALT_HOLD 15 // Typedefs typedef uint8_t tSlot; typedef enum { SPEAKER_NONE = 0, SPEAKER_LEFT = (1 << 0), SPEAKER_RIGHT = (1 << 1), SPEAKER_BOTH = (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) } tMockingBoardSpeaker; typedef struct tMockingSoundRegisters { uint16_t tonePeriod[MOCK_NUM_CHANNELS]; uint8_t noisePeriod; uint8_t enable; uint8_t amplitude[MOCK_NUM_CHANNELS]; uint16_t envelopePeriod; uint8_t envelopeShape; uint8_t dummy1; uint8_t dummy2; } tMockingSoundRegisters; // API extern void mockingBoardInit(tSlot slot, bool hasSpeechChip); extern void mockingBoardShutdown(void); extern void mockingBoardPlaySound(tMockingBoardSpeaker speaker, tMockingSoundRegisters *registers); extern void mockingBoardStopSound(tMockingBoardSpeaker speaker); extern bool mockingBoardSpeechIsBusy(void); extern bool mockingBoardSpeechIsPlaying(void); extern bool mockingBoardSpeak(uint8_t *data, uint16_t dataLen); #endif /* defined(__mocktest__mockingboard__) */