passport-test-suite/Crush, Crumble and Chomp v1981-06-22.log

25 lines
984 B
Raw Normal View History

2022-07-11 17:32:17 +00:00
Passport by 4am 2022-07-12
Reading from S6,D1
T00,S00 Found 5-5-5 spiral bootloader
T00,S07,$19: 8004A20A205F0420 -> 7D04B00
Writing to S6,D2
T05,S0D,$35: FF -> DE
T05,S0D,$3F: FF -> AA
T05,S0D,$91: FF -> DE
T05,S0D,$9B: FF -> AA
T05,S08,$25: E1 -> 00
Crack complete. Press any key `