
94 lines
2.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; IDLaureate
; identify custom bootloader seen on disks from
; Laureate Learning Systems
; loads RWTS directly into language card
; in: track buffer contains T00,S00
; out: C clear if Laureate bootloader was found
; (and track buffer now contains all of track 0)
; C set if not found
; all other flags clobbered
; all registers clobbered
!zone {
lda #$00
ldx #$2E
ldy #$0E
jsr compare ; if T00,S00,$2E ==
!byte $AE,$FF,$08; LDX $08FF
!byte $30,$1E ; BMI +$1E
!byte $E0,$02 ; CPX #$02
!byte $D0,$05 ; BNE +$05
!byte $A9,$BF ; LDA #$BF
!byte $8D,$FE,$08; STA $08FE
bcs .exit
lda #$00
ldx #$F8
ldy #$08
jsr compare ; and T00,S00,$F8 ==
!byte $4C,$00,$B7; JMP $B700
!byte $00,$00,$00
!byte $FF,$0B
; TraceLaureate
; Create an RWTS that can read the disk (T01+).
; The original RWTS lives at $F800, which is
; inconvenient. So, starting with our built-in RWTS,
; we copy bits and pieces to create a similar RWTS
; that lives at $B800.
; in: track buffer contains all of track 0
; exits via ADStyle
!zone {
lda #$00
sta modsrc
lda #$04
sta modsrc+1
ldy #$E7
lda (modsrc),y
sta UNIV_D1
ldy #$F1
lda (modsrc),y
sta UNIV_D2
ldy #$FC
lda (modsrc),y
sta UNIV_D3
inc modsrc+1
ldy #$44
- lda (modsrc),y
sta $b900,y
cpy #$A0
bne -
inc modsrc+1
ldy #$29
- lda (modsrc),y
sta $BA00,y
bne -
; don't read track 0 sectors $0C-$0F
; (never read, some disks have intentionally bad sectors there)
; (seen on Sound Ideas)
lda #$00
sta T00S0C
sta T00S0D
sta T00S0E
sta T00S0F
; read the rest of the disk with this constructed RWTS
jmp ADStyle