mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 09:29:23 +00:00
refactor inspect0 and applyglobals, reset globals properly, add support for EEEF protection track, add comments about it all
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,65 @@
; SkipTrack
; out: C clear if we should skip this track
; C set if we should not skip this track
!zone {
; 1) $EEEF protection track (EEEFBBBAFAAE nibble sequence)
; [must come first because track would otherwise pass the IsUnformatted test below]
; [speed optimization: only check on track $22]
lda gTrack
cmp #$22
bne .checkunformat
jsr IsEEEF
bcs .checkunformat
lda #s_eeef
bcc .skiptrack ; always taken
; 2) unformatted track
jsr IsUnformatted
bcs .checkf7
lda #s_unformat
bcc .skiptrack ; always taken
; 3) $F7 protection track (F7F6EFEAAB nibble sequence)
jsr IsF7
bcs .checksync
lda #s_f7
bcc .skiptrack ; always taken
; 4) nibble count track (mostly $FF sync bytes)
jsr IsSyncBytes
bcs .checktrack6
lda #s_sync
bcc .skiptrack ; always taken
; 5) track simply does not exist (Electronic Arts in particular)
jsr IsEATrack6
bcs .fail
lda #s_eatrk6
; note: execution falls through here
jsr PrintByID
!byte $24 ; hides next SEC
; IsF7
; check for a specific nibble sequence
@ -24,7 +86,7 @@ IsF7
bne -
dec nibcount
bne -
beq F7fail
beq .fail
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
@ -44,10 +106,66 @@ IsF7
bne .restart
!byte $24 ; hides SEC
F7fail sec
.fail sec
lda $C0E8
; check for a specific nibble sequence
; ("EE EF BB BA FA AE") that is used by a
; whole-track protection scheme
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if sequence was found
; C set if sequence was not found
!zone {
lda $C0E9
lda #$00
jsr WAIT
lda #$20
sta nibcount
ldy #$00
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$EE
beq +
.restart iny
bne -
dec nibcount
bne -
beq .fail
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$EF
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$BB
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$BA
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$FA
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$AE
bne .restart
!byte $24 ; hides SEC
.fail sec
lda $C0E8
; IsSyncBytes
; check if track is mostly $FF bytes
@ -114,28 +232,18 @@ xHeredityDog
adc #$04
ldx #$16
ldy #$0B
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $F0,$05,$A2,$B2,$4C,$F0,$BB,$BD,$8C,$C0,$A9
bcc .maybe
jmp .no
; don't check byte at $BB21 because it can vary
ldx #$22
ldy #$3E
ldy #$4A
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $F0,$05,$A2,$B2,$4C,$F0,$BB,$BD,$8C,$C0,$A9,WILDCARD
!byte $8D,$00,$02,$BD,$8C,$C0,$10,$FB,$C9,$EB,$D0,$F7,$BD,$8C
!byte $C0,$10,$FB,$C9,$D5,$D0,$EE,$BD,$8C,$C0,$10,$FB,$C9,$AA,$D0,$E5
!byte $A9,$4C,$A0,$00,$99,$00,$95,$88,$D0,$FA,$CE,$46,$BB,$AD,$46,$BB
!byte $C9,$07,$D0,$EC,$A9,$18,$8D,$42,$B9,$A9,$0A,$8D,$ED,$B7,$D0,$05
bcs .no
bcs .exit
lda #$80
sta T00S0A
@ -187,15 +295,8 @@ xOptimumRes
ldx #$5D
ldy #$0C
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $68,$85,$F0,$68,$85,$F1,$A0,$01
!byte $B1,$F0,$85,$54
bcc .yes
lda #$08
ldx #$5D
ldy #$0C
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $68,$85,$A0,$68,$85,$A1,$A0,$01
!byte $B1,$A0,$85,$54
!byte $68,$85,WILDCARD,$68,$85,WILDCARD,$A0,$01
!byte $B1,WILDCARD,$85,$54
bcs .no
lda #$80
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
; initialize some variables that are used by many
; other patchers on track $00
!zone {
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$4A
jsr compare ; if T00,S00,$00 ==
; This needs to be pretty strict because, if it matches,
; we're going to patch the sector and trace it to capture
; the RWTS.
!byte $01,$A5,$27,$C9,$09,$D0,$18,$A5
!byte $2B,$4A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$09,$C0,$85
!byte $3F,$A9,$5C,$85,$3E,$18,$AD,$FE
!byte $08,$6D,$FF,$08,$8D,$FE,$08,$AE
!byte $FF,$08,$30,$15,$BD,$4D,$08,$85
!byte $3D,$CE,$FF,$08,$AD,$FE,$08,$85
!byte $27,$CE,$FE,$08,$A6,$2B,$6C,$3E
!byte $00,$EE,$FE,$08,$EE,$FE,$08,$20
!byte $89,$FE,$20,$93,$FE,$20,$2F,$FB
!byte $A6,$2B
ldx #TRUE
bcc .boot0
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsBoot0
lda #$01
ldx #$00
ldy #$38
jsr compare ; if T00,S01,$00 ==
!byte $8E,$E9,$B7,$8E,$F7,$B7,$A9,$01
!byte $8D,$F8,$B7,$8D,$EA,$B7,$AD,$E0
!byte $B7,$8D,$E1,$B7,$A9,$02,$8D,$EC
!byte $B7,$A9,$04,$8D,$ED,$B7,$AC,$E7
!byte $B7,$88,$8C,$F1,$B7,$A9,$01,$8D
!byte $F4,$B7,$8A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$AA
!byte $A9,$00,$9D,$F8,$04,$9D,$78,$04
ldx #TRUE
bcc .boot1
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsBoot1
lda #$01
ldx #$00
ldy #$38
jsr compare ; if T00,S01,$00 ==
!byte $8E,$E9,$37,$8E,$F7,$37,$A9,$01
!byte $8D,$F8,$37,$8D,$EA,$37,$AD,$E0
!byte $37,$8D,$E1,$37,$A9,$02,$8D,$EC
!byte $37,$A9,$04,$8D,$ED,$37,$AC,$E7
!byte $37,$88,$8C,$F1,$37,$A9,$01,$8D
!byte $F4,$37,$8A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$AA
!byte $A9,$00,$9D,$F8,$04,$9D,$78,$04
ldx #TRUE
bcc .master
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsMaster
lda #$07
ldx #$00
ldy #$40
jsr compare ; if T00,S07,$00 ==
!byte $84,$48,$85,$49,$A0,$02,$8C,$F8
!byte $06,$A0,$04,$8C,$F8,$04,$A0,$01
!byte $B1,$48,$AA,$A0,$0F,$D1,$48,$F0
!byte $1B,$8A,$48,$B1,$48,$AA,$68,$48
!byte $91,$48,$BD,$8E,$C0,$A0,$08,$BD
!byte $8C,$C0,$DD,$8C,$C0,$D0,$F6,$88
!byte $D0,$F8,$68,$AA,$BD,$8E,$C0,$BD
!byte $8C,$C0,$A0,$08,$BD,$8C,$C0,$48
ldx #TRUE
bcc .rwts
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsRWTS
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$05
jsr compare ; if T00,S00,$00 ==
; This abbreviated signature matches all ProDOS disks
; I can find, with no false positives.
; Some disks jump to $08FF at $0804 (SOS entry point).
; Others have a modified T00,S00 but eventually load
; ProDOS (e.g. 1-2-3 Sequence Me, Alge-Blaster Plus,
; Dazzle Draw, SuperPrint II)
!byte 01,$38,$B0,$03,$4C
ldx #TRUE
bcc .prodos
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsProDOS
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$08
jsr compare ; if T00,S00,$00 ==
; Apple Pascal signature (version < 1.3)
; The wildcard in 7th position catches alternate jump
; addresses (e.g. Wizardry I, Sundog Frozen Legacy)
!byte $01,$E0,$60,$F0,$03,$4C,$97,$08
ldx #TRUE
bcc .pascal
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$08
jsr compare ; or if T00,S00,$00 ==
; Pascal 1.3 signature [thanks Marco V.]
!byte $01,$E0,$07,$B0,$04,$E0,$40,$B0
ldx #TRUE
bcc .pascal
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsPascal
@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
; CheckT00S00
; IDBootloader
; main entry point to identify the bootloader
; based on T00,S00 (currently in memory at $0800)
; and exit via the appropriate tracer/copier
; in: T00,S00 in memory at $0800
!zone {
; reset all per-disk globals
lda #FALSE
sta gIsBoot0
sta gIsBoot1
@ -14,6 +19,8 @@ CheckT00S00
sta gIsPascal
sta gIsDatasoft
sta gIsProtDOS
sta gIsEA
sta gIsEEEF
lda #$00
sta gLastTrack
@ -33,14 +40,81 @@ CheckT00S00
; Copy the boot sector from $0800 to the track/sector buffer
; so we can reuse our standard compare functions.
; (TODO: this is probably unnecessary but I haven't ever
; refactored it since the Post-Demuffin Patcher days.)
lda #$08
ldy #$01
jsr CopyMemory
jsr ApplyGlobals
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$4A
jsr compare ; if T00,S00,$00 ==
; This needs to be pretty strict because, if it matches,
; we're going to patch the sector and trace it to capture
; the RWTS.
!byte $01,$A5,$27,$C9,$09,$D0,$18,$A5
!byte $2B,$4A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$09,$C0,$85
!byte $3F,$A9,$5C,$85,$3E,$18,$AD,$FE
!byte $08,$6D,$FF,$08,$8D,$FE,$08,$AE
!byte $FF,$08,$30,$15,$BD,$4D,$08,$85
!byte $3D,$CE,$FF,$08,$AD,$FE,$08,$85
!byte $27,$CE,$FE,$08,$A6,$2B,$6C,$3E
!byte $00,$EE,$FE,$08,$EE,$FE,$08,$20
!byte $89,$FE,$20,$93,$FE,$20,$2F,$FB
!byte $A6,$2B
ldx #TRUE
bcc .boot0
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsBoot0
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$05
jsr compare ; if T00,S00,$00 ==
; This abbreviated signature matches all ProDOS disks
; I can find, with no false positives.
; Some disks jump to $08FF at $0804 (SOS entry point).
; Others have a modified T00,S00 but eventually load
; ProDOS (e.g. 1-2-3 Sequence Me, Alge-Blaster Plus,
; Dazzle Draw, SuperPrint II)
!byte 01,$38,$B0,$03,$4C
ldx #TRUE
bcc .prodos
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsProDOS
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$08
jsr compare ; if T00,S00,$00 ==
; Apple Pascal signature (version < 1.3)
; The wildcard in 7th position catches alternate jump
; addresses (e.g. Wizardry I, Sundog Frozen Legacy)
!byte $01,$E0,$60,$F0,$03,$4C,$97,$08
ldx #TRUE
bcc .pascal
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$08
jsr compare ; or if T00,S00,$00 ==
; Pascal 1.3 signature [thanks Marco V.]
!byte $01,$E0,$07,$B0,$04,$E0,$40,$B0
ldx #TRUE
bcc .pascal
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsPascal
; Try to identify DOS 3.3-shaped bootloader, which
@ -158,3 +232,68 @@ CheckT00S00
jmp UseUniversal
; AnalyzeT00
; set additional flags based on contents of track $00
; in: Track $00 in data buffer
; out: gIsBoot1, gIsMaster, gIsRWTS set to #TRUE or #FALSE
; all flags clobbered
; all registers clobbered
!zone {
lda #$01
ldx #$00
ldy #$38
jsr compare ; if T00,S01,$00 ==
!byte $8E,$E9,$B7,$8E,$F7,$B7,$A9,$01
!byte $8D,$F8,$B7,$8D,$EA,$B7,$AD,$E0
!byte $B7,$8D,$E1,$B7,$A9,$02,$8D,$EC
!byte $B7,$A9,$04,$8D,$ED,$B7,$AC,$E7
!byte $B7,$88,$8C,$F1,$B7,$A9,$01,$8D
!byte $F4,$B7,$8A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$AA
!byte $A9,$00,$9D,$F8,$04,$9D,$78,$04
ldx #TRUE
bcc .boot1
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsBoot1
lda #$01
ldx #$00
ldy #$38
jsr compare ; if T00,S01,$00 ==
!byte $8E,$E9,$37,$8E,$F7,$37,$A9,$01
!byte $8D,$F8,$37,$8D,$EA,$37,$AD,$E0
!byte $37,$8D,$E1,$37,$A9,$02,$8D,$EC
!byte $37,$A9,$04,$8D,$ED,$37,$AC,$E7
!byte $37,$88,$8C,$F1,$37,$A9,$01,$8D
!byte $F4,$37,$8A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$4A,$AA
!byte $A9,$00,$9D,$F8,$04,$9D,$78,$04
ldx #TRUE
bcc .master
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsMaster
lda #$07
ldx #$00
ldy #$40
jsr compare ; if T00,S07,$00 ==
!byte $84,$48,$85,$49,$A0,$02,$8C,$F8
!byte $06,$A0,$04,$8C,$F8,$04,$A0,$01
!byte $B1,$48,$AA,$A0,$0F,$D1,$48,$F0
!byte $1B,$8A,$48,$B1,$48,$AA,$68,$48
!byte $91,$48,$BD,$8E,$C0,$A0,$08,$BD
!byte $8C,$C0,$DD,$8C,$C0,$D0,$F6,$88
!byte $D0,$F8,$68,$AA,$BD,$8E,$C0,$BD
!byte $8C,$C0,$A0,$08,$BD,$8C,$C0,$48
ldx #TRUE
bcc .rwts
ldx #FALSE
stx gIsRWTS
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Action
jsr PrintByID
jmp TheEnd
jmp CheckT00S00 ; /src/id/inspect0
jmp IDBootloader ; /src/id/inspect0
@ -390,46 +390,13 @@ checksector
bne .tryuniversal
; We just got to this track, so check for a variety
; of whole-track conditions
; 1) unformatted track
jsr IsUnformatted
bcs .checkf7
lda #s_unformat
jsr PrintByID
jmp .skiptrack
; 2) $F7 protection track (F7F6EFEAAB nibble sequence)
jsr IsF7
bcs .checksync
lda #s_f7
jsr PrintByID
jmp .skiptrack
; 3) nibble count track (mostly $FF sync bytes)
jsr IsSyncBytes
bcs .checktrack6
lda #s_sync
jsr PrintByID
; 4) track simply does not exist (Electronic Arts in particular)
jsr IsEATrack6
; of whole-track conditions that might indicate we should
; just skip the entire track
jsr SkipTrack
bcs .tryuniversal
lda #s_eatrk6
jsr PrintByID
; note: execution falls through here
lda #$00 ; skip rest of track
; Skip this track (we already printed the reason)
lda #$00
jsr ChangeSector
lda checksector+1
@ -683,7 +650,7 @@ AnalyzeTrack
beq _applyToT00
jmp _applyToAll
jsr ApplyGlobals
jsr AnalyzeT00 ; /src/id/inspect0
!source "patchers/sunburst.a"
!source "patchers/jmpbcf0.a"
!source "patchers/jmpbeb1.a"
@ -756,41 +723,47 @@ gChangedPrefs
; set to #TRUE when changing slots
!byte 00 ; int
; set after reading T00
; the last track that we should try to read
; (assuming reading from T22 down to T00)
; reset to 0 before each operation, but some
; disks (like DOS3.3P) will change it because
; they write out the first few DOS tracks
; manually before seeking up to T22 to convert
; the rest of the disk
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00,S00 (see IDBootloader)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00 (see AnalyzeT00)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00 (see AnalyzeT00)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00 (see AnalyzeT00)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00,S00 (see IDBootloader)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00,S00 (see IDBootloader)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00,S00 (see IDBootloader)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00,S00 (see IDBootloader)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T00
; set after reading T00,S00 (see IDBootloader)
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; set after reading T22
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; compile-time flag, no way to change at runtime
!source "applyglobals.a"
!source "universalrwts.a"
@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ s_restart = $44
s_corrupter= $45
s_eab0 = $46
s_eatrk6 = $47
s_eeef = $48
!zone {
@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ StringTable
!word .corrupter
!word .eaboot0
!word .eatrk6
!word .eeef
; Text can contain substitution strings, which
; are replaced by current values at runtime. Each
@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ StringTable
; can be set directly before calling PrintByID.
!text "Passport by 4am 2017-01-31",00
!text "Passport by 4am 2017-02-06",00
!text "________________________________________",$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D
!text " "
@ -418,4 +420,6 @@ StringTable
!text "T00 Found Electronic Arts bootloader",$8D,00
!text "T06 Found EA protection track",$8D,00
!text "T%t Found $EEEFBBBA protection",$8D,00
Reference in New Issue
Block a user