
470 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

; SkipTrack
; out: C clear if we should skip this track
; C set if we should not skip this track
!zone {
; 1) $EEEF protection track (EEEFBBBAFAAE nibble sequence)
; [must come first because track would otherwise pass the IsUnformatted test below]
; [speed optimization: only check on track $22]
lda gTrack
cmp #$22
bne .checkunformat
jsr IsEEEF
bcs .checkunformat
lda #s_eeef
bcc .skiptrack ; always taken
; 2) unformatted track
jsr IsUnformatted
bcs .checkf7
+ lda #s_unformat
bcc .skiptrack ; always taken
; 3) $F7 protection track (F7F6EFEAAB nibble sequence)
jsr IsF7
bcs .checksync
lda #s_f7
bcc .skiptrack ; always taken
; 4) nibble count track (mostly $FF sync bytes)
jsr IsSyncBytes
bcs .checktrack6
lda #s_sync
bcc .skiptrack ; always taken
; 5) track simply does not exist (Electronic Arts in particular)
jsr IsEATrack6
bcs .fail
lda #s_eatrk6
; note: execution falls through here
jsr PrintByID
; Skipping T22 on a ProDOS disk might indicate the presence of a
; Gamco Industries protection elsewhere on the disk. Different
; Gamco disks present as different types of weirdness on T22 --
; EEEF, sync, or even unformatted. (The actual protection is just
; a bad block check, so putting the code here will catch all
; possible cases.)
lda gTrack
cmp #$22
bne +
lda gIsProDOS
bne +
lda #TRUE
sta gPossibleGamco
+ clc
!byte $24 ; hides next SEC
; IsF7
; check for a specific nibble sequence
; ("F7 F6 EF EE AB") that is used by a
; whole-track protection scheme
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if sequence was found
; C set if sequence was not found
!zone {
lda $C0E9
lda #$00
jsr WAIT
lda #$20
sta nibcount
ldy #$00
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$F7
beq +
.restart iny
bne -
dec nibcount
bne -
beq .fail
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$F6
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$EF
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$EE
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$AB
bne .restart
!byte $24 ; hides SEC
.fail sec
lda $C0E8
; check for a specific nibble sequence
; ("EE EF BB BA FA AE") that is used by a
; whole-track protection scheme
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if sequence was found
; C set if sequence was not found
!zone {
lda $C0E9
lda #$00
jsr WAIT
lda #$20
sta nibcount
ldy #$00
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$EE
beq +
.restart iny
bne -
dec nibcount
bne -
beq .fail
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$EF
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$BB
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$BA
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$FA
bne .restart
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
cmp #$AE
bne .restart
!byte $24 ; hides SEC
.fail sec
lda $C0E8
; IsSyncBytes
; check if track is mostly $FF bytes
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if track is mostly just $FF bytes
; C set otherwise
lda #$FD
sta nibtableff
jsr IsUnformatted
lda #$3F
sta nibtableff
; IsUnformatted
; check if track is unformatted
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if track is unformatted
; C set if track is formatted
lda $C0E9
lda #$00
sta unform
sta unform+1
jsr WAIT
lda #$20
sta nibcount
ldy #$00
nibloop ldx $C0EC
bpl nibloop
lda nibtable,x
bpl +
inc unform
bne +
inc unform+1
+ iny
bne nibloop
dec nibcount
bne nibloop
lda $C0E8
lda #$18
cmp unform+1
; xHeredityDog
; check for a protection check at $BB00
; which implies an unreadable T00,S0A
; in: $0800..$08FF contains boot0
; $B600..$BFFF contains boot1
; out: C clear if protection code was found
; C set if protection code was not found
!zone {
lda $08FE
adc #$04
ldx #$16
ldy #$4A
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $F0,$05,$A2,$B2,$4C,$F0,$BB,$BD,$8C,$C0,$A9,WILDCARD
!byte $8D,$00,$02,$BD,$8C,$C0,$10,$FB,$C9,$EB,$D0,$F7,$BD,$8C
!byte $C0,$10,$FB,$C9,$D5,$D0,$EE,$BD,$8C,$C0,$10,$FB,$C9,$AA,$D0,$E5
!byte $A9,$4C,$A0,$00,$99,$00,$95,$88,$D0,$FA,$CE,$46,$BB,$AD,$46,$BB
!byte $C9,$07,$D0,$EC,$A9,$18,$8D,$42,$B9,$A9,$0A,$8D,$ED,$B7,$D0,$05
bcs .exit
lda #kSectorOptional
sta T00S0A
; xSunburst
; check for a Sunburst RWTS
; which implies an unreadable T11,S0F
; in: $0800..$08FF contains boot0
; $B600..$BFFF contains boot1
; out: C clear if Sunburst RWTS was found
; C set otherwise
!zone {
lda $08FE
adc #$03
ldx #$69
ldy #$2C
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $48,$A5,$2A,$4A,$A8,$B9,$29,$BA
!byte $8D,$6A,$B9,$8D,$84,$BC,$B9,$34
!byte $BA,$8D,$FC,$B8,$8D,$5D,$B8,$C0
!byte $11,$D0,$03,$A9,$02,$AC,$A9,$0E
!byte $8D,$C0,$BF,$68,$69,$00,$48,$AD
!byte $78,$04,$90,$2B
bcs .no
lda #kSectorOptional
sta T11S0F
; xOptimumRes
; check if disk has Optimum Resource bootloader
; which implies an unreadable T01,S0F
; in: $0800..$08FF contains boot0
; $B600..$BFFF contains boot1
; out: C clear if OptimumRes bootloader was found
; C set otherwise
!zone {
lda #$08
ldx #$5D
ldy #$0C
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $68,$85,WILDCARD,$68,$85,WILDCARD,$A0,$01
!byte $B1,WILDCARD,$85,$54
bcs .no
lda #kSectorOptional
sta T01S0F
; xB4BB
; check if disk changes RWTS in late boot after a nibble check
; (very messy because it needs to handle DOS 3.2 and 3.3 variants
; in either low or high memory)
; in: $0800..$08FF contains boot0
; either $3600..$3FFF or $B600..$BFFF contains boot1
; out: C clear if RWTS was modified in this routine
; C set otherwise
!zone {
lda gTrack
lda gSector
lda #$FF ; modified at runtime (in Inspect1)
ldx #$00
ldy #$20
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $D8,$A9,$DF,$48,$A9,$FF,$48,$A9
!byte $08,$85,$3D,$85,$43,$A9,$BF,$85
!byte $3F,$A9,$00,$85,$3C,$85,$42,$E6
!byte $42,$A9,$FE,$85,$3E,$A0,$00,$AD
bcc +
jmp _b4bbexit
+ lda gIsDOS32
beq .dos32
lda #$55 ; low byte of address that checks address prologue 1
sta b4bbmodify+1
lda #$91 ; low byte of address that checks address epilogue 1
sta b4bbmodify2+1
ldx #$00 ; track
ldy #$0C ; sector
bne .all ; always branches
lda #$76 ; low byte of address that checks address prologue 1
sta b4bbmodify+1
lda #$B2 ; low byte of address that checks address epilogue 1
sta b4bbmodify2+1
ldx #$01 ; track
ldy #$00 ; sector
stx gTrack
sty gSector
lda #$00
sta gAddress
lda #$0C
sta gAddress+1
jsr ReadSector ; read sector so we can look for 'JMP $B4BB' marker
bcs _b4bbexit
lda #$0C
ldx #$84
ldy #$03
jsr compare
!byte $4C,$BB,$B4
bcs _b4bbexit
lda gIsDOS32
beq .dos32b
ldx #$02 ; track
ldy #$02 ; sector
bne .allb ; always branches
ldx #$02 ; track
ldy #$09 ; sector
stx gTrack
sty gSector
jsr ReadSector ; read sector to get address prologue 3 for rest of disk
bcs _b4bbexit
lda #$0C
sta x0+2
x0 lda $FFC2 ; high byte modified at runtime (above)
sta $FFFF ; modified at runtime (high byte in Inspect1, low byte above)
lda #$DE
sta $FFFF ; modified at runtime (high byte in Inspect1, low byte above)
lda gIsDOS32
bne _b4bbexit
lda #kSectorCustomDOS32B4BB
sta T02S0C
sta gSector
sta gTrack
; xB660
; Check if RWTS calls an extra routine at $B660
; after matching the first two data prologue
; nibbles. This routine can hang in an infinite
; loop if it's used to read an unprotected sector,
; so we need to force-switch to the built-in RWTS
; after reading all the protected sectors.
; (T00,S00-S09 are unprotected because they are
; read by the drive firmware.)
; in: $0800..$08FF contains boot0
; out: C clear if $B660 routine was found
; C set otherwise
!zone {
lda #$08
ldx #$60
ldy #$1A
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $BD,$8C,$C0,$10,$FB,$C9,$AD,$D0
!byte $F4,$A9,$F8,$3D,$8C,$C0,$D0,$02
!byte $EA,$EA,$EA,$EA,$BD,$8C,$C0,$2A
!byte $30,$02
bcs .no
lda #kSectorSwitchToBuiltinRWTS
sta T00S09
; IsEATrack6
; check if track 6 even exists
; in the case of EA, track 6 reads as track 5
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if read track does not match expected track
; C set otherwise
lda gTrack
cmp #6
bne +
lda $2E ;DOS read track number
sbc #5
cmp #1
+ rts