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synced 2024-12-22 19:30:50 +00:00
201 lines
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201 lines
5.5 KiB
lda #$22
jsr ChangeTrackNW
lda #$0F
ldx gIs13Sector
bne +
lda #$0C
+ jsr ChangeSector
lda #<T22S0F
sta checksector+1
lda #>T22S0F
sta checksector+2
lda KEY
bpl .checkinfocom
cmp #$e0 ;ignore backtick (MAME debug break)
beq .checkinfocom
jmp Cancel
lda gIsInfocom18
and gIsRW18
bne checksector
jsr VerifyInfocom18
bcc .passtrack
jmp FatalError
jmp .prevtrack
lda $FFFF ; status of current sector in sector map (modified above)
cmp #kSectorCustomFirst ; call a custom routine before deciding what to do with this sector?
bcc +
cmp #kSectorCustomLast
bcs +
jsr PreReadSector
+ pha ; replace status (on stack) with new status returned from PreReadSector
cmp #kSectorIgnore ; skip this sector?
beq nextsector
cmp #kSectorSwitchToBuiltinRWTS ; switch to built-in RWTS before reading this sector?
bne +
lda gTriedUniv
beq +
jsr SwitchToUniv
+ jsr ReadSector
bcc nextsector
; Uh oh, we got a read error. But do we care?
; If we just got to this track, check for whole-track protections.
ldx #$0F ;16-sector
lda gIs13Sector
beq .expect13
lda gIsDOS32
bne +
ldx #$0C ;13-sector
+ cpx gSector
bne .checkoptional
stx .sub+1
jsr SkipTrack
bcs .checkoptional
; Skip this track (we already printed the reason)
lda #$00
jsr ChangeSector
lda checksector+1
.sub sbc #$0F ;self-modified according to sectors per track
sta checksector+1
bcs +
dec checksector+2
+ jmp nextsector
; do this only *after* checking for track-skip
; to avoid fatal errors on unformatted tracks
; Maybe we marked this sector as optional based
; on markers in the bootloader.
cmp #kSectorOptional
beq .optional
; Otherwise we're in the middle of a track, so try switching to
; the universal RWTS and see if that helps. (Many disks contain
; an RWTS that can't read the early tracks or sectors that
; contain the RWTS code, since those are loaded by the
; disk controller firmware.)
lda gIsDOS32 ; is this a DOS 3.2 disk?
beq .fatal ; yes, so read error is fatal
lda gTriedUniv ; have we tried the universal RWTS?
beq .maybedavidson ; yes, but check one last thing
jsr SwitchToUniv ; no, switch it in now
jmp .read ; and re-read this sector
jsr IDDavidson
bcc .optional
.fatal pla ; if we get to here, we've
jmp FatalError ; decided the read error is fatal
lda #s_optbad ; say we're skipping this
jsr PrintByID ; optional sector
; /!\ execution falls through here
lda checksector+1
bne .nodec
dec checksector+2
dec checksector+1
ldy gSector
jsr ChangeSector
lda gSector
bmi .prevtrack
jmp .read
lda #$0F
ldx gIs13Sector
bne +
lda #$0C
+ jsr ChangeSector
ldy gTrack
jsr ChangeTrack
jsr IncProgress
lda gTrack
bmi Pass
cmp gLastTrack
bcs .linkread
bit gMode
bpl @passVerify
lda gRAMDiskRef
beq @printFinalMessage ; not using RAM disk, so we're done
; we've written the entire cracked disk as a file on the RAM disk,
; now a second pass to write that file out to the target disk drive
lda #s_writingto
jsr PrintByID
lda #s_slotanddrive
jsr PrintByID
jsr SwapProDOS ; ProDOS out -> in
jsr WriteRAMToDisk
; C=1 if error, and A=MLI error code
jsr SwapProDOS ; ProDOS in -> out (preserves registers+flags)
bit KEY ; preserves C
bmi Cancel
bcc @printFinalMessage
jmp FatalWriteError
lda gPatchCount
beq @passWithZeroPatches
lda #s_passcrack ; 'crack complete'
!byte $2C
lda #s_passcrack0 ; 'crack complete but no patches'
!byte $2C
lda #s_pass ; 'verification complete'
jsr PrintByID
jmp TheEnd
lda #s_canceled
jsr PrintByID
jmp TheEnd
lda #s_fail
jsr PrintByID
lda gTrack
cmp #$22
bne @TheEnd
lda gSector
cmp #$0F
beq @failont22s0f
ldx gIsDOS32
bne @TheEnd
cmp #$0C
bne @TheEnd
lda #s_fatal220f
jsr PrintByID
@TheEnd jmp TheEnd