2021-04-20 00:02:09 -04:00

271 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File

; SkipTrack
; out: C clear if we should skip this track
; C set if we should not skip this track
; don't look for whole-track protections on track 0, that's silly
lda gTrack
beq @linknoskip
; Electronic Arts protection track?
jsr IsEATrack6
lda #s_eatrk6
bcc @print
; Nibble count track?
jsr JustTheSameDamnThingOverAndOver
lda #s_sync
bcc @print ; always branches
; Unformatted track?
jsr IsUnformatted
bcs @donotskip
; $F7F6EFEAAB protection track?
; (initially presents as unformatted, needs separate test because it
; triggers special handling)
jsr IsF7F6
lda #s_unformat
bcs @print
lda #s_f7
bit gMode
bpl @print
bvc @print
; if we're in 'crack' mode, restart the scan to find the protection code
jmp SetupF7F6SecondRound
jsr PrintByID
; Skipping T22 on a ProDOS disk might indicate the presence of a
; Gamco Industries protection elsewhere on the disk. Different
; Gamco disks present as different types of weirdness on T22 --
; EEEF, sync, or even unformatted. (The actual protection is just
; a bad block check, so putting the code here will catch all
; possible cases.)
lda gTrack
cmp #$22
bne @donotskip
lda gIsProDOS
bne @donotskip
sta gPossibleGamco
; IsF7F6
; check for a specific nibble sequence
; ("F7 F6 EF EE AB") that is used by a
; whole-track protection scheme
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if sequence was found
; C set if sequence was not found
lda $C0E9
lda #$00
jsr WAIT
lda #$19
sta nibcount
- jsr ReadNib
cmp #$F7
beq +
@restart iny
bne -
dec nibcount
bne -
beq @driveoff
+ jsr ReadNib
cmp #$F6
bne @restart
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$EF
bne @restart
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$EE
bne @restart
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$AB
bne @restart
lda $C0E8
; SetupF7F6SecondRound
; Print that we found the F7F6 protection track,
; then restart the scan so we can search every sector
; for the protection code.
; Never returns.
; Exits via RestartScan.
; Mark in the sector map that we should ignore
; this protection track the second time around.
lda checksector+1
sta @a+1
lda checksector+2
sta @a+2
ldy gSector
lda #kSectorIgnore
@a sta $D1D1 ; modifed at runtime
ldx @a+1
bne +
dec @a+2
+ dec @a+1
bpl @a
lda #s_f7 ; print that we found the protection track
jsr PrintByID
lda #TRUE
sta gIsF7F6 ; set global to activate expensive patcher
jmp RestartScan
; JustTheSameDamnThingOverAndOver
; check if track has 512 repeated nibbles
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if found
; C set otherwise
lda $C0E9 ; turn on drive motor, but we assume it's already spun up from previous reads so no waiting
lda #$60
sta tmp
lda #$19
sta unform+1
ldx #$00
; Timing-sensitive code! Cycle counts in margin for worst case path
@reset clv ; 2
ldy #$00 ; 2
sta @cmp+1 ; 4
@loop lda $C0EC ; 4
bpl @loop ; 2 when not taken
dex ; 2
bne @cmp ; 2 when not taken
dec unform+1 ; 5
beq @notfound ; 2 when not taken
@cmp cmp #$d1 ; 2
bne @reset ; 2 when not taken
iny ; 2
bne @loop ; 2 when not taken (3 when taken)
bvs @found ; 2 when not taken
bit tmp ; 3 (sets overflow flag)
bvs @loop ; 3 (always taken)
!byte $24
lda $C0E8
; IsUnformatted
; check if track is unformatted by counting
; the number of valid nibbles in a row
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if track is unformatted
; C set if track is formatted
lda #$FD
sta gNIBTableFF
lda $C0E9 ; turn on drive motor, but we assume it's already spun up from previous reads so no waiting
lda #$00
sta unform
lda #$19
sta unform+1
; Timing-sensitive code! Cycle counts in margin for worst case path
@reset ldy #$00
@loop ldx $C0EC ; 4
bpl @loop ; 2 when not taken
dec unform ; 5
bne + ; 2 when not taken
dec unform+1 ; 5
beq @unformatted;2 when not taken
+ lda gNIBTable,x; 4
bmi @reset ; 2 when not taken
iny ; 2
bne @loop ; 3 when taken
!byte $24
lda $C0E8
lda #$3F
sta gNIBTableFF
; IsEATrack6
; check if track 6 even exists
; in the case of EA, track 6 reads as track 5
; in slot 6, drive 1 is on track to test
; out C clear if read track does not match expected track
; C set otherwise
lda gTrack
cmp #6
bne +
lda $2E ;DOS read track number
sbc #5
cmp #1
+ rts
; ReadNib
; read a single nibble from S6,D1
; in: S6,D1 must be spun up and ready to read
; out: A contains nibble value
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
; Read4x4
; read a 4-4-encoded value from S6,D1
; in: S6,D1 must be spun up and ready to read
; out: A contains decoded value
; @tmp clobbered
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
sta tmp
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
and tmp