mirror of https://github.com/a2-4am/passport.git synced 2025-03-28 14:34:09 +00:00
Peter Ferrie f7ede6ef84 pack T00 analyzers
define a global page for shared content
make nib table global
autoclear filters instead of case-by-case
cache IDs in global variables where useful
merge some near-duplicated routines
optimise sector reordering
allow cancel when writing from RAM
pack universal RWTS dynamically to allow easier modification
consolidate output when modifying sequential nibble table entries
make Standard Delivery accept a parameter to specify table
switch unpacker to Exomizer for cross-platform support
make relbase dynamic for easier building
makefile for windows
2017-11-08 21:47:12 -08:00

40 lines
1.3 KiB

0</* :
@echo off
if "%1" equ "clean" (
echo y|1>nul rd build /s
goto :EOF
2>nul md build
cd src\mods
acme universalrwts.a
cd ..\..\build
exomize raw -q universalrwts.bin -o universalrwts.tmp
cscript /nologo //e:jscript %~f0 "b8" "00"
1>nul copy /b tmp+universalrwts.tmp universalrwts.pak
cd ..\src\mods
acme t00only.a
cd ..\..\build
exomize raw -q t00only.bin -o t00only.tmp
cscript /nologo //e:jscript %~f0 "20" "00"
1>nul copy /b tmp+t00only.tmp t00only.pak
cd ..\src
for /f "tokens=*" %%q in ('2^>^&1 acme passport.a') do set _make=%%q
acme -DRELBASE=$%_make:~-5,4% passport.a
set _make=
cd ..
1>nul copy res\work.po build\passport.po
java -jar bin\AppleCommander.jar -p build\passport.po "PASSPORT.SYSTEM" sys 0x2000 < build\PASSPORT.SYSTEM
goto :EOF
new ActiveXObject("scripting.filesystemobject").createtextfile("tmp").write(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(WScript.arguments(0),16),String.fromCharCode(parseInt(WScript.arguments(1),16))))
bat/jscript hybrid make script for Windows environments
a qkumba monstrosity from 2017-10-16
requires ACME, Exomizer, Apple Commander, Java
requires ACME, Exomizer, Java to be in path