
27 lines
744 B
Executable File

; #JMPB400
; boot1 jumps to nibble check at
; $B400 instead of $9D84
; e.g. Decimal Discovery
lda gIsBoot0 ; if DOS 3.3 boot0 loader
bne jmpb400_exit
lda gIsBoot1 ; and DOS 3.3 boot1 loader
bne jmpb400_exit
lda #$01
sta gDisplayBytes
ldx #$47
ldy #$03
jsr compare ; and T00,S01,$47 ==
!byte $4C,00,$B4
bcs jmpb400_exit
lda #s_jmpb400
jsr PrintByID
lda #$01
ldx #$48
ldy #$02
jsr modify ; then set T00,S01,$48 =
!byte $84,$9D