[info] INEVITABLE Copyright 2003 by T. L. Heinrich (a.k.a. Kathleen M. Fischer) Genre: science fiction Difficulty: adjustable [description] "Move!" you shout over the storm, shoving the Ambassador into the shuttle then slamming the outer door closed, giving the vessel a solid rap when all is secure. Backing up a few steps, you immediately lose the craft in the driving rain, with only the whine of the engines indicating which way not to go. You turn away, struggling against rising winds as you retrace your steps to your fighter and crawl inside, cringing when the shuttle's premature lift-off sends a barrage of stones against your hull. Great, just what you needed -- more dents. Skipping preflight, you quickly check your straps, grab the stick and flip the switch to fire the engines. Nothing happens. [versions] INEVITA.Z5=Release 2 / Serial number 030428 [options] ARTWORK=0 CLUES=0 VERSIONS=0 [eof]