This is an alternate approach proposed by Sean Nolan in 1987 which
allows placing the driver files in a subdirectory of the root volume
to avoid clutter and file ordering issues. Only a SETUP.SYSTEM file is
needed at the top level, and the drivers go into a SETUPS/ directory.
All drivers here (except QUIT.SYSTEM and SETUP.SYSTEM itself) have
alternate forms built into the /DRIVERS/SETUPS/ directory as XYZ.SETUP
instead of XYZ.SYSTEM. If you choose to use SETUP.SYSTEM, place these
.SETUP files in your SETUPS/ directory. The naming doesn't matter -
any SYS or BIN file can be used - but this convention makes
distribution easier. These .SETUP files do **NOT** chain to the next
file - that's handled by SETUP.SYSTEM itself.
This one driver pulls in the installers for each other clock driver,
and invokes each in turn:
* No-Slot Clock
* FujiNet
* DClock
* Cricket!
This requires adding `.ifndef JUMBO` guards in the other drivers for
when they pull in include files (symbols, macros, etc). The other
drivers are adjusted to return with carry clear on successful install,
failure otherwise.