;;; Disassembly of the ProDOS 8 Selector ("BYE") found in ProDOS 1.9 ;;; and 2.0.x and installed automatically for 80-column systems. ;;; ;;; Installer wrapper added by Joshua Bell inexorabletash@gmail.com .setcpu "65C02" .linecont + .feature string_escapes .include "apple2.inc" .include "apple2.mac" .include "../inc/apple2.inc" .include "../inc/macros.inc" .include "../inc/prodos.inc" .include "../inc/ascii.inc" ;;; ************************************************************ .include "../inc/driver_preamble.inc" ;;; ************************************************************ ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; ProDOS Technical Reference Manual, ;;; ;;; ProDOS MLI call $65, the QUIT call, moves addresses $D100 through ;;; $D3FF from the second 4K bank of RAM of the language card to ;;; $1000, and executes a JMP to $1000. What initially resides in that ;;; area is Apple's dispatcher code. ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Installer ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ max_size = $300 .proc maybe_install_driver src := install_src end := install_src + install_size dst := $D100 ; Install location in ProDOS (bank 2) src_ptr := $19 dst_ptr := $1B sta ALTZPOFF lda ROMIN lda ROMIN lda #>src sta src_ptr+1 lda #dst sta dst_ptr+1 lda #end bne loop lda src_ptr cmp #bbb sta RESETVEC+1 jsr SETPWRC ; update validity check byte lda #$A0 jsr SLOT3 ; Activate 80-Column Firmware ;; Update system bitmap ldx #BITMAP_SIZE-1 ; zero it all out : stz BITMAP,x dex bpl :- inc BITMAP+BITMAP_SIZE-1 ; protect ProDOS global page lda #%11001111 ; protect zp, stack, text page 1 sta BITMAP ;; Find device lda #2 sta mark_params ldx DEVCNT ; max device num stx next_device_num lda DEVNUM bne check_device next_device: ldx next_device_num lda DEVLST,x cpx #1 bcs :+ ldx DEVCNT inx : dex stx next_device_num check_device: sta on_line_params_unit MLI_CALL ON_LINE, on_line_params bcs next_device stz prefix_depth lda prefix+1 and #$0F beq next_device adc #2 tax ;; Resize prefix to length x and open the directory for reading .proc resize_prefix_and_open stx prefix lda #'/' sta prefix+1 sta prefix,x stz prefix+1,x MLI_CALL OPEN, open_params bcc :+ ;; Open failed lda prefix_depth ; root? beq next_device jsr BELL1 ; no, but failed; beep jsr pop_prefix ; and go up a level stx prefix jmp keyboard_loop ;; Open succeeded : inc prefix_depth stz num_entries lda open_params_ref_num sta read_params_ref_num sta mark_ref_num lda #.sizeof(SubdirectoryHeader) sta read_params_request stz read_params_request+1 jsr do_read bcs finish_read2 ;; Store entry_length/entries_per_block/file_count ldx #3 : lda read_buffer + SubdirectoryHeader::entry_length,x sta entry_length,x dex bpl :- sta read_params_request lda #1 sta entry_num stz mark_position+1 stz mark_position+2 lda file_count ora file_count+1 bne next_file_entry ; any files? finish_read2: bra finish_read next_file_entry: bit file_count+1 ; wrap around? bmi finish_read2 ;; TODO: The math here is mysterious; understand and document floop: lda mark_position+1 and #$FE sta mark_position+1 ldy entry_num lda #0 cpy entries_per_block bcc :+ tay sty entry_num inc mark_position+1 carry: inc mark_position+1 : dey clc bmi :+ adc entry_length bcc :- bcs carry : adc #4 sta mark_position MLI_CALL SET_MARK, mark_params bcs finish_read2 jsr do_read bcs finish_read2 inc entry_num lda read_buffer + FileEntry::storage_type_name_length and #$F0 ; mask off storage_type beq floop ; inactive file entry dec file_count bne :+ dec file_count+1 ;; Check read access : ror read_buffer + FileEntry::access bcc next_file_entry ;; Check file type lda read_buffer + FileEntry::file_type cmp #FT_DIRECTORY beq :+ cmp #FT_SYSTEM bne next_file_entry ;; Check to see if we have room : ldx num_entries cpx #max_entries bcs finish_read ;; Store type sta types_table,x ;; Copy name jsr update_curr_ptr ldy #$0F ; name length + 1 (includes length byte) : lda read_buffer,y sta (curr_ptr),y dey bpl :- iny ; Y = 0 and #$0F ; mask off name length (remove storage_type) sta (curr_ptr),y ; store length ;; Next inc num_entries bne next_file_entry next: jmp next_device finish_read: MLI_CALL CLOSE, close_params bcs next ;; fall through .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc draw_screen jsr SETTXT ; TEXT jsr HOME ; HOME lda #23 ; VTAB 23 jsr TABV ;; Print help text ldy #0 lda #20 ; HTAB 20 jsr cout_string_hpos ;; Draw prefix jsr home ldx #0 : lda prefix+1,x beq :+ jsr ascii_cout inx bne :- : stz current_entry stz page_start lda num_entries beq keyboard_loop ; no entries (empty directory) row_count := $6A cmp #bottom_row ; more entries than fit? bcc :+ lda #(bottom_row - top_row + 1) : sta row_count lda #2 sta WNDTOP sta WNDLFT lda #22 sta WNDWDTH sta WNDBTM loop: jsr draw_current_line inc current_entry dec row_count bne loop stz current_entry beq draw_current_line_inv .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc on_up jsr draw_current_line ; clear inverse selection ldx current_entry beq draw_current_line_inv ; first one? just redraw dec current_entry ; go to previous lda CV cmp #top_row ; at the top? bne draw_current_line_inv ; if not, just draw dec page_start ; yes, adjust page and lda #ASCII_SYN ; scroll screen up bne draw_current_line_with_char .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc on_down jsr draw_current_line ; clear inverse selection ldx current_entry inx cpx num_entries ; past the limit? bcs draw_current_line_inv ; yes, just redraw stx current_entry ; go to next lda CV cmp #bottom_row ; at the bottom? bne draw_current_line_inv ; if not, just draw inc page_start ; yes, adjust page and lda #ASCII_ETB ; scroll screen down ;; fall through .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ draw_current_line_with_char: jsr COUT draw_current_line_inv: jsr SETINV jsr draw_current_line ;; fall through ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc keyboard_loop lda KBD bpl keyboard_loop sta KBDSTRB jsr SETNORM ldx num_entries beq :+ ; no up/down/return if empty cmp #HI(ASCII_CR) beq on_return cmp #HI(ASCII_DOWN) beq on_down cmp #HI(ASCII_UP) beq on_up : cmp #HI(ASCII_TAB) beq next_drive cmp #HI(ASCII_ESCAPE) bne keyboard_loop ;; fall through .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc on_escape jsr pop_prefix ; leaves length in X dec prefix_depth bra resize_prefix_and_open_jmp .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Remove level from prefix; returns new length in X .proc pop_prefix ldx prefix loop: dex lda prefix,x cmp #'/' bne loop cpx #1 bne done ldx prefix done: rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ next_drive: jmp next_device inc_resize_prefix_and_open: inx resize_prefix_and_open_jmp: jmp resize_prefix_and_open ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc on_return MLI_CALL SET_PREFIX, set_prefix_params bcs next_drive ldx current_entry jsr update_curr_ptr ldx prefix : iny lda (curr_ptr),y inx sta prefix,x cpy curr_len bcc :- stx prefix ldy current_entry lda types_table,y bpl inc_resize_prefix_and_open ; is directory??? ;; nope, system file, so... ;; fall through .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc launch_sys_file jsr SETTXT jsr HOME lda #HI(ASCII_RIGHT) ; Right arrow jsr COUT MLI_CALL OPEN, open_params bcs next_drive lda open_params_ref_num sta read_params_ref_num lda #$FF ; Load up to $FFFF bytes sta read_params_request sta read_params_request+1 jsr do_read php MLI_CALL CLOSE, close_params plp bcs next_drive jmp read_buffer ; Invoke the loaded code .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ cout_string_hpos: sta CH .proc cout_string loop: lda help_string,y beq done jsr COUT iny bne loop done: rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Compute address/length of curr_ptr/curr_len ;; Call with entry index in X. .proc update_curr_ptr stz curr_ptr+1 txa asl a rol curr_ptr+1 asl a rol curr_ptr+1 asl a rol curr_ptr+1 asl a rol curr_ptr+1 sta curr_ptr lda #>filenames clc adc curr_ptr+1 sta curr_ptr+1 ldy #0 lda (curr_ptr),y sta curr_len rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc draw_current_line lda #2 ; hpos = 2 sta COL80HPOS ldx current_entry ; vpos = entry - page_start + 2 txa sec sbc page_start inc a inc a jsr TABV lda types_table,x bmi name ; is sys file? ;; Draw folder glyph stz COL80HPOS lda INVFLG pha ldy #(folder_string - string_start) ; Draw folder glyphs jsr cout_string pla sta INVFLG ;; Draw the name name: jsr space jsr update_curr_ptr loop: iny lda (curr_ptr),y jsr ascii_cout cpy curr_len bcc loop space: lda #HI(' ') bne cout ; implicit RTS ;; fall through .endproc home: lda #HI(ASCII_EM) ; move cursor to top left ;; Sets high bit before calling COUT ascii_cout: ora #$80 cout: jmp COUT ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc do_read MLI_CALL READ, read_params rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ string_start := * .proc help_string scrcode "RETURN: Select | TAB: Chg Vol | ESC: Back" .byte 0 .endproc ;; Mousetext sequence: Enable, folder left, folder right, disable .proc folder_string .byte $0F,$1B,$D8,$D9,$18,$0E .byte 0 ; null terminated .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc open_params params: .byte 3 path: .addr prefix buffer: .addr $1C00 ref_num:.byte 0 .endproc open_params_ref_num := open_params::ref_num .proc close_params params: .byte 1 ref_num:.byte 0 .endproc .proc on_line_params params: .byte 2 unit: .byte $60 buffer: .addr prefix+1 .endproc on_line_params_unit := on_line_params::unit .proc set_prefix_params params: .byte 1 path: .addr prefix .endproc .proc read_params params: .byte 4 ref_num:.byte 1 buffer: .word read_buffer request:.word 0 trans: .word 0 .endproc read_params_ref_num := read_params::ref_num read_params_request := read_params::request .assert read_params::request - bbb <= $300, error, "Must fit in $300 bytes" ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .endproc install_size = $300 poporg ;;; ************************************************************ .include "../inc/driver_postamble.inc" ;;; ************************************************************