; Fully disassembled and analyzed source to AE ; DCLOCK.SYSTEM by M.G. - 04/18/2017 ; https://gist.github.com/mgcaret/7f0d7aeec169e90809c7cfaab9bf183b ; Further modified by @inexorabletash - 12/21/2020 ; There are critical bugs in the original AE code: ; * When driver loader is initially probing it corrupts the ; Apple //c Memory Expansion Card: ; - it saves, but fails to restore, data at address $080000 ; - it fails to reset slinky pointer, and *will* trash $080000-$080007 ; * When the clock is read, it corrupts data at address $08xx01 ; - John Brooks spotted this, [M.G.] totally missed this. ; This version of the code has fixes permanently applied. .setcpu "65C02" .linecont + .feature string_escapes .include "apple2.inc" .include "apple2.mac" .include "opcodes.inc" .include "../inc/apple2.inc" .include "../inc/macros.inc" .include "../inc/prodos.inc" ; zero page locations SCRATCH := $0B ; scratch value for BCD range checks SAVEBYTE := $0C ; slinky overwritten byte save location BCDTMP := $3A ; location clock driver uses for BCD->Binary ; buffers & other spaces INBUF := $0200 ; input buffer CLOCKBUF := $0300 ; clock buffer ; I/O and hardware C8OFF := $CFFF ; C8xx ROM off SLOT4ROM := $C400 ; Slot 4 ROM space SLOT4IO := $C0C0 ; Slot 4 I/O space DPTRL := SLOT4IO+0 ; Slinky data ptr low DPTRM := SLOT4IO+1 ; Slinky data ptr middle DPTRH := SLOT4IO+2 ; Slinky data ptr high DATA := SLOT4IO+3 ; Slinky data byte ;;; ************************************************************ .include "../inc/driver_preamble.inc" ;;; ************************************************************ ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ;;; Driver Installer ;;; ;;; ============================================================ .define PRODUCT "DClock" ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Ensure there is not a previous clock driver installed. ;;; And that this is a IIc. And that the clock is present. .proc maybe_install_driver lda MACHID and #$01 ; existing clock card? bne done lda VERSION ; IIc identification byte 1 cmp #$06 bne done lda ZIDBYTE ; IIc identification byte 2 cmp #$00 bne done jsr ClockRead jsr ValidTime bcc InstallDriver ;; Show failure message jsr log_message scrcode PRODUCT, " - Not Found." .byte 0 done: rts .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Install clock driver .proc InstallDriver ;; Copy into address at DATETIME vector, update the vector and ;; update MACHID bits to signal a clock is present. ptr := $A5 ;; Update absolute addresses within driver lda DATETIME+1 sta ptr clc adc #(regulk - driver - 1) sta regulk_addr lda DATETIME+2 sta ptr+1 adc #0 sta regulk_addr+1 ;; Copy driver into appropriate bank lda RWRAM1 lda RWRAM1 ldy #sizeof_driver-1 loop: lda driver,y sta (ptr),y dey bpl loop ;; Set the "Recognizable Clock Card" bit lda MACHID ora #$01 sta MACHID lda #OPC_JMP_abs sta DATETIME ;; Invoke the driver to init the time jsr DATETIME lda ROMIN2 ;; Display success message jsr log_message scrcode PRODUCT, " - " .byte 0 ;; Display the current date lda DATELO+1 ; month ror a pha lda DATELO pha rol a rol a rol a rol a and #%00001111 jsr cout_number lda #HI('/') ; / jsr COUT pla ; day and #%00011111 jsr cout_number lda #HI('/') ; / jsr COUT pla ; year jsr cout_number rts ; done! .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; enable slinky registers, set adddress and save byte we intend to trash .proc SlinkyEnable lda C8OFF ; not needed on //c, but release $C8xx firmware lda SLOT4ROM ; enable slinky registers lda #$08 ; set addr $080000 sta DPTRH stz DPTRM stz DPTRL lda DATA ; read data byte sta SAVEBYTE ; save it to restore later rts .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Routine to restore trashed byte in slinky RAM .proc SlinkyRestore lda #$08 ; set adddr $080000 sta DPTRH stz DPTRM stz DPTRL lda SAVEBYTE ; get saved byte sta DATA ; and put it back lda C8OFF ; not needed on //c, but release $C8xx firmware rts .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Write 8 bits to clock .proc ClockWrite8b ldx #$08 ; set adddr $080000 stx DPTRH stz DPTRM : stz DPTRL ; restore low byte to 0 sta DATA ; write byte lsr a ; next bit into 0 position dex bne :- rts .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; unlock the clock by writing the magic bit sequence .proc ClockUnlock ldy #$08 : lda unlock,y jsr ClockWrite8b ; write 8 bits dey bne :- rts unlock = * - 1 .byte $5c, $a3, $3a, $c5, $5c, $a3, $3a, $c5 .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Read 8 bits from the clock .proc ClockRead8b ldx #$08 ; set adddr $080000 stz DPTRL stz DPTRM stx DPTRH : pha ; save accumulator lda DATA ; get data byte lsr a ; bit 0 into carry pla ; restore accumulator ror a ; put read bit into position dex bne :- rts .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; read the clock data into memory at CLOCKBUF ; WARNING: unfixed code never restores byte we trashed .proc ClockRead jsr SlinkyEnable jsr ClockUnlock ldy #$00 : jsr ClockRead8b sta CLOCKBUF,y iny cpy #$08 ; have we read 8 bytes? bcc :- ; nope jsr SlinkyRestore rts .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; validate the DClock data makes sense ; return carry clear if it does, carry set if it does not .proc ValidTime ; validate ms ldx #$00 ldy #$99 lda CLOCKBUF jsr CheckBCD bcs :+ ; validate seconds ldx #$00 ldy #$59 lda CLOCKBUF+$01 jsr CheckBCD bcs :+ ; validate minutes ldx #$00 ldy #$59 lda CLOCKBUF+$02 jsr CheckBCD bcs :+ ; validate hours ldx #$00 ldy #$23 lda CLOCKBUF+$03 jsr CheckBCD bcs :+ ; validate day of week ldx #$01 ldy #$07 lda CLOCKBUF+$04 jsr CheckBCD bcs :+ ; validate day of month ldx #$01 ldy #$31 lda CLOCKBUF+$05 jsr CheckBCD bcs :+ ; validate month ldx #$01 ldy #$12 lda CLOCKBUF+$06 jsr CheckBCD bcs :+ ; validate year ldx #$00 ldy #$99 lda CLOCKBUF+$07 jsr CheckBCD bcs :+ clc ; all good rts : sec ; problem rts .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check BCD number in range of [x,y] ; return carry clear if it is, carry set if it is not .proc CheckBCD sed ; decimal mode stx SCRATCH ; lower bound into scratch cmp SCRATCH ; compare it bcc :++ ; fail if out of range sty SCRATCH ; upper bound into scratch cmp SCRATCH ; compare it beq :+ ; OK if equal bcs :++ ; fail if out of range : cld ; in range clc rts : cld ; not in range sec rts .endproc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; clock driver code inserted into ProDOS driver: lda #$08 ; useless instruction php sei lda SLOT4ROM ; activate slinky registers ; ($08 from above overwritten) stz DPTRL ; set slinky address to $08xx00 ldy #$08 ; also counter for unlock bytes sty DPTRH lda DATA ; get destroyed byte ; (slinky now at $08xx01) pha ; save value on stack ; unlock dclock registers regulk_addr := *+1 ubytlp: lda regulk,y ; self-modified ldx #$08 ; bit counter ubitlp: stz DPTRL ; reset pointer to $08xx00 sta DATA ; write to $08xx00 lsr a ; next bit into 0 position dex bne ubitlp dey bne ubytlp ; now read 64 bits (8 bytes) from dclock ldx #$08 ; byte counter rbytlp: ldy #$08 ; bit counter rbitlp: pha lda DATA ; data byte lsr a ; bit 0 into carry pla ror a ; carry into bit 7 dey bne rbitlp ; got 8 bits now, convert from BCD to binary pha and #$0F sta BCDTMP pla and #$F0 lsr a pha adc BCDTMP sta BCDTMP pla lsr a lsr a adc BCDTMP ; place in input buffer, which is OK because the ThunderClock driver does this sta INBUF-1,x dex bne rbytlp ; done copying, now put necessary values into ProDOS time locations ; copy hours to ProDOS hours lda INBUF+4 sta TIMEHI ; copy minutes to ProDOS minutes lda INBUF+5 sta TIMELO ; copy month ... lda INBUF+1 lsr a ror a ror a ror a ; ... and day of month to ProDOS month/day ora INBUF+2 sta DATELO ; copy year and final bit of month to ProDOS year/month lda INBUF rol a sta DATEHI stz DPTRL ; set slinky back to $08xx00 pla ; get saved byte sta DATA ; put it back plp rts ; DS1215 unlock sequence (in reverse) regulk = * - 1 .byte $5C, $A3, $3A, $C5, $5C, $A3, $3A, $C5 sizeof_driver := * - driver .assert sizeof_driver <= 125, error, "Clock code must be <= 125 bytes" ;;; ************************************************************ .include "../inc/driver_postamble.inc" ;;; ************************************************************