* * more - Text viewer * * BEQ - Branch if Equal * Branches if the zero flag (Z) is set to 1. This happens if: * - A 0 value is loaded into the accumulator via LDA * - A CMP is done on two equal values * - A SBC is done on two equal values? * BCC - Branch if Carry Flag is Clear * Equivalent to Branch if Less Than (BLT), meaning that the * accumulator (A) is less than the parameter: A < Param * BGE - Branch if Accum >= Param is BCS PROMPT equ $33 BUFF equ $200 * System subroutines stored in Monitor ROM GETLN equ $fd6a ; Reads a line of input, with prompt from $33 GETLNZ equ $fd67 ; Reads a line of input, CR first GETLN1 equ $fd6f ; Reads a line of input, no prompt CROUT equ $fd8e ; Outputs a carriage return PRBYTE equ $fdda ; Outputs a byte COUT equ $fded ; Outputs a character * MLI stands for Machine Language Interface * It is the ProDOS system call entry point MLI equ $bf00 * ProDOS system call command codes OPEN equ $c8 READ equ $ca CLOSE equ $cc * Constants EOF equ $4c ; End of file PTR equ $06 MAX_EC equ $5a ; The largest error code CR equ $0d ; Carriage return BUF_SIZ equ $00ff WRITE_CHAR mac if #=]1 lda ]1 else lda #]1 fin jsr COUT eom WRITE_BYTE mac lda ]1 jsr PRBYTE eom WRITE_ASC mac tya ; Preserve Y by transferring it to A pha ; and pushing it onto the stack ldy #0 ; Prepare loop index nextch lda ]1,Y ; Load a character into A beq finish ; Branch if lda loaded a zero value jsr COUT ; Write the character in A iny ; Increment Y jmp nextch ; Go back and load the next character finish pla ; Restore Y by pulling stack into A tay ; and transferring it to Y eom WRITE_STR mac tya ; Preserve Y pha lda ]1 ; Length byte sta len ldy #1 ; Prepare loop index nextChar tya cmp len ; Check if beyond end of string bcc writeChar ; Y is Less than beq writeChar ; or equal to len jmp finish writeChar lda ]1,y ; Load a character jsr COUT iny jmp nextChar len db 0 finish pla ; Restore Y tay eom COPY_BYTE mac lda ]1 sta ]2 eom * Copies a line out of BUFF into ]1. * Length is in X as is done by GETLN. COPY_BUFF mac tya ; Preserve Y register pha ; by pushing it on the stack txa ; Transfer X to A for compare cmp #$ff ; Check if string is too long bne startCopy ; If not, get started dex ; If so, shrink to fit with length byte startCopy stx ]1 ; Store length to target string ldy #0 ; Initialize loop index nextChar tya ; Move current position to A cmp ]1 ; Compare current position with length beq endCopyLine ; Quit if we've reached the end lda BUFF,y ; Load current character iny ; BUFF and ]1 are off by 1 because of len byte sta ]1,y ; Store character into target string jmp nextChar ; Continue with next character endCopyLine pla ; Restore Y by pulling value from stack tay ; and transferring to Y eom WRITE_BUFF mac tya pha stx len ldy #0 nextByte tya cmp len beq done lda BUFF,y jsr COUT iny jmp nextByte done pla tay eom * Starting at $9000 because: * $800 overwrites Applesoft * $803 is where Applesoft programs start * $2000 is where the current .SYSTEM program is loaded mainProgram org $8000 getFileNam WRITE_ASC prompt COPY_BYTE #"?";PROMPT jsr GETLN1 WRITE_ASC buffText WRITE_BUFF jsr CROUT COPY_BUFF fileName openFile jsr MLI db OPEN da openParams bne openErrorHandler readFile COPY_BYTE fileNum;readNum readNext jsr MLI db READ da readParams cmp #EOF beq closeFile cmp #0 bne readErrorHandler writeScreen ldy #0 sty lineCount sty charCount nextChar lda readIoBuf,y inc charCount ora #$80 jsr COUT cmp $0d bne continue inc lineCount continue cpy #= MAX_EC lda errorCode ; Necessary? clc ; Prepare for addition adc errorCode ; Double for indexing addresses tax lda errorMessages,x sta PTR inx lda errorMessages,x sta PTR+1 bne writeError lda PTR bne writeError unknownError WRITE_ASC unknownErrorCodeText WRITE_CHAR "$" WRITE_BYTE errorCode jsr CROUT jmp endMain writeError WRITE_ASC (PTR) WRITE_CHAR " " WRITE_ASC errorCodeText WRITE_CHAR "$" WRITE_BYTE errorCode WRITE_CHAR ")" jsr CROUT endMain COPY_BYTE #"]";PROMPT ; Restore normal prompt rts * DAT-uh openParams db 3 ; Parameter count oPathPtr da fileName ; Input param - file to open oBufPtr da openIoBuf ; Input param - I/O buffer fileNum ds 1 ; Output param - file ref num readParams db 4 readNum ds 1 da readIoBuf reqCount dw BUF_SIZ transCount ds 2 closeParams db 1 ; Parameter count closeNum db 0 ; Input param - ref num to close fileName ds $ff ; String starting with length byte charCount ds 2 lineCount ds 1 len ds 1 buffText asc "BUFF=",00 prompt asc "ENTER FILE NAME: ",00 errorCode db 0 openFailureText asc "FAILED TO OPEN FILE ",00 readFailureText asc "FAILED TO READ FILE ",00 closeFailureText asc "FAILED TO CLOSE FILE ",00 errorCodeText asc "(ERROR CODE ",00 unknownErrorCodeText asc "UNKNOWN ERROR CODE: ",00 em00 asc "NO ERROR",00 em01 asc "BAD SYSTEM CALL NUMBER",00 em03 asc "NO DEVICE CONNECTED",00 ; Bug in AppleWin < em04 asc "BAD SYSTEM CALL PARAMETER COUNT",00 em25 asc "INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE FULL",00 em27 asc "I/O ERROR",00 em28 asc "DEVICE NOT CONNECTED",00 em2b asc "DISK WRITE PROTECTED",00 em2e asc "DISK SWITCHED WHILE FILE STILL OPEN",00 em40 asc "PATH CONTAINS ILLEGAL CHARACTERS",00 em42 asc "CANNOT EXCEED 8 OPEN FILES",00 em44 asc "PATH NOT FOUND",00 em45 asc "VOLUME DIRECTORY NOT FOUND",00 em46 asc "FILE NOT FOUND",00 em47 asc "DUPLICATE FILENAME",00 em48 asc "DISK IS FULL",00 em49 asc "CANNOT EXCEED 51 DIRECTORY ENTRIES",00 em4a asc "INCOMPATIBLE FILE FORMAT",00 em4b asc "UNSUPPORTED STORAGE TYPE",00 em4c asc "END OF FILE",00 em4d asc "FILE POSITION OUT OF RANGE",00 em4e asc "FILE ATTRIBUTE FORBIDS OPERATION",00 em50 asc "FILE IS OPEN",00 em51 asc "DIRECTORY COUNT ERROR",00 em52 asc "NOT A PRODOS DISK",00 em55 asc "VOLUME CONTROL BLOCK FULL",00 em56 asc "BAD BUFFER ADDRESS",00 em57 asc "DUPLICATE VOLUME",00 em5a asc "BIT MAP DISK ADDRESS IS IMPOSSIBLE",00 * * ERROR CODE TO MESSAGE TRANSLATION TABLE * errorMessages ec00 da em00 ec01 da em01 ec02 da $0000 ec03 da em03 ; Bug in AppleWin < ec04 da em04 ec05 da $0000 ec06 da $0000 ec07 da $0000 ec08 da $0000 ec09 da $0000 ec0a da $0000 ec0b da $0000 ec0c da $0000 ec0d da $0000 ec0e da $0000 ec0f da $0000 ec10 da $0000 ec11 da $0000 ec12 da $0000 ec13 da $0000 ec14 da $0000 ec15 da $0000 ec16 da $0000 ec17 da $0000 ec18 da $0000 ec19 da $0000 ec1a da $0000 ec1b da $0000 ec1c da $0000 ec1d da $0000 ec1e da $0000 ec1f da $0000 ec20 da $0000 ec21 da $0000 ec22 da $0000 ec23 da $0000 ec24 da $0000 ec25 da $0000 ec26 da $0000 ec27 DA em27 ec28 DA em28 ec29 da $0000 ec2a da $0000 ec2b da $0000 ec2c da $0000 ec2d da $0000 ec2e DA em2e ec2f da $0000 ec30 da $0000 ec31 da $0000 ec32 da $0000 ec33 da $0000 ec34 da $0000 ec35 da $0000 ec36 da $0000 ec37 da $0000 ec38 da $0000 ec39 da $0000 ec3a da $0000 ec3b da $0000 ec3c da $0000 ec3d da $0000 ec3e da $0000 ec3f da $0000 ec40 da em40 ec41 da $0000 ec42 da em42 ec43 da $0000 ec44 da em44 ec45 da em45 ec46 da em46 ec47 da em47 ec48 da em48 ec49 da em49 ec4a da em4a ec4b da em4b ec4c da em4c ec4d da em4d ec4e da em4e ec4f da $0000 ec50 da em50 ec51 da em51 ec52 da em52 ec53 da $0000 ec54 da $0000 ec55 da em55 ec56 da em56 ec57 da em57 ec58 da $0000 ec59 da $0000 ec5a da em5a * * Consume all bytes up to next page boundary * filler ds \,$00 * * Must start on page boundary * openIoBuf ds 1024 readIoBuf ds BUF_SIZ