# CMD executable PATH for ProDOS's BASIC.SYSTEM [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/a2stuff/prodos-path.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/a2stuff/prodos-path) 💾 Disk images can be found on the [Releases](https://github.com/a2stuff/prodos-path/releases) page 💾 Build with [ca65](https://cc65.github.io/doc/ca65.html) ## Instructions For Users Installation: * Copy files from the floppy disk image to your Apple's hard disk, in a subdirectory e.g. `/HD/CMD` * From BASIC.SYSTEM prompt, run: `PATH`, e.g. `-/HD/CMD/PATH`, either from `STARTUP` or manually After installation, the usage is: ``` PATH prefix - set search path(s) - colon delimited PATH - view current search path(s) cmdname - load and execute named CMD, if in PATH ``` * Once set, binary files of type `CMD` in the specified directories can be invoked by name. * Supports multi-segment, colon-separated paths, e.g. `/hd/cmds:/hd2/more.cmds` Example: ``` ] -/hd/cmd/path - install it ] PATH /hd/cmd:/h2/bin - set PATH ] PATH - verify path /hd/cmd:/h2/bin ] BELL - will invoke /hd/cmd/BELL if present ] HELLO - will invoke /hd/cmd/HELLO if present ] ONLINE - will invoke /hd/cmd/ONLINE if present ``` Notes: * `PATH` can be invoked as lower case (e.g. `path /hd/cmd`) * Commands can be invoked as lower case (e.g. `hello`) Sample commands included: * `HELLO` - shows a short message, for testing purposes * `ECHO` - echoes back anything following the command * `ONLINE` - lists online volumes (volume name, slot and drive) * `COPY` - copy a single file, e.g. `copy /path/to/file,dstfile` * `TYPE` - show file contents (TXT, BAS, or BIN/other), e.g. `type filename` * `DATE` - prints the current ProDOS date and time * `CHTYPE` - change the type/auxtype of a file, e.g. `chtype file,T$F1,A$1234` * `T` (type) and `A` (auxtype) are optional. If neither is specified, current types are shown. * `S` and `D` arguments can be used to specify slot and drive. * `CHTIME` - change the modification date/time of a file, e.g. `chtime file,A$1234,B$5678` * `A` (date) and `B` (time) are optional. If neither is specified, current values are shown. * `S` and `D` arguments can be used to specify slot and drive. * `BELL` - emits the standard Apple II beep * `BUZZ` - emits the ProDOS "nice little tone" ## Instructions For Developers Behavior of `PATH`: * Search order when a command is typed: * ProDOS BASIC.SYSTEM intrinsics (`CAT`, `PREFIX`, etc) * BASIC keywords (`LIST`, `PRINT`, etc) * CMD files in paths, in listed order * Allocates a permanent buffer to store the code and path (2 pages) * Applesoft BASIC commands are unaffected (but can't be CMD names) * Commands with BASIC keywords as _prefixes_ are allowed as long as the command continues with an alphabetic character. For example, `ONLINE` is allowed despite conflicting with the valid BASIC statement `ONLINE GOTO10` which is short for `ON LINE GOTO 10`. Protocol for `CMD` files: * CMD file is loaded at $4000 and invoked; should return (`rts`) on completion. * $4000-$5FFF is assumed reserved for the CMD file and any buffers it needs. * The command line will be present at $200 (`GETLN` input buffer). * Commands can use the BI parser for arguments. See `chtype.cmd.s` for an example.