;;; ============================================================ ;;; ;;; PATH ;;; ;;; Build with: ca65 - https://cc65.github.io/doc/ca65.html ;;; ;;; ============================================================ .org $2000 .include "apple2.inc" .include "prodos.inc" ;;; ============================================================ cmd_load_addr := $4000 max_cmd_size = $2000 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Monitor ROM routines/locations INBUF := $200 ; GETLN input buffer CROUT := $FD8E COUT := $FDED MOVE := $FE2C ; call with Y=0 MOVE_SRC := $3C MOVE_END := $3E MOVE_DST := $42 TOKEN_NAME_TABLE := $D0D0 CASE_MASK = $DF ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Install the new command .proc installer ptr := $06 ;; Save previous external command address lda EXTRNCMD+1 sta next_command lda EXTRNCMD+2 sta next_command+1 ;; Request a buffer for handler. lda #handler_pages jsr GETBUFR bcc :+ lda #$C ; NO BUFFERS AVAILABLE rts : sta new_page ; A = MSB of new page ;; Reserve buffer permanently. ;; ProDOS Technical Note #9: Buffer Management Using BASIC.SYSTEM lda RSHIMEM sec sbc #handler_pages sta RSHIMEM ;; Compute move delta in pages lda new_page sec sbc #>handler sta page_delta ;; Relocatable routine is aligned to page boundary so only MSB changes ldx #0 : txa asl tay lda relocation_table+1,y sta ptr lda relocation_table+2,y sta ptr+1 lda (ptr) clc adc page_delta sta (ptr) inx cpx relocation_table bne :- ;; Relocate lda #handler sta MOVE_SRC+1 lda #handler_end sta MOVE_END+1 lda #0 sta MOVE_DST lda new_page sta MOVE_DST+1 ldy #0 jsr MOVE ;; Install new address in external command address lda new_page sta EXTRNCMD+2 lda #0 sta EXTRNCMD+1 ;; Complete rts new_page: .byte 0 page_delta: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ;;; Relocatable Section ;;; ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Use `reloc_counter ADDR` anywhere that needs the page updated ;;; ;;; Examples: ;;; ;;; reloc_point *+2 ; update MSB of following JSR ;;; jsr routine ;;; ;;; reloc_point *+1 ; update MSB used in following LDA ;;; lda #>routine ::reloc_counter .set 0 .macro reloc_point addr ::.ident (.sprintf ("RL%04X", ::reloc_counter)) := addr ::reloc_counter .set ::reloc_counter + 1 .endmacro ;;; Align handler to page boundary for easier relocation .res $2100 - *, 0 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Command Handler ;;; ============================================================ .proc handler ptr := $06 ; pointer into VPATH tptr := $08 ; pointer into TOKEN_NAME_TABLE lda VPATH1 sta ptr lda VPATH1+1 sta ptr+1 ;; Check for this command, character by character. reloc_point *+2 jsr skip_leading_spaces ldy #0 ; position in command string reloc_point *+2 nxtchr: jsr to_upper_ascii reloc_point *+2 cmp command_string,y bne check_if_token inx iny cpy #command_length bne nxtchr ;; A match - indicate end of command string for BI's parser. dey sty XLEN ;; Point BI's parser at the command execution routine. lda #execute sta XTRNADDR+1 ;; Mark command as external (zero). lda #0 sta XCNUM ;; Set accepted parameter flags (optional name) lda #PBitsFlags::FNOPT | PBitsFlags::FN1 sta PBITS lda #0 sta PBITS+1 clc ; Success (so far) rts ; Return to BASIC.SYSTEM ;;; ============================================================ check_if_token: ;; Is a PATH set? reloc_point *+2 lda path_buffer beq not_ours reloc_point *+2 jsr skip_leading_spaces reloc_point *+2 jsr to_upper_ascii cmp #'A' bcc not_ours cmp #'Z'+1 bcs not_ours ;; Check if it's a BASIC token. Based on the AppleSoft BASIC source. ;; Point tptr at TOKEN_NAME_TABLE less one page (will advance below) lda #<(TOKEN_NAME_TABLE-$100) sta tptr lda #>(TOKEN_NAME_TABLE-$100) sta tptr+1 ;; These are immediately incremented dex ldy #$FF ; (tptr),y offset TOKEN_NAME_TABLE ;; Match loop mloop: iny ; Advance through token table bne :+ inc tptr+1 : inx ;; Check for match next_char: reloc_point *+2 jsr to_upper_ascii ; Next character ;; NOTE: Does not skip over spaces, unlike BASIC tokenizer sec ; Compare by subtraction.. sbc (tptr),Y beq mloop cmp #$80 ; If only difference was the high bit beq not_ours ; then it's end-of-token -- and a match! ;; Otherwise, advance to next token next_token: reloc_point *+2 jsr skip_leading_spaces sloop: lda (tptr),y ; Scan table looking for a high bit set iny bne :+ inc tptr+1 : asl bcc sloop ; High bit clear, keep looking lda (tptr),y ; End of table? bne next_char ; Nope, check for a match beq maybe_invoke not_ours: sec ; Signal failure... next_command := *+1 jmp $ffff ; Execute next command in chain ;;; ============================================================ fail_invoke: sec rts maybe_invoke: ppos := $D6 ; position into path_buffer lda #0 sta ppos ;; Compose path compose: ldx ppos reloc_point *+2 cpx path_buffer beq fail_invoke ;; Entry from path list ldy #1 reloc_point *+2 : lda path_buffer+1,x inx cmp #':' ; separator beq :+ sta (ptr),y iny reloc_point *+2 cpx path_buffer bne :- ;; Slash separator : stx ppos lda #'/' sta (ptr),y iny ;; Name from command line reloc_point *+2 jsr skip_leading_spaces reloc_point *+2 : jsr to_upper_ascii cmp #'.' beq ok cmp #'0' bcc notok cmp #'9'+1 bcc ok cmp #'A' bcc notok cmp #'Z'+1 bcs notok ok: sta (ptr),y iny inx cpx #65 ; Maximum path length+1 bcc :- bcs compose notok: dey tya ldy #0 sta (ptr),y ;; Check to see if path exists. lda #$A ; param length sta SSGINFO MLI_CALL GET_FILE_INFO, SSGINFO bne compose ; no such file - try next path directory ;; Check to see if type is CMD. lda FIFILID cmp #$F0 ; CMD bne compose ; wrong type - try next path directory ;; Tell BASIC.SYSTEM it was handled. lda #0 sta XCNUM sta PBITS sta PBITS+1 lda #XRETURN sta XTRNADDR+1 ;; MLI/BI trashes part of INBUF, so stash it in upper half. ldx #$7F : lda INBUF,x sta INBUF+$80,x dex bpl :- ;; Reserve buffer for I/O lda #4 jsr GETBUFR bcc :+ lda #$C ; NO BUFFERS AVAILABLE rts : sta OSYSBUF+1 ;; Now try to open/read/close and invoke it MLI_CALL OPEN, SOPEN bne fail_load lda OREFNUM sta RWREFNUM sta CFREFNUM lda #cmd_load_addr sta RWDATA+1 lda #max_cmd_size sta RWCOUNT+1 MLI_CALL READ, SREAD bne fail_load MLI_CALL CLOSE, SCLOSE jsr FREEBUFR ;; Restore INBUF now that MLI/BI work is done. ldx #$7F : lda INBUF+$80,x sta INBUF,x dex bpl :- ;; Invoke command jsr cmd_load_addr clc ; success rts ; Return to BASIC.SYSTEM fail_load: jsr FREEBUFR lda #8 ; I/O ERROR - TODO: is this used??? sec rts ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ============================================================ execute: ;; Verify required arguments lda FBITS and #PBitsFlags::FN1 ; Filename? bne set_path ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Show current path ldx #0 reloc_point *+2 : cpx path_buffer beq done reloc_point *+2 lda path_buffer+1,x ora #$80 jsr COUT inx bpl :- jsr CROUT done: clc rts ;;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Set path set_path: ldy #0 lda (ptr),y tay : lda (ptr),y reloc_point *+2 sta path_buffer,y dey bpl :- clc rts ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Helpers ;;; Returns INBUF,x with high bit stripped and up-cased ;;; (also converts {|}~DEL to [\]^_ but that's okay) .proc to_upper_ascii lda INBUF,x and #$7F cmp #'a' bcc skip and #CASE_MASK skip: rts .endproc ;;; Returns with X pointing at first non-space in INBUF, ;;; and that character loaded in A. .proc skip_leading_spaces ldx #$FF : inx lda INBUF,x cmp #' '|$80 beq :- rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Data command_string: .byte "PATH" command_length = *-command_string path_buffer: .res 65, 0 .endproc handler_end := *-1 handler_pages = (.sizeof(handler) + $FF) / $100 next_command := handler::next_command ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ;;; Relocation Table ;;; ;;; ============================================================ relocation_table: .byte ::reloc_counter .repeat ::reloc_counter, rc .addr ::.ident (.sprintf ("RL%04X", rc)) .endrepeat ;;; ============================================================