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2021-06-01 21:21:33 +02:00
package prog8tests
import com.github.michaelbull.result.Ok
import com.github.michaelbull.result.expectError
2021-10-30 15:15:11 +02:00
import com.github.michaelbull.result.getOrElse
import io.kotest.assertions.withClue
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
2021-06-01 21:21:33 +02:00
class TestStringEncodings: FunSpec({
2021-06-01 21:21:33 +02:00
context("petscii") {
test("testZero") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("\u0000", true) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0u))
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("\u0000", false) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0u))
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(0u), true) shouldBe Ok("\u0000")
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(0u), false) shouldBe Ok("\u0000")
test("testLowercase") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("hello WORLD 123 @!£", true) shouldBe
Ok(listOf<UByte>(72u, 69u, 76u, 76u, 79u, 32u, 0xd7u, 0xcfu, 0xd2u, 0xccu, 0xc4u, 32u, 49u, 50u, 51u, 32u, 64u, 33u, 0x5cu))
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("\uf11a", true) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0x12u)) // reverse vid
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("", true) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0xfau))
withClue("expect lowercase error fallback") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("π", true) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(255u))
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("", true) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0xd3u))
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(72u, 0xd7u, 0x5cu, 0xfau, 0x12u), true) shouldBe Ok("hW£✓\uF11A")
2021-06-01 21:21:33 +02:00
test("testUppercase") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("HELLO 123 @!£") shouldBe
Ok(listOf<UByte>(72u, 69u, 76u, 76u, 79u, 32u, 49u, 50u, 51u, 32u, 64u, 33u, 0x5cu))
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("\uf11a") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0x12u)) // reverse vid
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0xd3u))
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("π") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0xffu))
withClue("expecting fallback") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(250u))
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(72u, 0x5cu, 0xd3u, 0xffu)) shouldBe Ok("H£♥π")
test("testScreencodeLowercase") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("hello WORLD 123 @!£", true) shouldBe
Ok(listOf<UByte>(0x08u, 0x05u, 0x0cu, 0x0cu, 0x0fu, 0x20u, 0x57u, 0x4fu, 0x52u, 0x4cu, 0x44u, 0x20u, 0x31u, 0x32u, 0x33u, 0x20u, 0x00u, 0x21u, 0x1cu))
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("", true) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0x7au))
withClue("expect fallback") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("", true) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(83u))
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("π", true) shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(94u))
2021-06-01 21:21:33 +02:00
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(0x08u, 0x57u, 0x1cu, 0x7au), true) shouldBe Ok("hW£✓")
2021-06-01 21:21:33 +02:00
test("testScreencodeUppercase") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("WORLD 123 @!£") shouldBe
Ok(listOf<UByte>(0x17u, 0x0fu, 0x12u, 0x0cu, 0x04u, 0x20u, 0x31u, 0x32u, 0x33u, 0x20u, 0x00u, 0x21u, 0x1cu))
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0x53u))
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("π") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(0x5eu))
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("HELLO") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(8u, 5u, 12u, 12u, 15u))
withClue("expecting fallback") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("hello") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(8u, 5u, 12u, 12u, 15u))
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("") shouldBe Ok(listOf<UByte>(122u))
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(0x17u, 0x1cu, 0x53u, 0x5eu)) shouldBe Ok("W£♥π")
2021-06-01 21:21:33 +02:00
test("testErrorCases") {
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("~", true).expectError { "shouldn't be able to encode tilde" }
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("~", false).expectError { "shouldn't be able to encode tilde" }
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("~", true).expectError { "shouldn't be able to encode tilde" }
PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("~", false).expectError { "shouldn't be able to encode tilde" }
test("testSpecialReplacements") {
fun encodeP(c: Char, lower: Boolean) = PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii(c.toString(), lower).getOrElse { throw it }.single()
fun encodeS(c: Char, lower: Boolean) = PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode(c.toString(), lower).getOrElse { throw it }.single()
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("`", false).expectError { "shouldn't have translation for backtick" }
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("`", true).expectError { "shouldn't have translation for backtick" }
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("~", false).expectError { "shouldn't have translation for tilde" }
PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("~", true).expectError { "shouldn't have translation for tilde" }
encodeP('^', false) shouldBe 94u
encodeP('^', true) shouldBe 94u
encodeS('^', false) shouldBe 30u
encodeS('^', true) shouldBe 30u
encodeP('_', false) shouldBe 228u
encodeP('_', true) shouldBe 228u
encodeS('_', false) shouldBe 100u
encodeS('_', true) shouldBe 100u
encodeP('{', false) shouldBe 243u
encodeP('{', true) shouldBe 243u
encodeS('{', false) shouldBe 115u
encodeS('{', true) shouldBe 115u
encodeP('}', false) shouldBe 235u
encodeP('}', true) shouldBe 235u
encodeS('}', false) shouldBe 107u
encodeS('}', true) shouldBe 107u
encodeP('|', false) shouldBe 221u
encodeP('|', true) shouldBe 221u
encodeS('|', false) shouldBe 93u
encodeS('|', true) shouldBe 93u
encodeP('\\', false) shouldBe 205u
encodeP('\\', true) shouldBe 205u
encodeS('\\', false) shouldBe 77u
encodeS('\\', true) shouldBe 77u
test("testBoxDrawingCharsEncoding") {
fun encodeP(c: Char, lower: Boolean) = PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii(c.toString(), lower).getOrElse { throw it }.single()
fun encodeS(c: Char, lower: Boolean) = PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode(c.toString(), lower).getOrElse { throw it }.single()
// pipe char
encodeP('|', false) shouldBe 221u
encodeP('|', true) shouldBe 221u
encodeS('|', false) shouldBe 93u
encodeS('|', true) shouldBe 93u
// ... same as '│', 0x7D -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL
encodeP('│', false) shouldBe 221u
encodeP('│', true) shouldBe 221u
encodeS('│', false) shouldBe 93u
encodeS('│', true) shouldBe 93u
// underscore
encodeP('_', false) shouldBe 228u
encodeP('_', true) shouldBe 228u
encodeS('_', false) shouldBe 100u
encodeS('_', true) shouldBe 100u
// ... same as '▁', 0xE4 LOWER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK
encodeP('▁', false) shouldBe 228u
encodeP('▁', true) shouldBe 228u
encodeS('▁', false) shouldBe 100u
encodeS('▁', true) shouldBe 100u
encodeP('─', false) shouldBe 192u
encodeP('─', true) shouldBe 192u
encodeS('─', false) shouldBe 64u
encodeS('─', true) shouldBe 64u
encodeP('│', false) shouldBe 221u
encodeP('│', true) shouldBe 221u
encodeS('│', false) shouldBe 93u
encodeS('│', true) shouldBe 93u
2021-10-30 15:15:11 +02:00
test("testBoxDrawingCharsDecoding") {
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(195u), false).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '\uf13b' //"BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL ONE EIGHTH UP (CUS)"
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(195u), true).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe 'C'
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(192u), false).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '─'
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(192u), true).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '─'
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(67u), false).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '\uf13b' //"BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL ONE EIGHTH UP (CUS)"
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(67u), true).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe 'C'
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(64u), false).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '─'
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(64u), true).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '─'
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(125u), false).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '│'
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(125u), true).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '│'
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(221u), false).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '│'
PetsciiEncoding.decodePetscii(listOf(221u), true).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '│'
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(93u), false).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '│'
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(93u), true).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '│'
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(66u), false).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe '\uf13c' // "BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL ONE EIGHTH LEFT (CUS)"
PetsciiEncoding.decodeScreencode(listOf(66u), true).getOrElse { throw it }.single() shouldBe 'B'
2021-10-30 15:15:11 +02:00
context("iso") {
test("iso accepts iso-characters") {
val result = IsoEncoding.encode("a_~ëç")
result.getOrElse { throw it }.map {it.toInt()} shouldBe listOf(97, 95, 126, 235, 231)
2021-10-30 15:15:11 +02:00
test("non-iso doesn't accept iso-characters") {
var result = PetsciiEncoding.encodePetscii("a_~ë")
result.expectError { "should not encode" }
result = PetsciiEncoding.encodeScreencode("a_~ë")
result.expectError { "should not encode" }
2021-10-30 15:15:11 +02:00